DeSotoCountyHigh School

Physical Education

Class Procedures and Expectations


1. Be prepared to participate in a physical activity everyday. That means you will be required to dress-out for class.

2. Be prepared to keep notes and a notebook.

3. Must apply EFFORT!!!


1. You must be in the gymnasium in a prescribed area when the tardy bell rings. Please enter and exit the gym through the doors closest to the Library only. All other doors are prohibited unless given permission by the teacher.

2. Tardies…follow school policy. You will be referred to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action after a 3rd tardy / per semester. Chronic tardies will not be tolerated.

3. After roll has been taken, you will proceed to the locker room area to change for class. Once changed report back to the gym and take your spot in a prescribed area, waiting for instruction. You will only have a reasonable amount of time (5 minutes) to get changed.

4. At the conclusion of the days lesson, you will return to the locker room to change back into your school clothes. Once changed, please retake your assigned area in the gym and wait in an orderly fashion until the instructor or school bell dismisses you.


1. A T-shirt and shorts are required for participation. Remember your clothing must be in good taste. Anything with DCHS Bulldogs on it is highly encouraged; however any tasteful, athletic clothing is acceptable. Sweat pants are acceptable. Big PE no no…Do not wear the same clothes to class that you wore to school, your fellow students and the school staff would appreciate this…if you get what I’m saying.

2. No longer are spandex shorts, spaghetti strap tops, or tank tops allowed in class. Shirts must have sleeves.

2. Socks and shoes are required. Any soft soled athletic shoe is acceptable. Boots and flip-flops are not acceptable.

3. Backpacks must not be carried in the hallway do to safety concerns. Backpacks may be brought to your PE locker before the 1st period tardy bell rings.

4. PE uniforms are available for $18 a set. Please see one of the PE instructors for uniform information.


1. You are required to dress out and participate for class everyday. A student who does not dress out will receive a participation grade of zero for that day. If a medical reasons you must have permission from instructor and an alternative assignment will be given.

2. Please!! DO NOT BRING FOOD, CANDY, GUM, OR SOFT DRINKS INTO THE GYM. Anyone found eating, drinking, or chewing in the gym will get a chance to work on their custodial skills.

3. Please remove hats and sunglasses when you are in the gym. You are encouraged to protect yourself from the sun when we are outside; however, it is only common courtesy to remove these items when inside.

4. You are not permitted to be in the weight room, gymnasium, or locker rooms unless supervised by a teacher.

5. The foyer outside the gymnasium is off limits, unless supervised by a teacher. Anyone caught in this area unsupervised will be considered out of area.

6. At no time will we be participating in any activities that will take place in the parking lot. Therefore, there will not be any reason for you to be in the parking lot or at your car, or your friend’s car.


1. You are strongly encouraged to rent a locker from the PE Department for $1.00. The sharing of lockers is discouraged. Do not share your locker combination with anyone.

2. All money and valuables are to be locked in your locker. The PE Department recommends that you not bring anything of value to class. If you must, you can give the instructor your valued items and it will be locked in an office during the class. However, it is still your responsibility to come and retrieve the item at the conclusion of the class period.DeSotoCountyHigh School and the Physical Education Department are not responsible for any unsecured items.

3. The locker rooms and the locker room cage will be locked during class time and between classes.


Students are expected to attend and participate in Physical Education class daily. This requires them to be prepared for class (i.e. change of clothes, proper shoes, and participation). Just as in other classes, when a student is absent they are expected to make-up the work for the day missed. This includes excused and unexcused absences, as well as OSS and ISP absences. If in ISP the assignment must be completed there and turned into the ISP Instructor. The assignment due per absences is 2 written summaries of a news article. Summary topics can be anything related to Physical Education…ex. health, sports, fitness, and medical issues. Students will have 3 school days to get assignments turned in for credit. After a student obtains more than 5 unexcused absences, then that student will not be allowed to make-up the days missed.It is to the teacher’s discretion whether full credit will be awarded for the summary.

If a student is present for class, but not feeling well or injured (Doctor or parent note is required) they will follow the same procedure as if they were absent from class. The summary will be due the next school day. If a student is absent due to a school related activity then no summary is necessary. However, this must be approved by the PE instructor.

All written summaries will be graded on the quality of work and neatness. Summaries will need to be hand written, not typed. The news article will also need to be attached to the make-up work.


No electronic devises (Ipod, cell phone, MP3 player, CD player, Game Boy, etc.) should be seen or heard during class. If there is any violation of this rule, the devise will be taken to the office and be dealt with according to the student handbook.


-Prepared for class: dressing out and class participation80%

-Final Exam20%

Total: 100%