Class Newsletter
Primary 1b
A warm welcome to our new Primary 1 children and Mrs Murtha, our Child Development Officer, that will be working in P1b this year. Everyone has settled well into their new class and we are looking forward to a busy term in P1b.The children have lots of interesting work to undertake this term. Mrs Murtha and I look forward to working with you to ensure that we are all working together to help the children achieve the very best that they can.
Physical Education
Our P.E lessons this year will be on a Tuesday afternoon and a Thursday morning before interval. P.E kit can be kept in school and sent home at the end of term for washing.Spatial awareness games will be the focus of P.E this term. Please ensure no jewellery is worn on P.E days.
ICTPrimary 1 will be learning to use Tux Paint Programme on a Monday afternoon.
Primary 1 will be learning about the Senses with Mrs Currie in Science on a Wednesday afternoon.
Homework will be handed out on a Monday and be collected in on a Friday. Homework will consist of reading every night and sound work which will be covered in class throughout the week. Each child has a login for StudyLadder where they can develop their Numeracy skills. / Class Topic
Our class topic this term is My World. Children will learn about their surroundings and what makes up the world. This topic lends itself to lots of outdoor learning activities which will be fun for the children to explore.
Children will be learning 3 sounds a week. Children will learn a song and an action to help them remember each sound. Children will focus on learning to say, read and write each sound.
Children will be exploring numbers in Term 1. Children will be learning to count, read and write numbers. Children will complete a mixture of jotter work and active learning activities.
Other Information
I would appreciate if parents could label clothes and packed lunch boxes that belong to their child so it is easier to locate items if they get lost. Mrs Murtha and I look forward to working with you and your child and please feel free to speak to us if you have any further questions.
Thank you Miss Hamilton and Mrs Murtha.
Important Dates
P1 children in school full days from Monday 4th September
Meet the Teacher Tuesday 5th September at 6.00pm
Friday 22nd September and Monday 25th September- school closed for September weekend