CSE 350/450 Network SecuritySpring 2005

Lecture LabLocation

Tu/Thurs 1:10pm-2:25pm PL112 MG110

If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting accommodations, please contact your professor and the Office of Academic Services, Room 212, UniversityCenter or call (610-758-4152) as early as possible in the semester. University policy states that you must notify your professor seven (7) days prior to the exam.


Office: PA 506Phone: (610) 758-4061

Office Hours: Tues 11-12 noon

Class Web Site: Blackboard

Prerequisites:Programming in C/C++, Understanding of Computer Network Architecture

Recommended textbooks:

W. Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security” (W)

E. Zwicky etc, “Building Internet Firewalls”, O Reilly (Z)

S, Thomas, “SSL and TLS Essentials” (T)

S. Northcuff etc, “Network Intrusion Detection”

Recommended books for background catchup:

R. Steven, “TCP/IP Illustrated”

W. Gray, “Linux Socket Programming”

Course Goal: To have an overall knowledge of network security threats & vulnerabilities, learn some techniques & tools for detecting, responding to and recovering from security incidents. For graduate students, they also learn how to critique others’ papers in this area and present own ideas/views via written technical reports.

Course Descriptions:

In this class, you will learn how TCP/IP protocol suites work, what are their strengths and weaknesses. You will also learn to use publicly available tools for detecting, responding and recovering from security incidents e.g. tcpdump, nmap, SNORT etc. This class will also cover the techniques used in the real world for detecting and responding to network intrusions. Newly proposed research techniques will also be discussed. In addition, you will learn how to configure firewalls, what the different types of VPNs are, IPSEC, PKI etc. Last but not least, wireless security issues will also be discussed.


You will periodically receive homework assignments that are to be turned in and will be graded. You may discuss the homework with other students in the class, but you must do your own work; you may not copy someone else’s solution.


For the Class Project, you will work in groups. There will be two big projects: one related to wireless security and the other related to DDOS migitation techniques


There will a midterm exam and a final exam.


Undergraduates: Homework (30%), Term Project (25%), Midterm (20%), Final (25%)

Graduates: Homework (20%), Term Project (25%), Midterm (20%), Final (20%), Term Paper (15%).

Homeworks and project deliverables are collected at the beginning of class on the due date. If your assignment arrives after this time, it is marked late. Late penalties are 10% for the first 24hrs, 20% for up to 2 days late, 30% for up to 3 days late, 40% for up to 4 days late. No assignment is accepted when it is more than 4 days late.

Tentative Course Schedule:

Date / Topic / Reading / Homework (individual) / Project (team)
Jan 18 / Overview of TCP/IP, Socket Programming / TCP/IP tutorial
Jan 20 / Network Vulnerabilities, Sniffers / HW#1: Socket Programming
Jan 25 / Footprinting, Spoofing
Jan 27 / IP Fragmentation
Feb 01 / Packet Filtering, Firewall / HW#2: Pkt Sniffers
Feb 03 / Proxies, Bastion Host, HW#1 discussion / Chap 8-10 of Z
Feb 8 / DOS, IDS
Feb 10 / DDOS / 3 papers
Feb 15 / Worm/Virus Detection / Project Proposal Due
Feb 17 / Buffer Overflow vulnerabilities
Feb 22 / Secured Email, Kerboros, X.509 / HW#3: Firewall
Feb 24 / TLS/SSL / Chap 14 of W
Mar 1 / TLS/SSL / SSL/TLS Essentials book, Chap 17 of W
Mar 03 / Cryptography I
Mar 15 / Cryptography II
Mar 17 / Midterm
Mar 22 / Review of Midterm & Symmetric Key / HW#4: TLS/SSL
Mar 24 / Public Key/Key Management
Mar 29 / VPN 1 / PPTP papers
Mar 31 / VPN 2 / Chap 16 (W)
Apr 5 / IPSEC
Apr 7 / IPSEC / Wireless_cacm paper,
Mobicom 80211_security paper
Apr 12 / WLAN Security
Apr 14 / WLAN Security / HW#5: IPSEC
Apr 19 /

Adhoc Network Security

/ MANET Research Papers
Apr 21 /

Sensor Network Security

Apr 26 / Review / War Game Project

revised 10/10/20181