CSCI 423: Web application engineering

Spring 2015
Hamilton Basement / David Tucker
(814) 732-2550

149 Ross Hall / Office Hours
Monday: 10:00 → 12:00
Tuesday: 3:30 → 4:30
Wednesday: 11:00 → 12:00
Thursday: 3:30 → 4:30

I. Course Description
This course integrates topics covered in CSCI323 and CSCI313. Students will apply pre-requisite knowledge to develop and implement a complete e-commerce web site. Course content will be explored through a real world team project. Pre-requisite: CSCI323 and CSCI313.

II. Course Objectives:
Successful completion of the course will be based upon the following objectives:

1.  Describe the roles and responsibilities of team members involved in development of a website.

2.  Document phases in the development cycle of a website.

3.  Implement the web development plan to build a website.

4.  Develop a marketing and maintenance plan for a website.

5.  Apply the tools and techniques used in website development.

Additional Items to Note:

If things go as planned you will be creating a web site for a real client. This will include a database backend with add, edit and search features. You will work in teams. So a by-product will be to learn how to work with other, you will need this skill at work. This will also include learning how to deal with a client and all the issues associated with that.

III. Course Calendar

The course calendar is located at

We’ll be building the calendar as the semester progresses.

IV. Required Text & Materials

/ Fundamentals of Web Development
Randy Connolly
Ricardo Hoar
ISBN-10: 0133407152
ISBN-13: 9780133407150
©2015 •Addison-Wesley •Paper, 1024 pp

1.  You'll need the book for sure, which needs to be brought to all class meetings

2.  Access to software such as notepad, Dreamweaver and Photoshop. All of these are on computer in certain computer labs. For now we know that the Ross Hall lab and Hamilton Basement labs will have this software installed.

3.  I’ll have Jason set each group up with some web space. You can request something unique if that solves the problem better.

V. Assessment and Evaluation:
There will be homework assignments throughout the course. Typically we’ll do 1 or 2 of the projects at the end of each chapter. You’ll have some time in class to start these but most likely need additional lab time to finish.

During the course we will be working on your group web site so at the end of the semester you can show me a site that includes all the features you learned throughout the semester.

We made need to make some modification to the schedule depending on how fast the class learns the material. This may effect grading in relation to the number of homework and weights of each. Typically your exams will be mostly hands-on or take home projects.

Examinations:There will be three (3) major exams.

1.  Exam 1: TBA – These may be a demonstration of your progress to me, the client and class

2.  Exam 2: TBA

3.  Final Exam: Tuesday @ 10:15

Derivation of Final Grades

Weights for Determining the Final Grade:
Big Project: 60%
Homework & Labs 20%
Exams 20%
The final score will be converted to a letter grade using the following scale:
90 < score < 100 A
87 < score < 89 B+
80 < score < 87 B
77 < score < 80 C+
70 < score < 77 C
60 < score < 70 D
0 < score < 60 F

-  I grade on your results and that you can demonstrate to me how well you know the material.

-  Incomplete grades will be assigned only if proper documentation is presented and the student has a passing grade in the course at the time of withdrawal (very rare).

-  All assessment is based on results as it is unfair for the instructor to subjectively evaluate effort for each student in the class.

-  If you miss more than 1/3 (5 weeks of class) that is an automatic Failing grade.

Academic Integrity:
You are expected to do your fair share of work and research for your group. You may be called upon to explain your part.

VI. American Disabilities Act Statement:
Any student who has a physical or learning disability which requires special accommodations should make an appointment to discuss this with the instructor.

VIII. Some Final Comments:
It is the instructor's intention to provide an environment that is relaxed and academically stimulating. You will be encouraged to ask questions and participate in the lectures and demonstrations.
Taking notes will be very important in this class. You will be given important information that is not in the book.

I will also need your patience when I am helping one group that the other groups will be focused and engaged with working on their projects.

It is very clear that high performance in a class is linked with consistent attendance and reasonable effort. I do expect you to attend all classes and you are responsible for knowing about any announcements or assignments made during class. If missing a class is unavoidable, the student is expected to copy the lecture notes from one of her/his peers. Handouts distributed can be obtained from the instructor during office hours.
Please do not use office hour time to make-up excessive unexcused absences. This course is taught in a lecture/laboratory style. While the instructor is lecturing, it is EXPECTED that no one will be working on computers unless that is part of the course. It's rude and disruptive to both other students and the instructor. Students are expected to use the lab time (when scheduled) wisely while the instructor is there assist. Additionally, you should set several hours aside each week for reading and homework. You can expect that this class will take many additional hours of out of class time.