CSCI 1150 W/ Prof. Bucher Project 1

CSCI 1150 W/ Prof. Bucher Project 1

CSCI 1150 w/ Prof. Bucher – Project 1

Mid – Semester Website Project

100 points – with the option for more extra credit points

Minimum Requirements (100 points)

Create three html webpages, it does not matter what you put on the webpages, just have fun with it and keep in mind that it will be published live on the Internet. Start from scratch, these will be three new files different from any of the ones we have worked on for previous assignments.

You may name these three pages anything you want, just be sure to include the .html extension and use a different name from any previous assignments.

The pages must have hyperlink navigation; so at least the first webpage must have a hyperlink that connects to the second page, and the second page must have a hyperlink to connect to the third

So if two of my webpages were named webproject1.html and webproject2.html, then in the first webpage I would include the following html command:

<a href="webproject2.html"> Click here to go to my second page! </a>

Be sure to save all your files in the same folder

Each page must have a title which appears in the browser tab title bar area

that was done in the html head section with the following example:

title> My Hobbies </title>

You must put at least one image on each page


The extension will be something like .jpg, or .gif, or .bmp, or any other valid image types

Use at least one ordered list


<li> Coffee </li>

<li> Tea </li>

<li> Juice </li>


Use at least one unordered list


<li> Coffee </li>

<li> Tea </li>

<li> Juice </li>


Use one table (at least 3x3, be sure the border is displayed so I will be able to see it easily)

Use either a background color or image for each of the three webpages

<body bgcolor="yellow">or use CSS to set background image

Include at least one external hyperlink to a different site (such as to youtube, MTSU, espn, etc.)

It must include at least one webpage that is styled with CSS, you may use either internal <style> </style> tags in the html head section or use an external CSS file that is linked to one or more of your webpages

You must include at least one JavaScript feature

It must be uploaded to Ranger and work successfully

Remember to put all files needed into the public_html folder, also remember everything is case-sensitive!

Extra Credit

+10 points – For any embedded video, animated images, or audio added to your website.

+10 points – For any other over the top features, such as tabbed navigation, or any other CSS or JavaScript features more than what we have gone over previously.