Vinotherapy Treatments


For our vinotherapy treatments is necessary making an appointment. You have the opportunity to do so at the wellness reception.

We kindly ask you to appear in time for all treatments. If this does not occur, the duration of the service may decrease (if the type of service makes it possible), but the full price of the treatment will be charged to your room account.

If there is no possibility for you to participate in the treatment, please cancel it, at least half an hour before the time of the treatment, or the full price of the treatment should be charged to your room account.

The prices are equal to the EU standard, to be understood in Hungarian Forints and the Value Added Tax is included.

Opening hours:


CROCUS WELLNESS & SPA Daily 8:00-20:00

(Pool and sauna area)

We draw your kind attention to our current preferential vinotherapy treatments and packet offers!

We are waiting for our dear guests!


KIANTY is a product line from the Spanish Bruno Vassari Cosmetic Company, which is based on grape seed polyphenols and vitamin E. These ingredients counteract free radicals. Polyphenols stimulate cell renewal. Vitamin E has moisturizing properties and increases the activity of the enzymes present on skin tissues. The ingredients of the KIANTY products develop many biochemical reactions, regenerate and smooth the skin.

KIANTY regenerating face treatment (60 min.) 10.900 HUF

KIANTY regenerating face treatment with deep cleansing (90 min.) 14.900 HUF

KIANTY Green Botox Face Treatment (60 min.) 13.900 HUF

KIANTY Green Botox Face Treatment with deep cleansing (90 min.) 17.900 HUF

KIANTY Green Botox „DoubleMaskLift-Ox” Face treatment (90 min.) 19.900 HUF

KIANTY Green Botox „DoubleMaskLift-Ox” Face treatment

with deep cleansing (120 min.) 23.900 HUF

KIANTY Viniferin intensive eye contour treatment (60 min.) 13.900 HUF

KIANTY Viniferin intensive eye contour treatment with deep cleansing (90 min.) 17.900 HUF


The AQUA GENOMICS deep hydrating treatment hydrates the skin effectively down to the deeper layers. It also stimulates the natural hydrating functions of the skin. One of the main ingredients of the products is revidrat, which restores the natural hydration function of the skin.

AQUA GENOMICS intensive deep hydrating face treatment (60 min.) 13.900 HUF

AQUA GENOMICS intensive deep hydrating face treatment

with deep cleaning (90 min.) 17.900 HUF


Skin rejuvenation

One of the main ingredients ofGlyco System products is glycolic acid, which ensures the gentle exfoliating and rejuvenating of skin. Vitamin C stimulates the collagen synthesis, and pales the pigment spots. Glyco System treatment keeps the water balance of the skin on an optimal level, reduces the depth of wrinkles and scabs. Skin rejuvenating may be needed in young age during hormonal changes, stress situations, or when the skin starts to have wrinkles.

GLYCO SYSTEM Exfoliating treatment (60 mins) 15.900 HUF


“Velvet sunshine” grape seed face peeling with massage (30 min.) 6.990 HUF

“Phoenix tears” anti-ageing treatment with face massage (40 min.) 7.990 HUF

“Magic” rubber pack with face massage (40 min.) 7.990 HUF

“Treasures of Earth” vitamin mask with face massage (45 min.) 7.990 HUF

“CROCUS Finesse” luxury face treatment (90 min.) 14.990 HUF

“CROCUS Finesse” luxury face treatment with deep cleansing (120 min.) 18.990 HUF

Supplemental treatments for our Crocus Gere face treatments:

Face peeling 1.990 HUF

Ultrasound 2.990 HUF

Rubber pack 2.990 HUF

Vitamin cream pack 2.990 HUF


“CSILLAGVÖLGY” face and neckline massage (20 min.) 3.990 HUF

“IRIS” face and neckline massage (30 min.) 5.990 HUF

“FINESSE” face, neckline and head massage (30 min.) 5.990 HUF


Eyelash dyeing 1.5000 HUF

Eyebrow plucking 1.500 HUF

Eyebrow dyeing 1.500 HUF

Eyebrow dyeing-plucking 3.000 HUF

Epilation with wax from 1.000 HUF

Make up from 3.500 HUF


“Silky touch” hand care treatment with paraffin (30 min.) 5.000 HUF

“I’ve wandered through the whole village” foot treatment (30 min.) 5.000 HUF


“Slender reed” cellulite treatment (60 min.) 12.990 HUF

Complex chocolate cellulite treatment (90 Min.) 15.990 HUF


“Like People the Salt” back peeling (30 min.) 5.990 HUF

“Glorious softness” grape seed full body peeling (30 min.) 6.990 HUF

Energizing cocoa butter full body peeling with coffee beans (30 min.) 6.990 HUF

Dead Sea salt skin-regenerating full body peeling (30 min.) 6.990 HUF


“Grape and Rose Petal” back mask (30 min.) 5.990 HUF

“Delicious Grape” regenerating full body mask (40 min.) 7.990 HUF

Relaxing, regenerating chocolate full body mask (40min.) 7.990 HUF


Our special massages with regenerating wine cream:

“KONKOLY” foot massage (20 min.) 3.990 HUF

“ÖRDÖGÁROK” foot massage (40 min.) 5.990 HUF

“SOLUS” back massage (30 min.) 5.990 HUF

“KOPÁR CUVÉE” body massage (40 min.) 7.990 HUF

“ATTILA CUVÉE” full body massage (60 min.) 10.990 HUF

Aromatherapy massages:

“Vitality” back massage with grape seed oil (20min.) 3.990 HUF

“Kikerics” full body massage (60 min.) 10.990 HUF 8.750 HUF

“Sprouting” massage from head to toe (80 min.) 14.990 HUF

Special massages:

“Queen – Bee” massage with honey (30 min.) 6.990 HUF

Moisturizing chocolate-honey massage (40 min.) 8.990 HUF

Pampering massages:

“Citrus garden” body massage (45 min.) 8.990 HUF

“Summer night’s dream” full body massage (50 min.) 9.990 HUF

Massage with lava stone (60 min.) 14.990 HUF


Among our CROCUS-baths all of our dear guests can find the most comfortable way of recreation – let it be red wine-, volatile oil- or Dead-sea salt bath.

It is well known for centuries that the moderate wine intake has an important role in health protection. The usage of red wine in beauty care is also proved to have rejuvenating, beautifying, skin firming effects. The red wine bath – beyond that it beautifies and rejuvenates our skin – also relieves stress and has calming effect to our body and soul. Be sure that we use our own wine for the wine baths.

Even the Romans knew the body and soul strengthening, calming, invigorating, relaxing effects of the hot aroma baths with volatile oils. A tub of bath with essential oil prepares the muscles and the soul for the massage, but also provides elevating experience in itself.

This bath with Dead Sea salt fills the body with minerals that are vital for strengthening the immune system, and also preserves the beauty of the skin.

Regenerating, refreshing red wine bath (20 minutes) 5.000 HUF/person

with wines of the Gere Attila Winery

Put in: 1 glass of red wine

Romantic aroma bath (20 minutes) 5.000 HUF/person

Put in: 1 glass of champagne

Nourishing aroma bath with milk and honey (20 minutes) 5.000 HUF/person

Put in: 1 cup of herbal tea

Stress free aroma bath (20 minutes) 5.000 HUF/person

Put in: 1 cup of herbal tea

Dead-sea salt detoxifying aroma bath (20 minutes) 5.000 HUF/person
Put in: 1 glass of red wine

You can enjoy the CROCUS-baths alone or with your partner.


Relaxation salt room

The ionized air of the salt room is free from allergic materials. Its dust, bacteria and micro organism content is also very low. It is recommended for patients with asthmatic diseases. Salt therapy helps in stress relieving, calms the vegetative nervous system, beneficial for respiration diseases. The strength of immune system increases. In the cozy room the pleasant relaxation music calms the nervous system and makes the relaxation perfect. We recommend it after sauna and before going to bed.

Our relaxation salt room appropriate for maximum 6 persons.

Price: 2.500 HUF/person/45 minutes

Relaxation salt bed

In the set-up of our body is one of the most important content is salt.

Thanks to this pleasant treatment our guests can be cured in a unique way, with a help of a salt bed.

If we heat up the salt, it turns dryer and its kinetic energy increases. This heated, extremely clean sodium-chloride dissolves in the air in the form of micro-size particles, and gets into the skin, respiratory system where it works off. Here it starts its duty and clear the allergens, toxins and other harmful materials respired from the air. It has also a strong inflammation relieving and preventing function. During the treatment the patients are filled up with positive energy with the help of salt from the Himalayas. It balances the natural bio-energy lack of our body.

During the therapy the patients lay on pleasant, 32-38 ºC hot salt bed, which follows the body shape perfectly. They can relax undisturbed in this pleasant position, leaving their muscles to relax. After the treatment the patients will be fresh, energetic and stress-free.

Our relaxation salt bed room is appropriate for max. 2 persons.

Reservation must be done minimum 2 hours before at the wellness reception.

Price: 5.000 HUF/person/45 minutes


Privat jacuzzi

It is possible for our dear guests to be closetedon the silentlittle island of our hotel's roof terrace where beside of the beautiful panorama they can sink in the pleasant, relaxing water of our effervescent bath.

The SKY-SPA is available for 1-4 persons.

Inlets:1 bottle of Portugieser

Price: 6.000 HUF/60 minutes/1-2 persons

12.000 HUF/60 minutes/3-4 persons

Reservation must be done minimum 2 hours before at the wellness reception.



Regenerating, refreshing red wine bath with a glass of Kopár Cuvée (20 min.)

„Velvet Sunshine“ grape seed face peeling (30 min.)

„Finesse” Gesichts- und Kopfmassage (30 min.)

Price of the cure: 14.000 HUF


Regenerating, Refreshing Red Wine Bath with a glass of Kopár Cuvée (20 min.)

„Glorious Softness” grape seed body peeling (30 min.)

„Kopár Cuvée” body massage (40 min.)

„Delicious Grape” body mask with fresh grapes (40 min.)

Price of the cure: 23.000 HUF


Dead Sea salt detoxifying aroma bath (20 min.)

Dead Sea salt skin-regenerating full body peeling (30 min.)

Price of the cure: 11.000 HUF


Energizing cocoa butter peeling with coffee beans (30 min.)

Moisturizing chocolate-honey massage (40 min.)
Relaxing, regenerating chocolate body mask (40 min.)
Price of the cure: 20.000 HUF

The treatments can be resorted separately too.

We also set unique treatment packages – ask the help of our wellness staff.


Following products are to buy at the wellness reception:

products for face and body

RUGIADA DI VIGNA foaming cleanser (150 ml) 7.990 HUF

PIOGGIA DI VIGNA tonic (200 ml) 7.990 HUF

FRAPPE DI VITE face peeling (50 ml) 7.990 HUF

MOSTO essential fluid care (50 ml) 13.990 HUF

PATE D’UVA active anti-ageing cream (50 ml) 11.990 HUF

KIANTY VITA-VITE anti-ageing cream with botox effect (50 ml) 13.990 HUF

KIANTY SERUM-VITE anti-ageing serum with botox effect (50 ml) 17.990 HUF

KIANTY EYE-LIFT-OX eye-contour active anti-ageing serum (15 ml) 12.990 HUF

KIANTY VINIFERIN eyes and lips cream (15 ml) 13.990 HUF

AQUA SORBET LIGH hidratante cream (50 ml) 14.990 HUF

AQUA SORBET RICH hidratante cream (50 ml) 16.990 HUF

AQUA CLEANSER gentle cleansing milk (250 ml) 7.190 HUF

AQUA TONER moisturizing toner (250 ml) 6.490 HUF

BAGNO DI LATTE body lotion (250 ml) 9.990 HUF

GLYCOLIC serum and protective cream (30ml+50 ml) 23.490 HUF

GLYCOLIC dual phase tonic (150 ml) 7.790 HUF

GLYCOLIC washing foam (150 ml) 7.790 HUF

ANTI-AGE SUN CREAM SPF 30 (50 ml) 9.590 HUF

OIL-FREE SUN SPRAY SPF 25 (200 ml) 9.990 HUF


products for hair and body

PURE HERBS vitalizing shampoo (250 ml) 1.990 HUF

PURE HERBS energizing shower gel (250 ml) 1.990 HUF

PURE HERBS soothing body lotion (250 ml) 2.190 HUF

PURE HERBS body peeling (250 ml) 2.790 HUF

PURE HERBS bath crystals (50 g) 790 HUF



Would you like to enjoy our wellness services,

but you don’t know in which order you should try them?

Let us to give you an advice!

Let us help you with our recommendations:

1.  adequate amount of liquid

(half liter of mineral water, herbal tea, fruit juice)

2.  swimming, take a bath in the Jacuzzi (10-15 min.)

3.  relaxing (5-10 min.)

4.  sauna cure:

o  Finnish sauna (8-12 min.)/infra red sauna (20-30 min.)/steam bath (8-12 min.)

o  experience shower

o  relaxing (10-15 min.)

/We recommend to our sauna trained guests to repeat the sauna cure maximum 3 times./

5.  liquid consumption (half liter of mineral water, herbal tea, fruit juice)

6.  Relaxing, regenerating wine therapy treatments

(body-, face treatments, massage, aroma- and wine bath)

7.  liquid consumption (half liter of mineral water, herbal tea, fruit juice)

8.  light food

with a nice wine, beer, mineral water, herbal tea, fruit juice

(from our wellness bar selection)

If you need more information or have questions, the wellness team is at your command.

Available: from August 2016 till recall

Alteration is possible.