19thJune 2017

Pathology User Communications

1)Issues with ICE printing in Internet Explorer

We have been made aware of some workstations printing a blank page from ICE and being presented with an ‘iFrame’ error.

This is due to some recent security patches released by Microsoft. These updates are causing an issue with Internet Explorer 11 where the content of a frame (iframe or frame in a frameset) cannot be printed or previewed. A blank page results and the URL reported in the page footer is wrong. The security patches installed are:

-KB4022725 on Windows 10

-KB4022726 on Windows 8

-KB4022719 on Windows 7

Microsoft are aware of the issue and are looking into a fix for these.

Any decisions about applying security patches must be locally risk assessed but please be aware that if you do have this patch in place we are unable to assist until a fix has been released by Microsoft.

2)Providing Separate Samples for Immunology Testing

As part of the work to improve the immunology service please could you ensure that when samples are being taken for immunology testing (autoimmune, allergy, serum electrophoresis or myeloma screens etc.), a separate yellow topped sample is taken. The extra immunology sample is clearly marked on the GP ICE forms under Specimen Collection Instructions but is also essential when taking samples for Immunology tests requested on Hospital request forms (these only specify the colour of tube required and not the number of them). We are working with the system supplier to improve this.

Immunology Enquiries

For general enquiries and to add further tests please email:


For urgent result enquiries please phone 01932 723042

For clinical advice please contact 01932 723860, 723877 or 726522.

3)Reasons for Urine Sample Rejection

Urine specimens can be rejected for the following reasons:

Under filling of Boric acid tube

Stable bacterial counts in urine specimens are necessary to assess the accurate diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). Manufacturer Instructions for Use of boric acid containers require sufficient filling of the tubes to avoid false positive or false negative results. The acid concentrations in the tubes are specific to the full 10mL volume of urine being provided.

The Boric acid container is pictured below with an illustration of the required fill line.

In circumstances where 10mL of urine is hard to obtain, a urine tube without preservative can be used. This would be the same tube as would be used for a Biochemistry investigation. In this situation the sample will be processed but be reported with a comment to say that the sample was received in an alternate tube.

Please ensure filling of the container to the fill line to avoid unnecessary sample rejection.

This ensures the results are the right result.

Mislabelled or incorrectly labelled

Samples need to comply with specimen receipt criteria of having 3 unique identifiers for the patient in accordance with national recommended guidance.

Please ensure complete labelling of the container to avoid unnecessary sample rejection.

This ensures the results are for the right patient.

Sample too old to process

This is when samples are delayed (or appear to be delayed) in arriving to the lab.

As well as being a genuinely old specimen, this can happen due to:

Specimen containers being pre-labelled with the date and the patient not producing a sample for a few days


No date and time being available on the specimen. The laboratory will have to assume the date and time of the ICE request is true (which could potentially have been printed a while before the sample is produced).

Please ensure provision of the date and time on the container to avoid unnecessary sample rejection.

This ensures the results are the right result.

Please be in touch with the laboratory (01753 633468) if you have further queries on this matter or email if required.