Center For Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP)

Office of Nutrition Guidance and Analysis

Contract Staff Requirements

Position: Quantitative Analyst/Meta-analysis,Office of Nutrition Guidance and Analysis

CNPP needs a Contractor to serve as an analyst to provide analysis, consultation and staff training on quantitativeand mixed-method approaches to evidence synthesis to support systematic reviews of food and nutrition studies to inform public health policy and programs. Expertise in systematic review methodology, biostatistics including meta-analysis, sensitivity analysis, and other quantitative and qualitative methods of synthesis applied to data from observational and intervention studies is preferred. These methods include using meta-analysis, meta-regression, and/or Bayesian methods, visually display data (e.g. forest plots, funnel plots),determination of heterogeneity, evaluation of publication bias,aswell as other quantitative approaches to support systematic review synthesis.Development of instructional material in this type of evaluation and training of others is desired. Proven ability to work successfully both independently and in a team environment is needed.

Duties of the Position:

This request is for one contract position in CNPP. The Contractor would report directly to the Director of the Office of Nutrition Guidance and Analysis and would work as part of the team led by the Lead Nutritionist for the Nutrition GuidanceTeam. Main duties would consist ofconsulting, training, and implementing quantiative analysis and mixed-method approaches to visually display, describe, and synthesis data from observational and intervention studies in addition to providing statistical support.

The Contract employee will:

  • Work closely with the Office Director, Lead Nutritionist of the Nutrition Guidance Team, Project Lead, and be part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Dietary Guidance Development Project for Birth to 24 Months and Pregnancy (B-24/P) Team to ensure overall success of the B-24/P Project
  • Conduct quantitative and mixed-method statistical analysis, consultation, education/ training, and peer review for of ongoing systematic reviews Consult on statistical approaches and technologies to ensure the appropriate methodology is used to support systematic review synthesis Communicate results with Federal government staff, as well as externalexpert groups
  • Prepare results for publication

Contractor will work 40 hours per week (excluding 30 minutes per day for lunch) with some flexibility given to a compressed and/or telework schedule, excluding Federal Holidays, weekends, and days when the office is officially closed. The duty location shall be: USDA/Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, 3101 Park Center Drive, Room 1034, Alexandria, VA 22302. No relocation expenses will be paid.