Carr Green Crowtrees Community Action Group

Date:7 September 2011

Apologies:Cllr A McAllister; Cllr C Pillai; G Oates

Minutes: Secretary A Peaker

1. / Minutes of Previous Meeting: / Approved
2. / Matters Arising :Agreed to defer till after, or during various reports
2.1 / Election of officers:
The following officers were re-elected: C Beal – Chair; A Peaker – Secretary; B Parker – Vice Chair; G Oates – Treasurer: *J Blanco-velo – Grants; A Hartshorn – Publicity; Crime & Police Liason Officer – T Caselton. The Committee were formally thanked for their input and commitment to the Group. / C Beal
2.2 / Treasurers Report
The treasurer was not able to attend the meeting but funds are between £3500 and £4000. /
G Oates
3. / Update on various issues/discussions
3.1 / PACT ‘Police (or Partners) & Community Together’ meetings
Our representative attended the last meeting and the main issues raised were CarrGreenCemetery, along with parking around the school. Crime is generally down in Rastrick and the LowerValley. However it would appear that problems persist at the cemetery and that there have been more incidents of vandalism at the recreation ground. We will report this back to the police and also check whether these incidents are reported to the police by council employees. We would continue to urge that any issues should be reported on 01484 405251 or 0845 6060606. Our representatives are always happy to report anything on anyone’s behalf or to take any issues to PACT meetings.
The next Ward Forum and PACT meetings will be on19th September and then 31st October 2011 at 7pm at Rastrick High School Technology Centre. / T Caselton
3.2 / Update on Bus Campaign - Withdrawal of 380/381 Bus Service
The “hail and ride” bus service which is being operated by Community Transport Calderdale commenced at the end of August and was used by 225 people in the first week. The feedback has been generally positive. Thanks were expressed to everybody who had helped with delivering the timetables. / C Beal
3.3 / Parking/Yellow lines on Carr Green Lane and Chapel Croft/Access to playing fields
These are still on a traffic order but as school safety is given priority - Field Top Laneis being sorted first as there are 3 schools in close proximity, then the lines outsideCarrGreenSchool. Concern was expressed about the traffic which would be dispelled around Carr Green Lane and the estate as a result, but general agreement was that addressing children’s safety was paramount. As parking around both sides of the school is still an issue we will mention this again to the police. They will be doing an initiative shortly and we will ask that CarrGreenSchool parking be part of this. Bob will highlight to the school so that parents can be updated and consideration requested. We are unclear when lines at junctions of Carr Green Lane and Crowtrees Lane will be done, and whether any lines can be done around Chapel Croft itself. We will make further enquiries. Ward Courtare still experiencing problems There is doubt over owns the car park at Ward Court and if they can put barriers in - we are making enquiries here. When ownership has been determined we will look at what can be done to alleviate the problem.
We are not aware of any problems having arisen from the access to the playing fields that has been created. / C Beal
B Parker
3.4 / Improvements to facilities at Carr Green Lane
We are in the process of submitting an application to Calderdale Council to create parking by the recreation ground. However this could take some time as it is greenbelt land. /
B Parker
3.5 /
Tidy up
Only one area was mentioned as becoming slightly overgrown and this was the snicket between Carr Green Avenue and Lower Fold. We are not sure about the ownership of this land and are making enquiries and will report further at the next meeting. /
C Beal
Increased traffic problems arose when a large funeral took place at a school run time. Christine has already raised this with Funeral Services Manager at the Council who said he would advise the Huddersfield funeral director concerned accordingly, for the benefit of all concerned.
3.7 /
Rastrick Health Centre Blood Tests
The GP practices in the area have been asked if they would sign up to revised Local Enhanced Service (LES) to provide phlebotomy services. The Primary Care Trust will be looking at the responses they have received to ascertain where the gaps are. We will write to Rastrick Health Centre to make them aware that the Community would greatly value this service there and hope to report back at our next meeting in December.
C Beal
A Peaker
3.8 / Out of School Club
Carr Green School have said that they will assist the Out of School Club to provide them with more room andit was questioned whether the land opposite the tennis club could be used for car parking although we do not know whether this would be possible, or indeed desirable given that access is across the busy pavement.
4. / Any other business
Dog Fouling
This is becoming worse with the lane at the back of Carr Green Drive being particularly bad. The dog wardens can take action but need evidence of dates and times etc. We will look at what can be done to highlight the problem, one idea being by displaying posters and leaflet drops. The new bins that have been installed can take bagged dog waste. /
C Beal
4.2 /
Land at Crowtrees Lane/Jumble Dyke
Ownership of the triangle piece of land between the steps which run down from Crowtrees Laneto Jumble Dyke was raised as a resident has partially blocked this. It would appear that neither the steps or this piece of land, known locally as Raw Hill, are registered as a right of way although local people have used both for many years. Everyone felt that it was important to register these rights of way so that the Community can continue to use them. Christine has been sent details on the process and Tom Caselton agreed to check out what’s involved. /
C Beal
T Caselton
4.3 / Queens Diamond Jubilee Party
We have received a tentative enquiry from a resident who would like to organise a street party and has asked if CCCAG would be willing to help with funding. Everyone was generally in favour but felt it appropriate that the person or a representative come to the next meeting to discuss this and give further information. /
A Peaker
4.4 / New Fire Station
We have no information on this other than what has been in the local press, namely that the location may be in the New Hey Road area. As fire officers have suggested this, and as it seems a logical step, the Rastrick councillors are in support, in principle. There were no major reservations expressed at the CCCAG meeting.
4.5 /
Rastrick Community Hub
There will be a launch party of the Rastrick Community Hub, which is a new Community Centre at Rastrick High on Thursday 27 October between 3.00 pm and 7.00 pm. They are looking to get the Rastrick Community together and the Community are welcome to use the facilities there which include cooking facilities, health and beauty salon etc. Interest was expressed at our meeting about computer courses. Everyone is welcome to come along.
4.5 / Next Meeting Date:
7 December 2011 at 7.00 pm at Ward Court, Chapel Croft. Dates for 2012 yet to be confirmed.

Group Members / Attendees: 7 September 2011

C Beal / B Parker
P Beal / A Peaker
Lucy Netherwood / P Prest
Tom Caselton / Justine Kelly
Charles Squire / Margaret Cutts
Marjorie Salisbury / Janet Buck
Joyce Hargreaves / Lisa Green
Nellie Berry / Reg
A Hartshorn