March 2010

CS Attendance Transformation


Why are we making the changes?


BT’s Customer Service strategy over the next two years is to transform their business to help achieve its goal of being number one for customer service. A crucial part of this is about being available to help and support customers at the times they want to engage with BT. This will become increasingly important over the next few months as BT Retail takes steps to exploit its broadband network and scale up its TV business making it increasingly likely that customers will need our help and support during evenings and weekends.

BT’s strategy is to have the majority of their customer facing staff in the UK which means bringing work back fromIndia where appropriate. This has been designed to help BT meet the growing demand for service outside standard business hours.

Manpower fully supports the strategic changes BT is making to become the customer service leader in their market. Through you Manpower is able to adapt, change and continue to develop our longstanding partnership with BT, delivering resourcingsolutionsin the changing world of work.

When does attendance transformation start?


You will be informed from mid March about the changes.The Pick & Mix process will open across the summer and the new attendance patterns will commence later this year:

Making my attendance preferences

How will the Pick & Mix process work?


Pick & Mix will be available online and you will be shown how to use the system by your BT team manager. The tool is easy to use and will guide you through all the stages where you will berequired to select from a range of different attendance patterns. You will only be allowed to select patterns which are available in your LOB/location. You will also be able to tailor these preferences to suit your personal circumstances, for example, you may be able to request later start-times etc.

You should select as many preferred attendances as you can, up to a maximum of 5.

You may change and re-submit your preferences as many times as you wish during the Pick & Mix period, with your last submission being the one which is considered. At the end of the period, all preferences will be assessed and you will be advised which shift pattern you have been allocated.

What happens if I have a lifestyle change in the future that conflicts with my new attendance pattern?


A process is in place to consider emergency and or exceptional circumstances only. If you are not aware of how this process works please speak to your Manpower consultant.

If I choose a weekend/evening shift do the current shift premiums still apply?


There are no plans to change arrangements for premium-rateshifts.

What happens if the attendance options available are not flexible enough to meet my commitments outside of work?


ThePick & Mix system has been designed to ensure you have several options to choose from to avoid such a situation. However, the shift patterns have been designed based on the future needs of the business and are the core hours which mustbe covered.

Will Manpower and BT employees will be treated the same?


Manpower senior management have worked closely with the BT project team, National Recruitment Centre and the CWU to ensure a fair process is put in place. All advisors, be it BT or Manpower, will have equal access to the available attendance patterns.

How and when will my new attendance pattern be communicated to me?


Following the closure of the Pick & Mix selection phase there will be 3 weeks worth of analysis to ensure BT has allocated enough resource for projected customer demand whilst taking into consideration individuals needs.

You will be notified approximately 6 weeks prior to the start date of the new attendance patterns.

When can I view a sample shift rota?


Individuals will be able to view the attendance options when Pick & Mix is officially launchedand downloada printable format. This ensures attendance options can be reviewed in more detail and discussed with family members andsignificant others.

Hours & Pay

If a Sunday is part of my normal working week will I be paid time and a half?


Typically, there is a premium-rate for Sunday working, as stated previously, there are no plans to change this arrangement, although some people may have a different premium-rate arrangement.

Is attendance transformation going to affect how much overtime is available to me?


BT's intention is that they will now be able to provide their customers with a better service, particularly during periods where they have previously not had adequate resource. Currently BT need to offer overtime or additional hours to fill this resource requirement, andwould expect that in future there will be a reduced requirement for overtime or additional hours.

I currently work (20, 25, 30 or 36) hours, will I get a chance to pick more or less hours?


At this stage there are no plans to offer more hours; individuals who wish to reduce their hours should discuss this with their Manpower manager.

I currently work 27 hours a week, will I get a chance to move to 25 or 30 hours?


Individuals who work non-standard portfolio attendances will be able to reduce their hours to the nearest standard number i.e. people on 27 hours could move to 25 hours. This is a standard option on the Pick & Mix system.


What happens if I don’t want to change?


We hope that the Pick & Mix process will have sufficient options to allow you to select the most appropriate pattern to suit your lifestyle needs. In the unlikely event that you are unable to find a suitable option from the extensive list, you will need to speak to your Manpower Manager in the first instance.

What happens if I am absent from work during the briefings and when the Pick & Mix tool is available?


There is plenty of time to factor in any new attendance preferences you would like to be considered for when you return to work, so there is no rush to think about your preferences straight away. We will proactively be in contact with you at various stages to keep you informed of the process. Please feel free to contact your Manpower team to discuss and questions or concerns you have in more detail. Any information regarding Pick Mix and the attendance variations for your line of business can be sent to you for your perusal prior to your return to work.

Vi Last updated 01.04.10