Croydon 'Making It Real' Action Plan 2014

Croydon 'Making It Real' Action Plan 2014

Croydon Council – ‘Making it Real’action plan 2014

Priority 1: Information and Advice - having the information I need, when I need it.

Objective / Actions / Timescale
Ensure new information, advice, casework and advocacy services are shaped and informed by the Making it Real ‘I’ statements /
  • Incorporate the Making it Real ‘I’ Statements within the service specification for ‘Preventative Services - Universal Information, Advice, Casework, Advocacy and Support Service (Adults)’ to be included withinoutcomes that the service aims to achieve and outcomes for people who access the services.
/ By April 2014
  • Service specification for ‘Preventative Services - Universal Information, Advice, Casework, Advocacy and Support Service (Adults)’ to include a requirement to carry out an annual service user survey to assess how the services have met outcomes (survey to be based on the Making it Real ‘I’ statements).
/ By April 2014
Improve accessibility and quality for information and advice available to people living with dementia and their carers. /
  • Delivery of the Mental Health Older Adults (MHOA) project which takes forward recommendations from Croydon’s dementia strategy and review of older adults mental health services. The project is aimed at re-design of services and includes the following workstreams:
  • Raising awareness, information and training
  • Prevention, wellbeing and early intervention
  • Specialist integrated community support
  • Crisis management and inpatient avoidance
  • The workstream working groups will be informed by the ‘making a difference’ feedback and the ‘No assumptions: a narrative for coordinated care and support in mental health’ draft statements produced by ‘National Voices’ and members of the TLAP national coproduction group.
/ MHOA project to commence Spring 2014 with workplans to be developed by Autumn 2014
Priority 2: Workforce – my support staff
Objective / Actions / Timescale
Work collaboratively with service users on the design and delivery of care and support services (which will form part of our Integrated Framework Agreement) so that they are more effective at meeting the needs and priorities of the people who will use them. /
  • Hold workshops with a reference group of services users, and service user involvement groups, to review and evaluate service user outcomes which will be integral to service specifications for personal care and support, reablement and enablement services.
  • feedback from workshops to inform all elements of the service specifications, including outcomes for delivery and method statements to be used when evaluating prospective service providers.
/ By March 2014
  • Service users to be involved as panel members for tender evaluation panels that will evaluate provider responses to the service scenarios for personal care and support, reablement, enablement and end of life services.
  • training and guidance will be provided for all service users joining the panels
/ By May 2014

Priority 3: Active and supportive communities - keeping friends, family and place

Objective / Actions / Timescale
Enable service users to receive information, advice, advocacy and a range of support services to reduce social isolation increase health & wellbeing. /
  • Deliver a package of ‘Adult Social Care Preventative Services’ which focus on enabling service users to receive information, advice, advocacy and a range of support services to reduce social isolation increase health & wellbeing. This will include:
  • Information, Advice, Advocacy and Support services which provide centralised services for all client groups with a co-ordinated & collaborative approach, working closely with other care & support services & statutory services.
  • Range of day opportunities including lunch clubs, social activities and wellbeing services
  • Business Support and Community Link Project to support the further development of community - led day opportunities services and work with the Council to implement Croydon’s preventative services agenda
  • ‘Information & Advice’ workstream to be developed which will ensure the Council and partners take a joined up, well co-ordinated approach which provides people with the information, advice or support they need quickly and effectively.
/ Adult Social Care Preventative Services to commence during Spring/Summer 2014
Information & advice workstream – ongoing throughout 2014/15
Improve the information, guidance and support offered to people who are interested in having a direct payment for their care and support. /
  • Carry out a review of direct payments support services mapping processes, identifying issues and formulating solutions to reduce/remove barriers and improve services.
  • Develop action plan to implement improvements and identify options which require further investigation.
/ Hold review workshop and develop workplan with identified leads by May 2014

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