Cross Walk (Grades K - 5), Cross Train (Grades 6-8), Cross Road (Grades 9-12) Program Description
Our program is a small group-based faith formation model, centered on the Mass, offering food and fellowship, in a fun, social setting and safe environment!Because Mass is the source and summit of our faith, our programmeeting times are scheduledaround Mass to prepare the children and youth to be open to the message proclaimed there.We typically meet twice a month.
Cross Walk Session Times:
Because there is limited gathering space, time slots will be filled first-come, first-served basis.
- Sunday 10am – 11:15am (before 11:30am Mass)
- Sunday 12:45pm – 2pm (after11:30am Mass)
- Sunday 4pm – 5:15pm (before5:30pm Mass)
Cross Train and Cross Road Session Time:
- Sunday 6:30pm - 8:15pm (after5:30pm Mass)
We begin each session with time for fellowship and food, and then move into the programming portion. Our small group based model mirrors the structure of the liturgy with four portions - gather, proclaim, break, and send. The programming begins with prayer and some sort of game or activity to set up the theme of the session. The proclaim is a teaching in some form (talk, video, skit, etc.). At break, they move into their small groups for a discussion, led by trained adult volunteers, and to "break open" the theme of the session. Afterwards, they gather for wrap-up, closing prayer, and then are sent forth.
Home School
We understand that all family schedules and situations are different, and that some families may choose to home school their children/youth. We do offer this as an option. Participation in this program includes appropriate age level materials and open invitations to our “All Family” events.
All Family Events
Additionally, the Formation Team will offer "All Family Events" and other special events that will help build upon the teachings presented each week or in the home school books and foster opportunities for families to grow in faith together. These gatherings will help to make ourchildren/youth feel “at home” at St. Francis, a place where they can have fun and be themselves, while knowing that they are valued and loved!