Criterion VII - Support to Students
Students are the main customers of educational institutions. It is the responsibility of the institution to develop not only the intellectual ability of the student but his total personality as well. Towards this end, a robust program of student personnel services is designed to help the student, throughout his academic life, attain his maximum potential and become a worthy member of the society. Student support services complement the academic program.
Indicator A - Guidance Counselor-Student Ratio
- How compliant is the guidance counseling system like, counselor-student ratio with government requirements?
Parameter / National
Standards / Institution’s
Status / Percent Compliance / Please tick
(4) / Institution’s
Guidance Counseling System / 81 and above / 4
61 – 80 / 3
41 – 60 / 2
21 – 40 / 1
20 or less / 0
Data Sources: (Please provide data for the past three years, where applicable)
- Reference–National Standard (e.g. Philippines–1 licensed GC : 500 students)
- Student Population
- Guidance and Counseling Program
- List of Guidance Counselors
- List of Programs and Activities Provided by the Counselors
- Student’s feedback
Indicator B - Student Services
- Is the Student Services Unit properly administered and adequately staffed as per the prescribed requirements?
Parameter / National
Standards / Institution’s
Status / Percent Adequacy / Please tick
(4) / Institution’s
Student Services Unit / 81 and above / 4
61 – 80 / 3
41 – 60 / 2
21 – 40 / 1
20 or less / 0
Date Required:
Annex 45.Student Services Program
Annex 46.Profile of Student Services Unit Staff
Data Sources: (Please provide data for the past three years, where applicable)
- Student Population
- Organizational chart of Student Services Unit
- Programs and Activities offered by the Student Services Unit
- Students’ Feedback
- Does the institution comply with the government requirements or maintain a system/ mechanism of student recruitment, selection and admission, both in terms of the process as well as dissemination of information?
Parameter / National
Standards / Institution’s
Status / Percent Compliance / Please tick
(4) / Institution’s
Student recruitment, selection and admission / 81 and above / 4
61 – 80 / 3
41 – 60 / 2
21 – 40 / 1
20 or less / 0
Date Required:
Annex 47.Enrollment, Drop-out and other Student Statistics
Data Sources: (Please provide data for the past three years, where applicable)
- Describe the mechanism of student recruitment, selection and admission
- Student Population
- Inquiries from prospective students
- Modes of Information dissemination and sample of write-ups
- Criteria and eligibility for admission
- Does the institution follow a retention program for the most deserving students?
Refers to the extent to which learners remain within an educational institution, and complete a program of study in a pre-determined time-period. The emphasis is on the retention of students on courses and their successful completion of courses within a specific time-period.
Percentage of Students Retained (for the past 3 years) / Please tick () / POINTSWeighted
(4) / Institution’s
81 and above / 4
61 – 80 / 3
41 – 60 / 2
21 – 40 / 1
20 or less / 0
Data Sources:(Please provide data for the past three years, where applicable)
- Description of the retention program
- Student Population
- Student Retention Mechanism and Criteria for retention
- List of students who have availed of the retention program
- This includes “graduation rate”, “completion rate” and “student success”.
- What percentage of the students during the last three (3) years were provided with continuing scholarship, grantsand study loans which led them to earn a certificate or diploma?
A type of financial aid in the form of a grant that may or may not have to be repaid by the recipient. Scholarships are most often given to recipients for one or two reasons or both: achievement or financial need. Scholarships are set up for all of the tuition and even things like board, food, books and allowances. However, some scholarships won’t cover all of such benefits but on a partial basis.
Percentage of Students / Please tick () / POINTSWeighted
(4) / Institution’s
31 and above / 4
21 – 30 / 3
11 – 20 / 2
1 – 10 / 1
0 / 0
Date Required:
Annex 48.Scholarship Program
Data Sources: (Please provide data for the past three years, where applicable)
- Scholarship Programs and Incentives
- Student Population
- Memorandum of Agreements with Scholarship giving bodies
- List of scholarships, grants and study loans available
- List of student who have availed of the scholarships, grants and study loans
- Does the institution allocate budget for the conduct of extra-curricular activities?)
Answer / Please tick () / POINTS
(2) / Institution’s
Yes / 2
No / 0
- How compliant is the institution with the standards set by the government on area and location?
Parameter / Percentage Compliance / Please tick () / POINTS
(12) / Institution’s
Co-Curricular activities / 81 and above / 4
61 – 80 / 3
41 – 60 / 2
21 – 40 / 1
20 or less / 0
Extra-curricular activities / 81 and above / 4
61 – 80 / 3
41 – 60 / 2
21 – 40 / 1
20 or less / 0
Data Required:
Annex 49.Co-curricular and Extra-Curricular Programs Program
Data Sources: (Please provide data for the past three years, where applicable)
- List of Co-curricular and Extra-Curricular Programs
- Student Population
- Student’s Feedback
- Activities of each Co-curricular and Extra-Curricular Program
- What percentage of students during the last three (3) years was able to get employment/self-employment within one year from graduation through the institutions’ employment and placement program?
Percentage of Students / Please tick () / POINTS
(4) / Institution’s
51 and above / 4
31 – 50 / 3
10 – 30 / 2
1 – 9 / 1
0 / 0
Data Sources:(Please provide data for the past three years, where applicable)
- Placement and Alumni Affairs
- Information on the employment and placement program of the institution
- Student Population
- Alumni Feedback
- Company Feedback
- What is the percentage involvement of representatives of students compared to the total number of the members of the decision-making body in major decision-making affecting their welfare?
Percentage Involvement / Please tick () / POINTS
(4) / Institution’s
11 and above / 4
8 – 10 / 3
4 – 7 / 2
1 – 3 / 1
0 / 0
Data Sources: (Please provide data for the past three years, where applicable)
- Minutes of Meetings on Student Welfare
- Major Decisions Made for the Student’s Welfare (e.g. students’ interests, well-being, safety, etc.)
- List of Existing Student Associations
- Student Feedback
- How many collaborations have been established in the last three (3) years with financial institutions for offering study loans?
No. of Collaboration
Established / Please tick () / POINTS
(4) / Institution’s
7 and above / 4
5 – 6 / 3
3 – 4 / 2
1 – 2 / 1
0 / 0
Data Requirement:
Annex 50.Policy on Study Loan
Data Sources: (Please provide data for the past three years, where applicable)
- Description of each study loan
- Terms and conditions of each study loan
- MOA of collaboration made
- List of study loans available
- List of students who availed of the study loans
- How compliant is the institution in providing services to promote health, sports and social needs of the students to government regulations?
Parameter / National
Standards / Institution’s
Status / Percent Compliance / Please tick
(4) / Institution’s
Health Needs of Students / 81 and above / 4
61 – 80 / 3
41 – 60 / 2
21 – 40 / 1
20 or less / 0
Sports and social needs of students / 81 and above / 4
61 – 80 / 3
41 – 60 / 2
21 – 40 / 1
20 or less / 0
Data Required:
Annex 51.Other Student Services
Data Sources:
- List of facilities available for providing services to promote health, sports and social needs of the students
- List of activities for providing services to promote health, sports and social needs of the students
- Student’s feedback