1. PositionCode
Federalprivacy lawsand/orstate confidentialityrequirementsprotect aportionofthisinformation.
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Thisform istobecompletedbythepersonthatoccupiesthepositionbeingdescribedandreviewedbythe supervisorandappointingauthoritytoensureitsaccuracy. Itisimportantthateachofthepartiessignand date the form. If the position is vacant, the supervisor and appointingauthority should complete the form.This formwill serve as the official classification document of record for this position.Please takethe time to completethisformasaccuratelyasyoucansincetheinformationinthisformisusedtodeterminetheproper classificationoftheposition. THESUPERVISORAND/ORAPPOINTINGAUTHORITYSHOULD COMPLETE THIS PAGE.
2. Employee’sName(Last,First,M.I.) / 8. Department/Agency
3. EmployeeIdentification Number / 9. Bureau(Institution,Board,orCommission)
Highway Operations
4. CivilServiceClassificationofPosition
Transportation Maintenance Worker –E (6/7/E8) / 10. Division
University Region
5. WorkingTitleofPosition(Whattheagencytitlesthe position)
Transportation Maintenance Worker (TNC) / 11. Section
Brighton Transportation Service Center
6. NameandClassificationof DirectSupervisor
Doug Lynch, Transportation Maintenance Supervisor 1 (11) / 12. Unit
Brighton Garage
7. NameandClassificationofNextHigherLevelSupervisor
Andrew Hodges, Engineer Mgr. Licensed 3 (14) / 13. WorkLocation(Cityand Address)/Hours ofWork
10102 E Grand River, Brighton, MI, 48116
7:00 am – 3:30 pm – Monday thru Friday (hours may vary)
14. General SummaryofFunction/PurposeofPosition
Under the direction of a Transportation Maintenance Supervisor or a Transportation Maintenance Worker-A, perform maintenance activities. Operate equipment used in performing listed tasks. Perform all tasks in a safe manner. Participate in the TMW Work Element Program.
15. Pleasedescribeyourassignedduties,percent oftimespentperformingeachduty,andexplainwhatisdone tocompleteeachduty.
Listyourdutiesintheorder ofimportance,frommostimportanttoleastimportant.Thetotalpercentage ofalldutiesperformedmustequal100percent.
GeneralSummary ofDuty1%of Time 85
Performance functions
•In accordance with the current maintenance guidelines:
-Perform general maintenance activities.
-Perform surface maintenance activities.
-Perform shoulder maintenance activities.
-Perform roadside maintenance activities.
-Perform winter maintenance activities.
-Perform traffic control and work zone management.
-Perform equipment maintenance activities.
-Perform facility maintenance activities.
GeneralSummary ofDuty2%of Time 5
Administrative functions
•Report time and activities accurately.
-Participate in Work Element Training Program and maintain required documentation.
-Attend training.
GeneralSummary ofDuty3%of Time 5
Safety functions
Individualtasksrelated totheduty.
•Acquire knowledge of facility PIP Plan.
-Operate equipment safely.
-Attend safety, CPR and First Aid training.
-Acquire knowledge of current safety policies and procedures.
-Perform work duties in accordance with current safety procedures.
-Wear proper PPE in accordance with current policy
GeneralSummary ofDuty4%of Time 5
Other functions
Individualtasksrelated totheduty.
•Perform additional duties as required.
GeneralSummary ofDuty5%of Time
Individualtasksrelated totheduty.
GeneralSummary ofDuty6%of Time
Individualtasksrelated totheduty.
16. Describethetypesof decisionsyoumakeindependentlyinyourpositionandtellwhoand/or whatisaffectedbythosedecisions.Useadditionalsheets,ifnecessary.
When to start or stop work in different traffic situation due to safety or weather conditions.
Whenever possible, identify, recommend and implement improvements in the work methods and materials utilized in the position.
Make decisions that will enhance activity performance.
17. Describethetypesofdecisionsthatrequireyoursupervisor’sreview.
When directions are not clear or problems occur.
Working overtime.
Working in travel status.
18. Whatkindof physicaleffortdoyouuseinyourposition? Whatenvironmentalconditionsareyouphysicallyexposedtoinyour position? Indicatetheamount oftimeandintensityof eachactivityandcondition. Refertoinstructionsonpage2.
Handling objects weighing 100 lbs. or more, operate heavy equipment, climb ladders, work in areas with moving traffic and heavy
equipment, work in all extremes of weather. Potential exposure to hazardous materials. Ability to sit for long periods, work in confined
spaces, work from heights, wear correct PPE, complete physical qualifications for CDL, sustain extensive and repetitive twisting, bending,
climbing, stooping, kneeling, reaching, crouching, lifting and squatting. Traversing rough terrain.
19. Listthenamesandclassificationtitlesof classifiedemployeeswhomyouimmediatelysuperviseoroverseeonafull-time,on-going basis. (Ifmorethan10,listonlyclassificationtitlesandthenumberof employeesineachclassification.)
20. Myresponsibilityfortheabove-listedemployeesincludesthefollowing(checkasmanyasapply):
Provideformalwritten counseling.Approvework.
Approveleaverequests. Reviewwork.
Approvetimeandattendance. Provideguidanceonworkmethods.
Orallyreprimand.Train employeesinthework.
21. Icertifythattheaboveanswersaremyownandareaccurateandcomplete.
NOTE: Makeacopyofthisformforyourrecords.
22. Do youagreewiththeresponsesfromtheemployeeforItems1through20? Ifnot,whichitemsdoyoudisagreewithandwhy?
23. Whataretheessentialdutiesofthisposition?
Perform a range of equipment operation and maintenance activities including snow removal, repair of highways, bridges, equipment and facilities. Participate in TMW Work Element System. Work with or without supervision.
24. Indicatespecificallyhowtheposition’sdutiesandresponsibilitieshavechangedsincethepositionwaslastreviewed.
25. Whatis thefunctionoftheworkareaandhowdoesthispositionfitintothatfunction?
The function of the work area is to maintain the transportation infrastructure in a reasonable and safe condition.
26. Inyouropinion,whataretheminimum educationandexperiencequalificationsneededtoperformtheessentialfunctionsof this position.
Education level typically acquired through completion of high school.
TMW 6: Six months of experience in the operating of motorized heavy equipment such as farm equipment, delivery trucks, or construction equipment.
TMW 7: One year of experience equivalent to a TMW 6 or Laborer E6 with experience in roadway, roadside, bridge or sign maintenance, or pavement marking.
TMW E8: Two years of experience equivalent to a TMW, including one year equivalent to a TMW 7; or, one year of skilled trades experience at the E9 level with required work elements.
Knowledge of: Proper methods of traffic work zone controls/signing/safety precautions; operation of equipment and powered/hand tools; procedures for performing pre-inspection of equipment; safety policies/procedures; procedures and methods used in maintenance activities.
Ability to: Make repairs to equipment and facilities; understand and follow directions/instructions; communicate effectively; work in inclement weather; wear PPE; work from heights up to 150 feet; operate equipment in a safe manner.
Valid Commercial Driver's License with a Group A and N or X endorsement and air brakes.
Medical Examiner's Certificate and Loader License.
Successful completion of the MDOT snow plow school and passing snow plow course test.
Satisfactory completion of MDOT's Transportation Maintenance Work Element Training and Certification Program required for the specific level.
This position requires disclosure under the Ethical Standards and Conduct Policy.
NOTE: CivilService approvalof thispositiondoesnotconstituteagreementwithoracceptanceof thedesirablequalificationsforthisposition.
27. Icertifythattheinformationpresentedinthispositiondescriptionprovidesacompleteandaccuratedepiction ofthedutiesandresponsibilitiesassignedtothisposition.
28. Indicate anyexceptionsoradditions tothestatementsof theemployee(s)orsupervisor.
29. Icertifythattheentriesonthesepagesareaccurateandcomplete.
Appointing Authority’sSignatureDate