We will be coordinating PRIVATE INSTRUMENT LESSONS for the band students of the Huntsville Independent School District Bands.

These lessons help your students perfect their All-Region Music, Solo and Ensemble music, band music, and general instrumental characteristics. They will help your students achieve their full potential on their instrument throughout the year.

These lessons are 30 minutes long and will be offered at the High School Band Hall. There are three nights available for private lessons. Your student will have a lesson once a week for each week of both semesters. They will cost $13 per lesson. Money will be paid directly to the lessons teacher at the time of the lesson. Please do not send money with this form.

If you would like your student to gain the benefits of private lessons, please read and fill out this sheet and return it to your student’s Band Director.

Student’s name: ______Instrument: ______Grade: ______

Home phone: ______Cell phone: ______E-mail: ______

Mailing Address: ______

Parent’s Name: ______Phone (if different):______Cell#______

Time and days will be accommodated as possible. There are no guarantees. What time and day preference do you have? Rank the time slots and day slots from first choice through last choice:


______4:45pm–5:45pm ______Monday

______5:45pm–6:45pm ______Wednesday

______6:45pm–7:45pm ______Thursday


The private lessons teacher will contact you during the second week of school with your specific time as soon as we give them this information. Lessons will begin during the third week of school, September 8th.

Please realize that these lessons will be every week at the same time except during school holidays or Band activities. This is a financial and time commitment for the parents and the students. Please consider if this may become too burdensome or too much of a bother that your student will not see this commitment through for the full year.

I agree that my student will attend private lessons during the 2014-2015 school year at the time they are scheduled. I realize that the private lessons instructors will be paid directly and any missed lessons must still be paid UNLESS I contact the private lessons teacher at least 24 hours in advance of my lesson.


Parent’s Signature Student’s Signature

For Band Director Use Only:

Date Student assigned to Teacher ______

Private Lesson Teacher ______

Lesson Time and Date ______