CRIS 2.09.10k Specific Release Notes v1.1


© Healthcare Software Systems 2010 Registered Office: Healthcare Software Systems, 3rd Floor i2 Mansfield, Hamilton Court, OakhamBusinessPark, Mansfield. NG18 5BR

General Information

This release replaces all previous major, minor and emergency releases. All changes included in a major release will also be included in a minor release. There is no downtime needed to install a release unless specifically mentioned in the Trust Implementation Issues section. All sites can be upgraded to this release of CRIS. No changes are included in a release until the change passes all tests and that change has no known issues or has caused any new known issues at the time of release. Each release of CRIS is not normally released with any known major issues unless specifically mentioned in the know issues section.

1. Contents

CRIS 2.09.10k Specific Release Notes v1.1


General Information

1. Contents

2. Issue Summaries

2.1 New Features

2.1.1 Post Processing

2.2 Enhancements

2.2.1 Printing

2.3 Issues Resolved

2.3.1 Dashboard

2.3.2 Database

2.3.3 Diary

2.3.4 Dictation

2.3.5 Event Details

2.3.6 Interfaces

2.3.7 Nuclear Medicine

2.3.8 Obstetrics

2.3.9 Other

2.3.10 Patient

2.3.11 Portering

2.3.12 Reporting

2.3.13 Scanning

2.3.14 Sessions (MDT)

2.3.15 Setup Tables

2.3.16 Soft Forms

2.3.17 Vetting

2.3.18 Voice Recognition

2.3.19 Widget

2.3.20 Worklists

2.3.21 XDS

2.4 House Keeping

3. Trust Implementation Issues

3.1 Standard issues:

3.2 Optional, for issues by request only:

4. Change Details

4.1 Dashboard

4.2 Database

4.3 Diary

4.4 Dictation

4.5 Event Details

4.6 Interfaces

4.7 Nuclear Medicine

4.8 Obstetrics

4.9 Other

4.10 Patient

4.11 Portering

4.12 Post Processing

4.13 Printing

4.14 Reporting

4.15 Scanning

4.16 Sessions (MDT)

4.17 Setup Tables

4.18 Soft Forms

4.19 Vetting

4.20 Voice Recognition

4.21 Widget

4.22 Worklists

4.23 XDS

2. Issue Summaries

The following section summarises the changes made in this version of CRIS relative to release 2.09.10k. Changes are divided into new features and issues resolved. Details of each change are provided later in the document in "Change Details". Navigation is best achieved by searching the document for the relevant "HSS Ref" number.
Notes on the following tables:
HSS Ref. - this relates to internal HSS change numbers.
LSP Ref. - this relates to LSP Incident, Problem or RFC reference numbers.
By Request - these changes can only be activated by HSS on a specific request by a Trust.
Trust Interest - these changes are deemed to be of significance to trusts either because they impact end users, require trust action or are desirable new features/fixes, which trusts are most likely to take advantage of.

2.1 New Features

2.1.1 Post Processing

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
235370 / - / Use of consumable packs in post processing / - / -

2.2 Enhancements

2.2.1 Printing

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
239646 / - / Exam details to print reason for exam and safety questions / Yes / -

2.3 Issues Resolved

2.3.1 Dashboard

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
240741 / - / Radiologists Widget Font Size / - / -

2.3.2 Database

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
239363 / - / Status records not updated in transaction / - / -

2.3.3 Diary

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
240758 / - / Manually saving appointment changes in the diary validates ignored exams / - / -
240094 / - / Problems when adding exams in diary / - / -
240478 / - / Diary displaying for exam not selected. / - / -
239567 / - / Corrupted events after failed search forward / - / -
239666 / - / Wrong date printed on appointment letter / - / -
240168 / - / Room slots of deleted exams not unbooked / - / -
240617 / - / Events reverting to old value / - / -
239387 / - / Ignored appointments with different booked and start times / - / -
240314 / - / Deleted exams can be rebooked in diary / - / -
239426 / - / Search forward and printing doesn't reload event even with force reload enabled / - / -
239365 / - / Saving a cancelled or waiting exam from the diary / - / -

2.3.4 Dictation

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
238935 / - / Dictation Priority Not Saving / - / -

2.3.5 Event Details

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
240230 / - / The F4 list of exams displays all exams if you do not have the GENERAL.ALL_EXAMS permission. / - / Yes
240003 / - / Report flag of event summary is not always updated by the inbound results interfaces / - / -
238532 / - / Exam Validation setup table problems after sorting rows / - / -
239440 / - / Possible to undo attendance of event with verified report / - / -
231794 / 238408 / Undo attend to request status shows wrong event date. / - / Yes

2.3.6 Interfaces

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
241415 / - / Mapping and transformation for DICOM MPPS / - / Yes
240920 / - / PACS messages sometimes contain the wrong exam code / - / -
240355 / - / Addendum by text in report showing original reporter / - / -

2.3.7 Nuclear Medicine

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
236450 / - / Duplicate serial numbers creating multiple administrations from a vial / - / -
239177 / - / New administrations not in unused administrations table / - / -

2.3.8 Obstetrics

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
239322 / - / EDD cutoff days ignored / - / -

2.3.9 Other

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
238861 / - / Spine.RestrictSItesToTrust not looked up properly / - / -

2.3.10 Patient

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
241261 / - / Merged patients are listed in the match patients list. / - / -

2.3.11 Portering

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
240128 / - / Porter List if columns are sorted patient selection is wrong as the default order is used instead. / - / -

2.3.12 Reporting

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
238881 / 0239159 / Verified exam report text not shown on batch verify. / - / -
240166 / - / Mark for Checking saving as provisional when QA licence is removed. / - / -
240743 / - / Re-ordered batch verify list doesnt load the events in the correct order. / - / -
239096 / - / Unchecking report issue / - / -

2.3.13 Scanning

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
240325 / - / Scanning getting error in console and image is not saved with using 'Documents' / - / -

2.3.14 Sessions (MDT)

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
240870 / - / When entering a Date in the 'Session Before' field that is within the range of daylight savings the date is not saved / - / -
240853 / - / Sessions list right click menu not displaying / - / -

2.3.15 Setup Tables

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
240271 / - / Input of invalid characters allowed in User ID in Staff Tables / - / -
240204 / - / Issue with re-ordering exam codes / - / -
240756 / - / Diary setup recalculate counts ignored exams / - / -
240900 / - / Clinician end date does not save / - / -
240901 / - / Changes in staff table do not save / - / -
240599 / - / Med Photo Avdata Store Configuration / - / -

2.3.16 Soft Forms

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
240714 / - / PET CT Softform can be unexpectedly cleared. / - / -

2.3.17 Vetting

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
239436 / - / It is possible to vet and cancel an attended and reported event / - / -

2.3.18 Voice Recognition

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
239866 / - / Dragon VR Spell "Choose N" command / - / -

2.3.19 Widget

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
240565 / - / Radiologist widget on Postgresql / - / -

2.3.20 Worklists

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
239481 / - / Blank urgency filter preference not loaded / - / -

2.3.21 XDS

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
239982 / - / Two AVDATAWRITE triggers created / - / -

2.4 House Keeping

House keeping is reserved for general code tidying which may provide minor improvements in efficiency or cosmetic changes that do not relate to issues resolved nor add new functionality.

3. Trust Implementation Issues

This section details issues which must be addressed by the Trust before a release or, where they are for issues which are only by request, before a particular feature is activated.

3.1 Standard issues:

241415 - Mapping and transformation for DICOM MPPS
Required Trust Action: Modality will need to be configured to send the MPPS to CRIS. Cooperationbetween trust modality vendor and HSS might be required in order to configure the interface correctly.

3.2 Optional, for issues by request only:

4. Change Details

This section provides further details of each change.
HEAD refers to the development and unreleased testing versions of CRIS. Changes reported in HEAD are either new features not in any previous version of CRIS or issues that have only been introduced or discovered during development or testing of the next release of CRIS. Issues reported in a particular release, HEAD or otherwise, may also be pertinent to other releases of CRIS.

4.1 Dashboard

240741 - Radiologists Widget Font Size
Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10k Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)
Description: The Radiologist widget font size does not always fit in the available space making the numbers unreadable.
Resolution: The count fields on the Radiologist Widget are now dynamically sized and resized based on the size of the widget, rather than relying on the screen resolution.

4.2 Database

239363 - Status records not updated in transaction
Reported in:Fixed in: 2.09.10k, HEAD Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)
Description: When saving an appointment in the diary, the event and exams are updated in a transaction but the status records are not.
Resolution: The status table is now updated in the same database transaction as the events and exams table. This should improve the consistency of the data in case of errors.

4.3 Diary

240758 - Manually saving appointment changes in the diary validates ignored exams
Reported in:Fixed in: 2.09.10k, HEAD Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)
Description: Manually entering a change to the appointment date or time on an event with ignored exams validated the rooms for the ignored exams. This can sometimes cause an available slot to be wrongly rejected as not available.
Resolution: Ignored exams are no longer validated against the days of the week that exam is defined to take place on.
240094 - Problems when adding exams in diary
Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10k Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)
Description: 1. Sometimes a database constraint error occurs, related to exam summary table or status table.
2. Exams can be moved to other days unexpectedly, then the exam date is different to the diary view date, usually related to the above.
Resolution: Database errors when saving an event with new or removed exams no longer occur.
Exams being unexpectedly moved when saving also no longer occurs.
240478 - Diary displaying for exam not selected.
Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10k Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)
Description: While you have the mouse button pressed in the diary then CRIS displays the diary for the type of exam your mouse is currently over.
When dragging an exam from the scratchpad it would not be expected for the diary to be redrawn to show the diary for each type of exam the mouse pointer moves over. The user would expect the diary to remain steady displaying as required for the exam being dragged.
Resolution: This error in the Scratch Pad selection when dragging an exam has been worked around. The selection will no longer change while dragging though the mouse pointer may not display the dragging cursor.
239567 - Corrupted events after failed search forward
Reported in:Fixed in: 2.09.10k, HEAD Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)
Description: It is possible for event, exam and status records to be inconsistent when manually booking an event after a search forward failed to find an appointment in the next month.
Resolution: Events are no longer corrupted after a failed search forward.
239666 - Wrong date printed on appointment letter
Reported in:Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10k Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)
Description: Using the diary, it is possible for an appointment letter to be printed with the wrong date. Additionally there are a number of errors associated with adding and removing examinations.
Resolution: The error that caused the wrong appointment date to be printed on the letter, and various other errors related to adding and removing exams within the Diary have been fixed.
240168 - Room slots of deleted exams not unbooked
Reported in:Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10k Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)
Description: If an exam is deleted in the diary without being changed, the room slots are not unbooked.
Resolution: This error has been fixed.
240617 - Events reverting to old value
Reported in:Fixed in: 2.09.10k Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)
Description: A site has had a problem where the event reverts to an earlier set of values shortly after printing the letter.
This appears to be when they reselect the event and add an event comment from the waiting list.
Even with XR setting ReloadOnListSelect turned on the event does not reload from the database on the waiting list.
Resolution: Changed redundant call on waiting list so that data is correctly updated.
239387 - Ignored appointments with different booked and start times
Reported in:Fixed in: 2.09.10k, HEAD Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)
Description: It is possible to change an appointment such that the booked time of the examination is different to the start time of the appointment status of that exam.
Resolution: This error has been fixed.
240314 - Deleted exams can be rebooked in diary
Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10k, HEAD Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)
Description: Deleted exam are still showing in the Diary and they can be moved with no warning messages being displayed. Using one event with two exam from different modalities and then deleting one exam from the event details screen - the diary displayed both and allows the deleted exam to be move without any warnings. Also you are able to then click the exam that has not been deleted and click [Send] and both exams are displayed in the event details screen with a message 'Unable to load - requested event has been deleted'.
Resolution: With the XR setting GENERAL.ForceReloadOnListSelect set to Yes, it is no longer possible to delete an exam in the CRIS window and then rebook the deleted exam in the Diary window.
239426 - Search forward and printing doesn't reload event even with force reload enabled
Reported in:Fixed in: 2.09.10k, HEAD Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)
Description: In the diary it is possible to search forward or print an event that has been changed by another user even when the XR setting GENERAL.ForceReloadOnListSelect is set to Yes. This can lead to various data consistency problems and incorrect appointment letters being printed.
Resolution: Events in the diary are now more vigorously refreshed on selection, search forward, printing, diary refresh and changing the displayed date. An error is displayed to the user if another user has changed a record. This may lead to lower performance due to the extra database work.
239365 - Saving a cancelled or waiting exam from the diary
Reported in:Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10k Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)
Description: It is possible to use the Save button in the diary to save a cancelled or waiting appointment.
Resolution: It is no longer possible to save an exam that is not currently an appointment in the diary. Changes should be made by sending the event to CRIS and re-adding it to the diary.

4.4 Dictation

238935 - Dictation Priority Not Saving
Reported in:Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10k Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)
Description: There is a discrepancy between what the dictation priority says in the dictation screen (always 2) , and the dictation properties screen, when you right click on the event, if the priority has been changed.
Resolution: Dictation priority now saves correctly for existing dictations.

4.5 Event Details

240230 - The F4 list of exams displays all exams if you do not have the GENERAL.ALL_EXAMS permission.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10k Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: The F4 list of exams displays all exams if you do not have the GENERAL.ALL_EXAMS permission.
Resolution:The F4 list of exams again only displays all exams if you have the GENERAL.ALL_EXAMS permission.

240003 - Report flag of event summary is not always updated by the inbound results interfaces
Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10k, HEAD Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)
Description: The incoming results interface does not populate the report flag of the exam summary correctly due to not setting the created report against the exam. The same is probably true for the FASP interfaces. This results in the icons not being displayed against an event, even when it has been reported by an external system
Resolution: The inbound results service now correctly keeps the exam summary table up to date when an incoming result for an examination, or a summary report is received.
238532 - Exam Validation setup table problems after sorting rows
Reported in:Fixed in: 2.09.10k, HEAD Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)
Description: When entering Exam validation rules, the user may wish to re-order the table (for example, modality)
CRIS retains the original table sequence, even though the re-order is done on screen. Therefore, when a record is changed after re-ordering, it actually changes whatever was in that row originally, leading to the wrong records being updated.
Resolution: Problems editing the FeeGroups, Fees, BatchSetup, ExamValidation and Stock Packs setup tables after reordering the rows by clicking on the columns have now been fixed.
239440 - Possible to undo attendance of event with verified report
Reported in:Fixed in: 2.09.10k Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)
Description: Possible to undo attendance of event with verified report
Resolution: Undo attend on events with verified reports is now stopped.
231794 - Undo attend to request status shows wrong event date.
Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10k Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)
Description: After using undo attend on an event that was created as an attendance the date shown on the event list after undo attend is the wrong date.
It should show the date requested but shows the 01/01/2099 dummy date.
Resolution: The event date is now displayed correctly after undo attend.
Problem No. 238408

4.6 Interfaces

241415 - Mapping and transformation for DICOM MPPS
Reported in:Fixed in: 2.09.10k Resolved by: ashields (Alan Shields)
Description: Add mapping and transformation scripting to the DICOM MPPS.
Resolution: The facility has been added for a script to be called prior to processing MPPS messages. This script can be used for mapping and transformation of the MPPS message.
Trust Implementation Issues: Modality will need to be configured to send the MPPS to CRIS. Cooperation between trust modality vendor and HSS might be required in order to configure the interface correctly.
240920 - PACS messages sometimes contain the wrong exam code
Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10k Resolved by: jpaul (Julia Paul)
Description: If the exam code of an order is changed at the same moment the order is attended, the old exam code can sometimes be sent out to PACS in error. This happens when the attribute SendChangeAsCancelNewOrder on the outgoing PAS interface is set to true. When the event is reordered a new order row is created in the orders table and the exam is associated to the new order. However, the PACS message may be created when the exam is still associated to the old order and hence the old exam code will used in the message instead of the new one.
Resolution: The exam code from the order (i.e. the old code) is only used in the message when it is a cancel message.
240355 - Addendum by text in report showing original reporter
Reported in:Fixed in: 2.09.10k Resolved by: jpaul (Julia Paul)
Description: The Addendum by text that is inserted in the report next to the Addendum Start message should show the name of the clinician who added the addendum. On the inbound results interface where the reports are created on external systems and sent to CRIS through the interfaces the addendum by name shows the original reporter rather than the clinician who added the report.
This issue does not affect reports created or updated using CRIS.
Resolution: When a report is saved from either an ORU^R01 or an IEP message on the inbound results interface, the reporting session's radiologist1 and radiologist2 was being populated with reported by and reported by 2 respectively. This was causing the wrong name to appear in the last addended by field and on the addendum start message. To rectify this issue the session data is now being populated with the values of OBR:32 and OBR:33, which will reflect the correct name of the radiologist who added the addendum.