Tropical Health and Education Trust

Promoting the Development of Health Links

Seedcorn Grants2007

Application Guidelines

THET and Health Links

The mission of THET is to help improve the basic health services of the poorest countries, building long term capacity through training and support.

We encourage long-term institutional links between health institutions in developing countries and their counterparts in the UK. We learn from Health Links (Links) and promote good practice and experience sharing. These are long-term partnershipsfor mutual benefit.

The Seedcorn Grants Programme: An Overview

Links offer an effective means of contributing to international health development. The seedcorn grants programme is designed to support the development of new and fledglingLinks between health institutions[1] in the UK and their counterparts overseas. In addition, Links that are planning a substantial change e.g. extending from a departmental to an institutional Link or adding a south-south Link can also apply.

Grants will be awarded to help Links meet the cost of a visit/s that will facilitate the strategic development of the Link. For example, the grant could support an initial visit to agree aims and objectives or to undertake a needs assessment for a new development. The grants will not support routine visits for established Links.

Links can apply for seedcorn grants of between £2,000 and £3,000.

Eligibility Criteria

If you would like to apply for a grant, please read the following guidelines carefully to ensure you are eligible.

  1. New or fledgling Links (those that have been established within the last two years) can apply for a grant.
  1. In 2007, funding is limited to Links working in countries with a critical shortage of health service providers as defined in The World Health Report 2006 “Working together for health” (see attached map).
  1. Preference is given to institutional as opposed to departmental or individual inks. Departmental links can apply but need to demonstrate they are willing to extend the Link in the future to respond to emerging needs.
  1. Non-UK health institutions must be either publicly funded or provide services that are affordable by poor people or train staff who will work in services that are accessible to the poor.
  1. Eligible UK health institutions include UK NHS Trusts, academic institutions, hospital and academic departments, and cross-institutional groups. If you are unsure whether your institution can apply, please contact us to check before submitting your application.
  1. The objectives of the Link must be set by the non-UK partner and agreed, following discussion, by the UK partner.
  1. The Link must be endorsed by the Board/senior management team of the institutions involved. There must be a named Link Coordinator in each Link partner institution.
  1. Institutions involved in a Link should be recognised by their Ministry/Department of Health and/or education and relevant regulatory authorities.
  1. The main focus of the Link must be on capacity building in health and/or education and training for health care staff.
  1. While Link activities support the development of a particular institution, they should fit within the context of national or regional health policies and plans. This can be demonstrated by evidence that regional or national health authorities are aware of the proposed Link and that proposed activities are referenced to national or regional development plans.
  1. Links should not duplicate existing development activities; this will be demonstrated by knowledge of other organisations or NGOs who are working in the same non-UK institution/s.


  1. UK staff participate in Links on a voluntary basis. Grants cannot be used for remuneration of participants or to backfill costs.
  1. Seedcorn funding can only be used for travel and subsistence.
  1. Successful applicants will be required to submit a report to THET within a year of the grant being approved. In addition, they will be required to complete an annual questionnaire.
  1. Acceptance of a seedcorn grant implies a willingness to be entered on THET’s web-based database (see and to be contacted or networked with other Links working in the same geographical area or the same aspect of health care.
  1. Applicants should demonstrate that they have carried out, or intend to carry out an adequate risk assessment of the overseas country, that they have plans to brief Link participants and that they have plans for adequate insurance and indemnity.

The Application Process and Important Dates

Preparing your application:

  1. Please complete the form as fully as possible.
  1. Please attach written evidence of need from the non-UK partner.
  1. Please attach written evidence of support from the Board or senior management in your institution.
  1. If you have any questions, please ask.


  • The closing date for all applications is Monday 17th December 2007.
  • Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application by Monday 28th January 2008.

Submitting the application:

The application form, together with any supporting documents, should be sent to


[1] See definitions in paragraph 5