Critical Reasoning Practice Test 4

Question 1

In her new kids' guide to writing, Gail tells beginners not to get discouraged, to pay attention to every detail and to incorporate fun into discipline. She suggests writing the first page of the story three times, each time from a different starting point. Every story has another story behind it. Gail is practical, conversational and honest - a good voice to have in your ear as you set about the solitary work of writing. One of her more specific pieces of advice is to save the work for at least 15 years.
Which of the following is the most remarkable feature of the book?

  1. It appeals to both adults and children.
  2. It lists all good stories which a beginner should read.
  3. It can be used by even those who have been writing for a long time.
  4. It inspires the reader to write stories as it lists the dos and donts of the hobby
  5. The design and layout is remarkable

Correct Answer : C


Clearly E is not a remarkable feature. Though the book appeals to both adults and children, it is specifically written for children. Hence it is unlikely that an adult would read it. An adult would read it only by chance and moreover the style of story writing of adults and kids is different. Hence an adult might not gain as much from the book. Hence we reject A. We have to choose the best feature from B, C and D. Out of these three features what is most remarkable is that the book can be useful for even those who have been writing for a long time. Clearly the book is only meant for beginners. What gives it distinction is that it can be helpful for anyone in general. Hence we can say that C is the best option.

Question 2

At this time of the year, the transition period, the skin gets affected by the changes in the weather. The skin becomes very dry as it has to face the cold harsh winds and the scorching sun at the same time. It's hence very important to take extra care of your skin, so that it does not get damaged.
Which of the following is most likely the advice given by the author of the above paragraph?

  1. Moisturize the skin on a daily basis.
  2. Scrubbing the skin to free it of dead cells in the dry areas is also very important.
  3. Chapped lips can be easily treated with milk cream.
  4. Massage the hands, legs and other parts of the body with a good skin lotion.
  5. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking 10 - 14 glasses of water everyday

Correct Answer : D


We reject E as it can not be relate to skin care. It does not give any specific explanation of why one should keep oneself hydrated. C covers only the care of chapped lips. It does not talk of the care of skin in general. Hence we reject it. Also in B, only scrubbing is being talked about. The author is talking about how skin becomes dry. He is most likely to advice on how to prevent it. Scrubbing is a remedial measure and not a preventive measure. Hence we reject it. Out of A and D we can see that D is more detailed. It tells the reader how skin should be moisturized. A on the other hand only mentions that skin should be moisturized daily. Hence we can say that D is the best answer option.

Question 3

While the life-expectancy gap between men and women has shrunk to five years, the narrowest since 1946, it is no secret that men still need to pay more attention to their bodies.
Which of the following is the most suitable reason for the above?

  1. Men tend to drink and smoke more than women and generally tend to have less healthy lifestyles.
  2. Men do not seek medical help as often as women.
  3. Men tend to join in fearless, risky, dangerous behaviour more often than women.
  4. Men largely define themselves by their work, which adds to stress and to being disconnected from their emotional side.
  5. Men do not accept that they are sick and need help.

Correct Answer : B


D only talks about the mental stress that men face. This is only one aspect of health and hence we reject E. We have to compare the remaining. Where A and C tell us why men fall ill B and E tell us why they do not survive illness. Clearly we can not accept A and C over B and E. Hence we reject them. Out of B and E we can choose B. Recognizing the cause of disease is different from acting on eliminating it. Even if a person accepts that he is sick and needs help it is useless until he seeks help. Hence we can say that the most important reason for the difference is that men do not seek help even if they need it. B is the best answer

Question 4

A leading child psychologist and education consultant gives the following advice on how special children should be dealt with.
Which of the following is the most unimportant advice given by her?

  1. Accept that the child is not diseased.
  2. Do not frustrate the child.
  3. Slow learners should be exempted from some subjects.
  4. Make them answerable for themselves.
  5. Seek professional help about how the child should be looked after.

Correct Answer : C


All of the above points are useful. But we have to choose the most unimportant point. We can see that C is a slightly controversial point. On one hand we are advised not to treat such children as diseased and to make them responsible. And on the other hand we are advised to exempt slow learners from some subjects. This point need not be applicable to all slow learners but only to some. Hence we can say that C is the most unimportant point.

Question 5

Invitation cards are now more stylized than ever. When two doctors got married in the city lately, they sent out cards rolled and put in syringes. Another couple sent out their marriage anniversary party's invitations in the form of a booklet with the most significant moments of their lives. The trend is now catching the attention of children also who want a unique invitation card for their birthday parties.
Which of the following is the most suitable criticism of the above trend?

  1. Some such cards can not be posted and have to be delivered specially.
  2. Some of these cards are worded in a stylish fashion and get difficult to interpret.
  3. Invitation cards are only to inform the guest about the program or schedule.
  4. These cards are nearly five times costlier than the usual cards.
  5. The event loses its importance and the card becomes the main attraction.

Correct Answer : C


All of the above points are valid criticisms. But we have to choose the most suitable criticism. Since B only talks about special cases we reject it. We also reject A on the same basis. Out of C, D and E, we can say that C is the best criticism of the trend. It attacks the whole concept of designing such cards. Cards are only meant for inviting the guest and informing them about the program. They need not be so elaborate at all. E and D on the other hand do not strongly criticize the paragraph. Hence we can say that C is the best answer option.

Question 6

People start donating in charitable institutions to get rid of guilt. They are doing “good work”; they are doing “God's work'. They are opening hospitals and schools. All they are doing is trying somehow not to go mad because of the feeling of guilt. All your hospitals, and all your schools and colleges, and all your charitable institutions are outcomes of guilty people.
Which of the following is the most suitable assumption of the author?

  1. People are guilty of having more money than they require
  2. All schools and colleges etc are funded by people who are guilty
  3. People feel that they are doing God's work by donating
  4. Rich people are guilty
  5. If people do not donate they will go mad

Correct Answer : A


We can clearly see that the author has given explanation, though very brief and indirect, for B, C and E. Hence we reject them. We are left with A and D. We can say that A is a better answer option. There is a slight difference in the two statements. The author does not say that only rich people are guilty. He in fact only mentions that people are guilty without referring to any particular class of society. We can infer that he has assumed that they are guilty of having money which they can not use and hence they donate it. He does not give us any reason for believing this and only tells us how people try to get rid of this guilt. Hence we can say that A is the best answer option.

Question 7

Ann had a bad headache. She tried to take medicine on her own but that did not help. She felt miserable. Finally she had to ask her sister Amy, with whom she was not talking since two days, to take her to a doctor.
Which of the following situations represents a similar case as is mentioned above?

  1. Jane borrows Mike's camera and did not return it even two weeks after her job was over. Finally Mike had to remind her to give it back to him.
  2. Mary and Tina are very good friends but have had a difference over some petty issue. Mary invites Tina to dinner and they forget everything.
  3. Sam stops talking to Mat when he returns his bike with a flat tyre. Later Mat apologises and they patch up.
  4. Sim knows that his mother is very angry but still he dares to ask her if he can go with his class for a picnic. His mother lets him go.
  5. Tim and Titan stop talking to each other as a result of a small fight. Titan sees Tim in a financial trouble and gives him help.

Correct Answer : D


From the given situation we can see that Ann sought Amy's help for sorting out her problem even though they were not on talking terms. Amy on the other hand helped her in spite of being angry. This is an example of a person seeking the help of another for his own benefit when they are not at good terms. And the other person obliges. Out of all the above examples D is closest to this. Hence D is the correct answer option.

Question 8

Apparao Galleries is conducting an exhibition cum sale of textiles woven by the weavers of Maheshwar and designed by Mira Sagar. Deep colours such as red, burgundy, midnight blue, pinks, etc have been used. The exhibition will be on for five days next week, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., in the five Apparao Galleries across the city.
Which is the most likely assumption of the organizers?

  1. People will buy the products of Mira Sagar.
  2. People prefer hand woven clothes to machine woven clothes.
  3. There is a need to give a designer touch to traditional weaving.
  4. Designer products are more popular than non-designer traditional weaving.
  5. People will turn up in large numbers for the exhibition.

Correct Answer : E


The author has not given much emphasis to the fact that the exhibits have been designed by Mira Sagar. No importance has been given to the fact. In fact a reader does not even come to know how famous she is. Similarly no importance has been given to the exhibits being woven. Hence we reject A and B. From among C, D and E, we can conclude that E is the most likely assumption. From the paragraph it is amply clear that the organizers are expecting a large number of people to come for the exhibition. They have five venues across the city and the exhibition will be on for a week. Elaborate details have been given about the exhibition. Hence we can say that E is the most likely assumption.

Question 9

People sometimes do not realize that what they eat can be useless and sometimes harmful. One would be better off if one considered the alimentary qualities of one's food, not just its taste.
Which of the following is the most likely meaning of alimentary?

  1. Concerning nutrition
  2. Primary
  3. Remedial
  4. Causing sickness
  5. Causing allergy

Correct Answer : A


Clearly B and E are irrelevant. The paragraph does not emphasize on the aspect of the food one eats being harmful. He just says that sometimes it is harmful. Hence we reject D. From among A and C we can say that A is the best option. The paragraph does not talk specifically about foods that have remedial qualities. The author simply says that food should be useful. Also he says that we should not eat only that which appeals to our taste buds. Hence it is likely that he is talking simply about the nutritional qualities of food rather than the remedial qualities. Hence we can say that A is the best answer option.

Question 10

Some stories are for the mere purpose of making the listener feel good. Like say the fairy tales which always have a happy ending. On the other hand C. S. Lewis's Narnia tales are Christian allegories.
Which of the following is the most likely meaning of allegory?

  1. A romantic story
  2. A violent story
  3. A symbolic story
  4. A scary story
  5. A folklore

Correct Answer : C


The author is trying to analyze the purpose of stories. He is not considering the categories of stories. He says that fairy tales are for the purpose of making people feel good. And hence we reject the different categories of stories like romantic, violent and scary. We are left with C and E. E conveys the purpose of telling about traditions whereas C tells about the purpose of giving some moral or spiritual teachings. Since the Narnia tales are Christian allegories we conclude that they are symbolic stories rather than folklore. Hence we can say that C is the best answer option.

Question 11

In her new kids' guide to writing, Gail tells beginners not to get discouraged, to pay attention to every detail and to incorporate fun into discipline. She suggests writing the first page of the story three times, each time from a different starting point. Every story has another story behind it. Gail is practical, conversational and honest - a good voice to have in your ear as you set about the solitary work of writing. One of her more specific pieces of advice is to save the work for at least 15 years.
Which of the following is the most remarkable feature of the book?

  1. It appeals to both adults and children.
  2. It lists all good stories which a beginner should read.
  3. It can be used by even those who have been writing for a long time.
  4. It inspires the reader to write stories as it lists the dos and donts of the hobby
  5. The design and layout is remarkable

Correct Answer : C


Clearly E is not a remarkable feature. Though the book appeals to both adults and children, it is specifically written for children. Hence it is unlikely that an adult would read it. An adult would read it only by chance and moreover the style of story writing of adults and kids is different. Hence an adult might not gain as much from the book. Hence we reject A. We have to choose the best feature from B, C and D. Out of these three features what is most remarkable is that the book can be useful for even those who have been writing for a long time. Clearly the book is only meant for beginners. What gives it distinction is that it can be helpful for anyone in general. Hence we can say that C is the best option.

Question 12

At this time of the year, the transition period, the skin gets affected by the changes in the weather. The skin becomes very dry as it has to face the cold harsh winds and the scorching sun at the same time. It's hence very important to take extra care of your skin, so that it does not get damaged.
Which of the following is most likely the advice given by the author of the above paragraph?

  1. Moisturize the skin on a daily basis.
  2. Scrubbing the skin to free it of dead cells in the dry areas is also very important.
  3. Chapped lips can be easily treated with milk cream.
  4. Massage the hands, legs and other parts of the body with a good skin lotion.
  5. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking 10 - 14 glasses of water everyday

Correct Answer : D


We reject E as it can not be relate to skin care. It does not give any specific explanation of why one should keep oneself hydrated. C covers only the care of chapped lips. It does not talk of the care of skin in general. Hence we reject it. Also in B, only scrubbing is being talked about. The author is talking about how skin becomes dry. He is most likely to advice on how to prevent it. Scrubbing is a remedial measure and not a preventive measure. Hence we reject it. Out of A and D we can see that D is more detailed. It tells the reader how skin should be moisturized. A on the other hand only mentions that skin should be moisturized daily. Hence we can say that D is the best answer option.