Title: History Through Listening
Lesson #1 / Grade 10
AMV 2O, Vocal
Critical Learning
/ Guiding Questions
Students will learn the characteristics of choral music through the years by discussing, listening and responding to a wide variety of selections. They will use different learning strategies and tracking sheets in the process. / What are the characteristics of choral music during each of the musical periods?
What are the key elements that you should listen for to determine the musical period?

Curriculum Expectations

B1. The Critical Analysis Process: use the critical analysis process when responding to, analyzing, reflecting on, and interpreting music;
B1.1 listen to selections that represent a variety of musical styles and genres, and describe and reflect on their responses to them
B1.2 identify and explain the use of elements and other components of music in a variety of selections, including their performance repertoire
C1. Theory and Terminology: demonstrate an understanding of music theory with respect to concepts of notation and the elements and other component of music, and use appropriate terminology relating to them;
C1.1 demonstrate an understanding of the elements of music, particularly through practical application and aural recognition, and use appropriate terminology related to these elements /

Learning Goals

(Unpacked Expectations)
I can:
· Recognize choral music from all periods by listening
· Listen for and recognize key characteristics of each period.

Instructional Components and Context


· Students have already been taught how to actively listen and to work in cooperative situations.

· Students have previously learned the elements of music and know the instruments of the orchestra


A capella
Monophonic /


BLM 1 Diagram for music history note-taking
BLM 2 Fishbone
BLM 3 Listening Chart
Teacher Resource 1 Outline
A variety of selections of choral music for listening.
Space for students to move around classroom
Suggested websites:
Title: History Through Listening
Lesson #1 / Grade 10
AMV 20, Vocal
Minds On Approximately 7 x 20 minutes / Pause and Ponder
· Review the six musical periods and their dates
· With teacher guidance and direction complete the fishbone organizer BLM 2 Fishbone with three or four composers from each period. Write the name of the period on the angled limb and the composers on each branch
· Through lecture or shared reading from a suitable textbook the students will complete the web organizer BLM 1 Organizer for each era. They are encouraged to use jot notes and to summarize the key points.
· After learning about each era, the class will listen to a recording of a piece of choral music from that era. The teacher must point out the key characteristics and link it to the listening chart BLM 3 Listening Chart that will be used later. / Assessment for Learning (AfL)
Assessment as Learning
·  Students will compare their answers with a partner and make any necessary corrections
·  Repeated listening to pieces from the same period gives student the opportunity to reinforce their new knowledge
Differentiation (DI)
Students can choose to write lecture-style notes instead of using the circle chart.
Students can circle or highlight the listening chart.
Quick Tip
If space is a problem or if there are students with mobility issues, have the students work in small groups with coloured tickets that they hold up to indicate their choice.
Link and Layer
Link to prior learning (e.g., make explicit links to expectations students have already demonstrated).
Hyperlinks in the Lesson
(see example below)
Provide hyperlink to excerpts from or paraphrases of research; samples of teacher-created resources, prompts or questions, student work; video footage of classrooms in action; teacher think-alouds or journal excerpts—in Minds On, Action! and Consolidation.
Action! Approximately 90 minutes
· Over the course of two weeks play a listening selection every class. Have the students circle or highlight their observations on their listening chart BLM 3 Listening Chart
· With a partner, the students should share their answers and discuss their reasons for their choices.
· The teacher is encouraged to mix up the eras over the two weeks and to try to play pieces that typify the eras.
Consolidation Approximately 20 minutes
· Once all of the musical periods have been introduced and the class has listened to several examples, complete this next activity.
· Select three or four pieces for the class to listen to.
· Using a four corners format, label the corners Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical/Romantic.
· As each piece is played the students move to the applicable corner. Once there, they discuss why they selected that period. Play a small segment of the piece again and give the students the opportunity to move to another corner if desired.
· At the end of the activity take the opportunity to discuss each piece and the elements that helped the students make their decisions.


Grade 10 Open Vocal Music AMV-20 Lesson 1

Ontario Music Educators’ Association www.omea.on.ca