Research and development projects, 2000-

Research and Development projects funded by LLAS (non-LLAS staff only)

Alderson, J Charles, and Tania Horák, ‘Metalinguistic Knowledge of Undergraduate Students of English Language and Linguistics’, 2010

Bavendiek, Ulrike, ‘Investigating Changes in the Motivational Profiles of First Year Students on a Modern Languages Degree Programme’, 2008

Baxter, Judith, and Denise Santos, ‘English Language at Undergraduate Level: Its Place Within UK Higher Education in the 21st Century’, 2008

Beigal, Susan, A Case Study of the Effects on Student Attainment, and on Retention of Personal Development Planning (PDP) Via Departmental Mechanisms for Improving Student Learning and Through the Institutional Progress File, 2006

Bentley, John, Jude Davies, and Alasdair Spark, ‘Investigating the Pedagogical Challenges and Opportunities of Field Trip Modules in Area Studies’, 2006

Chih, Clare, ‘Learning from Writing Reflective Learning Journals in a Theory-Based Translation Module: Students’ Perspectives’, 2009

Cosh, Jill, ‘English Grammar Exercises’

Coverdale-Jones, Tricia, ‘East Asian Learners' Response to Intercultural Themes as Part of the Year Abroad in the UK’, 2006

Cushion, Steve, ‘Arabic: Study Materials’, 2004

De Lafuente Duff, Marisol, ‘Learning Face to Face and Via a VLE, a Comparative Study Involving Beginner Learners of Spanish’, 2008

Dingley, Jim, and Badalanova Florentina, ‘Bulgarian: Materials for an on-Line Course’

Dippold, Doris, ‘E-Moderating and E-Interaction: Learners and Tutors Learning About Interaction Through Online Tools’.

Doughty, Hannah, ‘Cross Sector Collaborative Activities to Promote Modern Languages in Scotland’, 2008

---, ‘Internationalisation and Modern Languages in Scottish Further and Higher Education: A Scoping Study’, 2009

Duranton, Hélène, and Helen Phillips, ‘Developing Online Self-Access Materials for Subject Specific Language Courses at an Advanced Level (SAM Project)’, 2007

Goodchild, Leticia, ‘Deconstructing Gender Stereotyping Through Literature in L2’, 2009

Goria, Cecilia, and Marisa Marmo, ‘Italian: Le Varietà Dell'italiano’

Hampel, Regine, ‘New Online Learning Spaces: Task Design and Implementation for a Synchronous Audiographic Online Learning Environment’, 2006

Harnisch, Henriette, ‘Investigation into How the HE Sector Can Effectively Influence and Support Linguists and Post 16 Establishments in Progression to Languages at University and How the Post-16 Sector Can Ensure They Meet Language Students Needs in Progression to HE’.

Hartley, Tony, Gracie Peng, Ian Mason, and Isabelle Perez, ‘Peer and Self-Assessment in Conference Interpreter Training’, 2004

Hassam, Andrew, Ros Jennings, and Clare Spencer, ‘Teaching Across Cultures: Anglophone Area Studies and Student Diversity in an International Context’, 2004

Hawkey, Roger, and Cyril Weir, ‘Language, Study Skills and Related Issues Facing International Students in the First Year of Their MPhil / PhD Studies: Relevance to Institutional Language, Academic and Other Support Services’, 2008

Hesslewood, Barry, ‘Assessing and Marking Students’ Productions of IPA Consonants and Vowels’, 2008

Hill, Jenny, and Jannie Roed, ‘A Survey of the Ways Universities Cope with the Needs of Dyslexic Foreign Language Learners and, in Consultation with Tutors and Learners, the Piloting of Appropriate Assessment Methods’, 2006

Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine, ‘Using Think-Aloud Protocols (TAPS) in the Teaching of Translation’, 2008

Hughes, Neil, ‘Film, Novel and Social Transformation in France’, 2010

Jane, Rosemary, ‘Academic Presentations: Teaching Presentation Skills to Foreign Students’

Jeffrey, Ann, Julie Watson, and Christine Crawford, ‘Cardenio: The Intercultural Experience’, 2008

Jolly, Christine, and Sarah Pratt, ‘BSL Language Awareness Tasks’, 2010

Kiley, Richard, Gerald Clibbon, Pauline Rae-Dickens, Catherine Walter, and Helen Woodford, ‘Teachers into Researchers’

Mansfield, Charlie, ‘French Urban Space – a Materials Development Project’, 2008

Marsdon, Emma, ‘Spanish: Processing Instruction’, 2007

Martinez, Yolande, ‘Curriculum as Prescription Versus Curriculum as Experience: A Case for EBL in Modern Languages’, 2009

Milton, J L, ‘Who’s Who in Linguistics – Heroes of Linguistic Thought’, 2008

Naverrete, Marga, ‘VLEs: An Introduction to Online Education Using VLE (WebCT) Communication Tools’, 2007

Orsini-Jones, Marina, ‘Grammar: Researching Activities for Student Progress (GRASP)’, 2008

Perrin, Stephen, and Robert Busby, ‘Listening & Learning: Student & Staff Perceptions of Oral Assessment in American Studies’

Phillips, Helen, ‘British Sign Language: Photo Story Teaching Materials’, 2007

Pilkington, Ruth, and Joanne Garner, ‘The Portfolio as a Learning Tool in Languages: An Effective Means of Embedding Good Learning Practice or Palliative for Languages Under Threat?’, 2004

Richards, Brian, and John Roberts, ‘Assessment for Learning in Teacher Education: The Development of a Diagnostic Language Test for Trainee Teachers of French’, 2008

Rogerson-Revell, Pamela, ‘Leading Innovation in Distance Teaching and Assessment: Developing Online Multimedia Activities for MA Phonetics and Phonology Students.’, 2008

Salines, Emily, ‘The Use of Podcasts in French Politics and Society Courses at University Level.’, 2008

Smith, Roger, and Jo Parsons, ‘EAP: University Challenge: A Short Orientation and Listening Course for International Students’

Söntgens, Kirsten, and Juliet Laxton, SS4LL (Study Skills for Language Learners): An Integrated Learner Training Programme, 2006

Stuart, Susan, and David Bowker, ‘Ab Initio Language Teaching in Scottish Universities’

Toner, Greg, ‘Irish: Computer-Assisted Practice Activities for Irish Language Learners (CAPAILL)’, 2006

Treffers-Daller, Jeeanine, and Jeanette Sakel, ‘Wider Perspectives and More Options for English Language and Linguistics Students’, 2010

Whong, Melinda, ‘An Active Awareness Approach to In-Sessional English Teaching’, 2008

Wicaksono, Rachel, ‘Whose Needs Are These Anyway: Working Together to Solve Problems in English as a Lingua Franca’, 2009

Zweiri, Mahjoob, ‘Arabic: Learning to Read Arabic - a Beginners' Guide’, 2004

Funded by Higher Education Academy (non-LLAS sources)

Allan, Rebecca, A Wider Perspective and More Options: Investigating the Longer Term Employability of Humanities Graduates (Southampton: Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, 2006)

Burnapp, Dave, Alison Dickens, and Kate Borthwick, ‘Supporting International Students in UK Higher Education: A Course for Staff’, 2009

Canning, John, Disciplines in Dialogue: Disciplinary Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning (Southampton: Higher Education Academy Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group, 2007)

Chettiparamb, Angelique, ‘Interdisciplinarity: A Literature Review’, 2007

Croucher, Karina, John Canning, and Jane Gawthrope, Here Be Dragons? Enterprising Graduates in the Humanities. (Southampton: Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, 2007)

Hyland, Fiona, Sheila Trahar, Julie Anderson, and Alison Dickens, ‘A Changing World: The Internationalisation Experiences of Staff and Students (home and International) in UK Higher Education’, 2008

Kearns, Sean, Jane Parr, and Jane Harvey, ‘An Evaluation of the Student Experience on Master’s Level Interprofessional Programmes in One Institution in the South-East of England’, 2009

McEwan, Lindsey, Ros Jennings, Rob Duck, and Hazel Roberts, ‘Students’ Experiences of Interdisciplinary Masters’ Courses’, 2009

Simpson, Tom, ‘Supporting Academics Teaching on Cognitive Science Courses: The Nature and Curricula of Cognitive Science Courses in UK Higher Education’, 2009

Thew, Neill, ‘The Impact of the Internal Economy of Higher Education Institutions on Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning’, 2007

European Union funded

LanQua project partners, ‘LanQua Toolkit: Frame of Reference for Quality in Languages in Higher Education’.

OdLL Project partners, ‘Lingua: Opening the Door to Language Learning: Bringing Language Learning to the Wider Community’, 2005


Canning, John, ‘Survey of Non-Specialist Language Learners’, 2010.


Bunt, Gary, and Lisa Bernasek, ‘Islamic Studies Provision in the UK’, 2010

Subject Centre for LLAS, and Subject Centre for Philosophical and Religious Studies, ‘International Approaches to Islamic Studies in Higher Education’, 2008


Kelly, Michael, Dana Arnold, Brooksbank-Jones, Elizabeth Hudswell, Eleanor Quince, and Roger Woods, ‘Research Review in Modern Languages’, 2006

Publications by LLAS staff, 2000- present

Allan, Rebecca, A Wider Perspective and More Options: Investigating the Longer Term Employability of Humanities Graduates (Southampton: Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, 2006)

Bernasek, Lisa, and John Canning, ‘Influences on the Teaching of Arabic and Islamic Studies in UK Higher Education: Connections and Disconnections’, Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 8 (2009), 259-275 doi:10.1177/1474022209339954

Bunt, Gary, and Lisa Bernasek, ‘Islamic Studies Provision in the UK’, 2010

Canning, John, ‘Disciplinarity: A Barrier to Quality Assurance? The UK - Experience of Area Studies’, Quality in Higher Education, 11 (2005), 37 doi:10.1080/13538320500074931

---, Disciplines in Dialogue: Disciplinary Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning (Southampton: Higher Education Academy Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group, 2007)

---, Five Years on: The Language Landscape in 2007. (Southampton: Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, 2008)

---, ‘Pedagogy as a Discipline: Emergence, Sustainability and Professionalisation’, Teaching in Higher Education, 12 (2007), 393 doi:10.1080/13562510701278757

---, ‘Survey of Non-Specialist Language Learners’, 2010.

---, ‘The Invisible Developers? Academic Coordinators in the UK Subject Centre Network’, 15 (2010), 461-466.

---, ‘Translating Words into Action and Actions into Words: Sustainability in Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies Curricula’, in Sustainability Education: Perspectives and Practice Across Higher Education, ed. by David Selby, Paula Jones and Stephen Sterling (London: Earthscan).

Canning, John, and Angela Gallagher-Brett, ‘Building a Bridge to Pedagogic Research: Teaching Social Science Research Methods to Humanities Practitioners’, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 2 (2010)
[accessed 5 February 2010].

Croucher, Karina, John Canning, and Jane Gawthrope, Here Be Dragons? Enterprising Graduates in the Humanities. (Southampton: Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, 2007)

Dickens, Alison, and Amy Corner, ‘E-Learning: Learning Object Creation Checklist’, 2008

Dickens, Alison, and Kate Dickens, ‘Sharing E-Learning Resources: Collecting, Describing and Re-Purposing Other Peoples' Resources’, in Higher Education Academy Staff Conference (Glasgow, 2006)

Gallagher-Brett, Angela, 700 Reasons for Studying Languages (Southampton: Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, 2004)

---, Hard Going but Worth It: A Snapshot of Attitudes to Reading Among Languages Undergraduates (Southampton: Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, 2006)

Head, David, Elspeth Jones, Michael Kelly, and Teresa Tinsley, eds., Setting the Agenda for Languages Research in Higher Education (London: CILT, 2003)
[accessed 24 September 2010].

Hyland, Fiona, Sheila Trahar, Julie Anderson, and Alison Dickens, ‘A Changing World: The Internationalisation Experiences of Staff and Students (home and International) in UK Higher Education’, 2008

Kelly, Michael, Dana Arnold, Brooksbank-Jones, Elizabeth Hudswell, Eleanor Quince, and Roger Woods, ‘Research Review in Modern Languages’, 2006

Kelly, Michael, and Diana Jones, A New Landscape for Languages (London: Nuffield Foundation, 2003)

LanQua project partners, ‘LanQua Toolkit: Frame of Reference for Quality in Languages in Higher Education’.

Subject Centre for LLAS, ‘Language Unlimited: Why Study Linguistics? Promotional Materials’

---, ‘Why Study Languages?’

Subject Centre for LLAS, and Subject Centre for Philosophical and Religious Studies, ‘International Approaches to Islamic Studies in Higher Education’, 2008

Subject Centre for LLAS, and University of Birmingham, ‘Discover American Studies’, 2007

Watson, Julie, Alison Dickens, and Graham Gilchrist, ‘The LOC Tool: Creating a Learning Object Authoring Tool for Teachers’, 2008 24 September 2010].