Crossroads CareSmoke free policy


Smoke free policy


1.1 This policy, accompanying procedure, guidance for staff and guidance for volunteers (F.18b, F.18c and F.18d) set out Crossroads Care’s position on smoking in the workplace, including the use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes).

Please note:where reference is made to ‘staff’ within this policy, the term will include volunteers as appropriate to the context and their use within individual schemes.

1.2 The intended outcome of this set of documents is to protect staff from exposure to second hand smoke from cigarettes and vapours emitted from e-cigarettesin the workplace, including those staff working in service users’homes. It applies to staff, contractors and visitors to Crossroads Care’s premises and to carers and people with care needs of all ages.

1.3 Crossroads Care recognises the added value that volunteers can bring to its services and this is reflected by the wide variety of roles they perform. However, the nature of the organisation’s relationship with volunteers is very different to the one it has with paid employees. Volunteers will not:

  • provide personal care services / support with medication in people’s homes (see Crossroads Care’s policies on personal care and medication)
  • undertake roles where the prompt attendance of the volunteer at a specified time / venue is essential to the safety or well-being of a person with care needs.

For further information on the use of volunteers please refer to the guidance available at HT.01

1.4 Crossroads Care staff are accountable for their own actions. Where counselling and negotiation fail, staff who refuse to observe this policy may be subject to disciplinary proceedings.


2.1 Environmental tobacco smoke has been labelled “carcinogenic to humans” by the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). It has also been labelled a “class A human carcinogen” by the US Environmental Protection Agency, along with asbestos, arsenic, benzene and radon gas. Smoking is one of the biggest preventable causes of ill health and early death in our communities.

2.2 The use of e-cigarettes in the United Kingdom remains unregulated and the British Medical Association (BMA) states that further research is needed to establish:

  • their effectiveness as a nicotine-replacement therapy to be used by those who wish to give up smoking
  • their safety, including the effects of exposure to second-hand vapours exhaled by users.


3.1 Crossroads Care recognises and accepts its responsibility to reduce the exposure of staff to environmental tobacco smoke and vapours from e-cigarettes.Whilst it isalso our policy to ensure the welfare of those employees who smoke, in striking this balance, priority will be given to the needs of non-smokers.

3.2 We seek to:

  • ensure all staff, including those visiting service users in their homes, benefit from a smoke / vapour free environment
  • ensure visitors to Crossroads Care premises benefit from a smoke / vapour free environment
  • provide opportunities and support to employees who wish to give up smoking
  • reduce the risk of fires caused by smoking.


4.1 Crossroads Care seeks to comply with:

  • the Health Bill 2007 in England
  • the Smoke-free Premises etc. (Wales) Regulations 2007 in Wales
  • Section 2(2)(e) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: ‘to provide and maintain a safe working environment which is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe, without risks to health and adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for employees’ welfare at work’.


5.1Trustees are required to familiarise themselves with the content of the smoke free procedure, guidance for staff and guidance for volunteers (F.18b, F.18c and F.18d) that accompany this policy.

5.2 Trustees are responsible for ensuring managers have systems in place whereby staff work according to the smoke free policy, procedure and guidance at all times.


6.1 Smoking on Crossroads Care premises is strictly prohibited, including the use of e-cigarettes. Managers will make the necessary arrangements with their staff to comply with the requirements of the relevant statutory provisions in the workplace, public spaces and other associated areas.

6.2Crossroads Care staff who work in premises owned or managed by another organisation are entitled to the same protection as those working in premises owned or managed by their scheme. Where necessary,Crossroads Care managers will work with the organisation responsible for managing the building in order to provide a smoke / vapour free environment for theirstaff.


7.1 Staff are not allowed to smoke (including the use of e-cigarettes)in service users’ homes whether or not the service user gives them permission to do so.

7.2Staff are entitled to protection from second hand smokeand vapours when working in service users’homes. All service userswill be asked at the initial assessment stage to consider the health and welfare of staff in relation to this and will be required to provide a smoke / vapour free environment within their home - see accompanying procedure (F.18b)for further details.

7.3 If, in exceptional circumstances, a smoke / vapour free environment cannot be provided, a risk assessment will be conducted to explore ways to reduce the risk to staff. Crossroads Care reserves the right to refuse or withdraw a service if adequate risk reduction cannot be achieved.


8.1 Smoking is not permitted in any vehicle owned or leased by Crossroads Care, or in a staff member’s vehicle when it is being used for work purposes, for example whilst transporting service users or other members of staff.


9.1 General learning and development requirements relating to the smoke free policy, procedure and guidance for staff are contained in the learning and development policy, procedure and guidance (E.13a, E.13b and E.13c).

9.2 Managers are responsible for assessing the roles undertaken by volunteers (including trustees) within their scheme and the level of briefing / induction those volunteers require in relation to the smoke free guidance for volunteers (F.18d).


10.1 The scheme’s board of trustees is required to formally adopt this policy and to ensure that a documented record is kept of their decision to do so.

10.2 Full details of the policy (namely its title and reference number) and the date it was adopted will be documented in the minutes of the appropriate trustee board meeting as evidence of the decision taken. The minutes will be signed by the chair of the trustees on behalf of the board.

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Policy/Smokefree/2012/08/APf018aLast updated July 2014

© Carers Trust 2014Review due July 2015