Owingsville Elementary School

Special SBDM Council Meeting

May 12, 2014

4:15 PM

Bath County Board of Education Conference Room


50 Years of Education “That’s What We Do!”

I.  Call Meeting to Order

  1. Meeting was called to order at 4:20pm.

II.  Approve Agenda

a.  Motion made by Jennifer Everman. Second by Lynna Blevins.

III.  Approve Meeting Minutes from Tuesday, May 6, 2014

a.  Motion made by Jennifer Everman to approve the minutes with the amendment to item 10 adding the time 7:17pm from coming out of closed session. Becki Thomas second. All in consensus.

IV.  Review Vision and Mission Statements

a.  SBDM members reviewed vision and mission statements.


·  Our school vision is our focus for today and for the future. The students, parents, and staff of Owingsville Elementary School envision:

·  • A friendly, welcoming environment which is clean, safe, and secure.

·  • A partnership where families, teachers, and the school community are actively involved in the learning process.

·  • A rich and challenging curriculum built on high standards and high expectations, with an emphasis on language development, literacy, and critical thinking skills.

·  • Successful achievement and grade level performance for all students.

·  • A learning environment that recognizes and develops each student's specific strengths and talents, and creates a lifelong love of learning.

·  • A nurturing atmosphere that promotes the development of interpersonal skills and fosters respect for self and others, demonstrated through attitude, effort, and responsible behavior.

·  • The development of a firm educational foundation that will enable all students to create and achieve dreams and goals throughout life.


·  As a school community of students, families, faculty and staff, our mission is to promote enriching educational opportunities for all learners. In this community, the “whole” child will be nurtured through relevant and positive instruction to meet each child’s highest potential. The OES team will work diligently to instill a lifelong love of learning throughout our school community.

V.  Develop and Approve a Scoring Rubric for Scoring/Evaluating Applications

a.  Mr. Tackett supplied an example rubric, making it clear that just because he supplied it didn’t mean it had to be taken as is.

b.  A motion to approve the given rubric by Lynna Blevins; seconded by Keri DiBlasi. All in consensus.

VI.  Develop and Approve Writing Performance Event and Scoring Rubric for Performance Event for Principal Interview

a.  A motion was made to approve item 4 from the Sample Performance Events per Principal Selection Packet, as presented by LuAnn Asbury, by Becki Thomas; seconded Kathy Adkins.

b.  Scoring Rubric was developed. Motion made to approve the rubric was made by Jennifer Everman and seconded by Kathy Adkins.

VII.  Develop and Approve Interview Rubric

a.  Rubric was developed by SBDM.

b.  Keri DiBlasi made a motion to approve the Interview Rubric. Seconded by Lynna Blevins. All in consensus.

VIII.  Motion to Go into Closed Session for Review of Applicants and Select Possible Candidates to Interview

a.  Motion was made by Jennifer Everman at 5:57pm. Seconded by Lynna Blevins.

IX.  Motion to Approve Return to Open Session

a.  At 7:31 p.m., motion made by Lynna Blevins and seconded by Becki Thomas to return to open session; all in consensus.

X.  Discussion and Possible Action on Principal Selection

a.  Motion made by Lynna Blevins and seconded by Jenny Everman for SBDM council members to move forward in completing reference checks on principal applicants; all in consensus.

XI.  Report of Next Steps in Principal Selection Process to Community Stakeholders

a.  Mr. Tackett reported that the OES SBDM council would continue to accept principal applications until the Principal selection was completed.

XII.  Discussion and Possible Action on the next Special Called SBDM meeting date/time/location and Possible Principal Selection Interview Dates and Times

a.  Motion made by Jenny Everman and seconded by Kathy Adkins for next sbdm special called meeting date/time would be May 22nd, at 4:15 p.m. in the Conference Room, Bath Co. Board of Education office building; all in consensus.

XIII.  Adjourn

a.  At 7:37 p.m., Motion made to adjourn the meeting by Keri DiBlasi and seconded by Lynna Blevins; all in consensus.

Approved on :______