Crookston Castle Primary School December 2017Newsletter
Children in Need: Thank you for your generous support. The children raised a fantastic total of £1643.50 to help this worthwhile cause. Well done to the children and staff who did this!
Library Update: Our 2 dress as you please fundraisers have so far brought in an amazing £840. This will be used to buy furnishings such as bookcases, book boxes, rugs and protective covers for books. We are busy compiling our final shopping list for popular fiction titles and a range of age appropriate non-fiction sets too. These books are being funded by a grant of £6000 from the Foyle Foundation, which is an organisation that pays for Schools to set up Libraries. This is a one off payment to the school and the children will benefit greatly from this resource.
December diary dates:
Please note the slight change to some Christmas Party Dates from our original annual planner: Wed 6th 3-5pm Winter Fayre. £1 adult admission covers tearoom too! Tues 12th pm P1 Nativity for school children Wed 13th 9.30 am P1 Nativity for Parents Thurs 14th 2pm P1 Nativity for parents Thurs 14th pm P3 Christmas Parties Thurs 14th P7a,b trip to Stirling Castle Fri 15th Christmas Lunch see menu overleaf Fri 15th pm P6 & P7 Christmas Parties Mon 18th pm P4 P5Christmas Parties Tues 19th pm P1 & P2 Christmas Parties Wed 20th School closes at 2.30pm for holidays Thurs 4th Jan 2018 School re-opens at 9am Fri 5th Jan Pantomime: Ailsa’s Magic Amulet
Pitch Update: As you know the pitch is heavily used, not just by our school but other local schools and community groups so I suppose that 10 years of wear and tear has taken its toll. Education Services, who are responsible for its maintenance (not the school), have arranged for it to be re- inspected and depending on both the findings and the funds available, it may perhaps be resurfaced. I will keep you informed of this as any new information becomes available.
Maths Homework: All classes issue maths homework, some through activities and games, some through challenge tasks and others use Sumdog Online. Children in P3 to P7 also get the opportunity to access Sumdog in school time. If your child does not have internet access at home and has been assigned a Sumdog task that they cannot complete please let their teacher know so that alternative homework can be given.
Open Door Policy: Just a wee reminder that we have an open door policy at our school. Management are always available at the school gates or from the office if you have any concerns that you wish to discuss. Where possible we will always see you and when not possible we will arrange a timeous appointment. Teachers are available to meet with you by prior arrangement outwith the school day.
Consultation on Scottish Education Bill This consultation runs until 30th January 2018 and can be accessed on The Bill’s key aims are to:
- Establish a Headteachers' Charter to define their responsibilities as leaders of learning in schools and set out the support they can expect.
- Provide the legislative underpinning for the establishment of Regional Improvement Collaboratives.
- Improve parental and community engagement in school life and learning.
- Strengthen the voice of children and young people, promoting and supporting pupil participation.
- Establish an Education Workforce Council to take on the responsibilities of the General Teaching Council for Scotland and the Community Learning and Development Standards Council and to register other education professionals.
Consultation on Excellence and Equity for All: Guidance on the Presumption of Mainstreaming: This document aims to ensure that local authorities have the guidance required to help their decision making in applying presumption of mainstreaming for decisions about child placement. It is intended to encourage a child centred approach and clearly links inclusive practice and how to improve this in schools. It closes on 9th February 2018 and can be accessed at
Christmas Lunch Menu:
Lentil Soup with Bread Or Mandarin & Pineapple Cocktail
Roast Turkey with Gravy (Halal Available) With Chipolata Sausage, Roast Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts
Steak Pie (Halal Lamb Pie Available) With Mashed Potatoes, Carrot & Peas,
Creamy Vegetable Strudel with Roast Potatoes & Sweetcorn
Ice Cream Star or Trifle
Yours sincerely, Hilda Carrick, Head Teacher