CRIS 1.06.12p Release Notes v1.0


© Healthcare Software Systems 2004 Registered Office: Priory Road, Mansfield-Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire, NG19 9LP.

General Information

This release replaces all previous major, minor and emergency releases. All changes included in a major release will also be included in a minor release. There is no downtime needed to install a release unless specifically mentioned in the Trust Implementation Issues section. All sites can be upgraded to this release of CRIS. No changes are included in a release until the change passes all tests and that change has no known issues or has caused any new known issues at the time of release. Each release of CRIS is not normally released with any known major issues unless specifically mentioned in the know issues section.

1. Contents

CRIS 1.06.12p Release Notes


General Information

1. Contents

2. Issue Summaries

2.1 New Features





2.1.5Event Details



2.1.8Menu Options


2.1.10Post Processing




2.1.14Setup Tables

2.1.15Software Installation



2.1.18Voice Recognition


2.2 Enhancements

2.2.1Event Details


2.2.3Menu Options


2.2.5Stats Scheduler


2.3 Issues Resolved






2.3.6Event Details

2.3.7Film Tracking



2.3.10Menu Options

2.3.11Nuclear Medicine



2.3.14Post Processing




2.3.18Setup Tables

2.3.19Software Installation



2.3.22Stats Scheduler

2.3.23Voice Recognition


2.4 House Keeping


2.4.2Film Tracking




3. Trust Implementation Issues

3.1 Standard issues:

3.2 Optional, for issues by request only:

4. Change Details






4.6Event Details

4.7Film Tracking



4.10Menu Options

4.11Nuclear Medicine



4.14Post Processing




4.18Setup Tables

4.19Software Installation



4.22Stats Scheduler

4.23Voice Recognition


5. Known Issues

5.1 Known Issue Summaries




5.1.4Event Details

5.1.5Film Tracking



5.1.8Menu Options

5.1.9Nuclear Medicine



5.1.12Post Processing




5.1.16Setup Tables


5.1.18Stats Scheduler

5.1.19Voice Recognition


5.2 Known Issue Details




5.2.4Event Details

5.2.5Film Tracking



5.2.8Menu Options

5.2.9Nuclear Medicine



5.2.12Post Processing




5.2.16Setup Tables


5.2.18Stats Scheduler

5.2.19Voice Recognition


2. Issue Summaries

The following section summarises the changes made in this version of CRIS relative to release 1.06.12p. Changes are divided into new features and issues resolved. Details of each change are provided later in the document in "Change Details". Navigation is best achieved by searching the document for the relevant "HSS Ref" number.
Notes on the following tables:
HSS Ref. - this relates to internal HSS change numbers.
LSP Ref. - this relates to LSP Incident, Problem or RFC reference numbers.
By Request - these changes can only be activated by HSS on a specific request by a Trust.
Trust Interest - these changes are deemed to be of significance to trusts either because they impact end users, require trust action or are desirable new features/fixes, which trusts are most likely to take advantage of.

2.1 New Features


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
200173 / - / Table log viewer / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
211124 / - / Billing module in standard release / Yes / -
209216 / - / Billing Module / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
200317 / - / Display Status Comment On Diary Hover Help / - / -
200177 / - / One minute diary slots / - / -
200019 / - / Viewing diary times when scrolling right / - / Yes


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
200421 / - / Add support for USB footpedals / - / -
200268 / - / Prevent multiple copies of CRIS on one PC / - / -

2.1.5Event Details

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
209271 / - / Exam costs / - / -
200601 / - / Pathway ID field / - / -
200364 / - / registered pct at time of attendance / Yes / Yes
200324 / - / Reduce exam codes displayed in prompt to those used. / - / Yes
200174 / - / Rejected exams in Event Details / - / -
200274 / CfH NWWM 62 / Default cursor flow through request date / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
210357 / - / Need desktop integration for Fuji Synapse / - / -
207259 / - / send date request was received on the pacs interface / - / -
204186 / - / Interface parallel working / Yes / Yes
200107 / - / Enable repeated reprocessing of messages that fail more than once. / - / -
200249 / - / Some PAS systems are unable to cope with long report lines / - / -
200432 / - / New Generic Desktop Integration / Yes / Yes
200136 / - / PACS Dummy primary key / - / -
200501 / - / provide functionality to suppress outbound messages from translation script / - / -
200238 / - / Allow lead clinician to be passed in order comms interface / - / -
200275 / CfH NWWM xx / Additional change message trigger on time / Yes / Yes
200236 / - / Cerner Millenium sends scheduling rather than pre admit messages / - / -
200235 / - / GE require SIU^S12 messages for prefetching / - / -
200104 / CfH NWWM 52 / New interface switch to allow waiting and pending events through the interface. / Yes / Yes
200369 / - / Add examination start & end time to outbound HL7 messages / - / -
200245 / - / Increase length of entered_by field in order comms / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
201230 / - / iButton Login needs implementing on Oracle Database / - / -
200076 / - / Ability to stop users logging in / - / -
200197 / - / User roles and activities / - / Yes

2.1.8Menu Options

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
200124 / - / Added a Java Console / - / -
200068 / - / Displaying Jar Implementation Versions / - / -
200141 / - / Create Dummy HIS Patients / - / -
200156 / - / Restrict sites in change hospital / - / -
200431 / - / Create NHS numbers when creating dummy patients / - / -
200434 / - / Dummy event creator / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
209277 / - / Store insurance details against patient / - / -
200008 / - / Editing merged hospital numbers / - / -
200508 / - / Patients not linked to PAS can be read only / - / -
200304 / - / Linking patients with different demographics. / - / -
200086 / - / Merged patients with no events cannot be unmerged / - / Yes
200050 / - / Show patient search list when searching for duplicate NHS number / - / Yes
200119 / - / CRIS and HIS patients matches now done by NHS Number / - / -

2.1.10Post Processing

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
200495 / - / Post Exam Duration / Yes / -
200270 / - / Post Exam request card scanning / - / Yes
200216 / CfH SCPACS 005 / Post processing red dot button behaviour / - / -
200222 / CfH 115.8.234 / Ability to make mAs & kVp fields mandatory / - / -
200195 / CfH SCPACS 001/4 / Dose Type / - / Yes


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
206133 / - / Print forms required for Fife obs forms / - / -
200007 / - / Copy To Location added / Yes / -
200187 / - / Stats Scheduler Printing Reports / Yes / -
200123 / - / Various Improvements to the CRIS Printing System / Yes / -
200711 / - / Flexiform print quality / - / Yes
200437 / - / Printing an Exam Summary / Yes / -
200500 / - / Patient Alarm Label added / - / -
200225 / - / Enhancements to Print Content Editor / - / -
200470 / - / Add Content dialog is hard to use / - / -
200206 / - / Batch Printing using Batch ID / - / -
200131 / - / Stats Scheduler Printers in Change Printers Setup / Yes / Yes
200205 / - / BatchPrintingDateRange / - / -
200482 / - / Update printing documentation for 06.12 / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
200565 / - / Obstetric configuration for EDD calculation / - / -
200122 / - / Obstetric and non Obstetric report incompatibility / - / -
200410 / - / Obstetric measurement normality representation / - / Yes
200272 / - / Auto Loading Next Event to Report. / - / -
203983 / - / BMI require the report info lists to prevent radiologists from seeing other radiologists work. / - / -
200450 / - / Report Coded Phrases for a trust / - / Yes
200266 / - / Processing and reporting locks / - / -
200128 / - / Tool tips for buttons on Report Editor tool bar / - / -
200209 / - / Obstetric Estimated Fetal Weight Equations / - / Yes
200514 / - / Fetal Anomaly System for NWWM / - / Yes
200240 / - / Unused email field removed / - / -
200485 / - / Request Card Viewing on Reporting Page / - / Yes
200333 / - / Reports don't ask to save unsaved changes on loading a new report / - / -
200408 / - / Obstetric using early EDD cutoff period / - / Yes
200251 / - / Hover Help on Reporting Session / - / -
200227 / - / New Obstetric Forms Required for NWWM / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
200269 / - / Scanning images of different types / - / Yes

2.1.14Setup Tables

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
209265 / - / Insurers setup table / - / Yes
200137 / - / New stats section in setup tables / - / -
200138 / - / Stats Scheduler Setup Table / Yes / -
200517 / - / Dictation Foot Pedal Configuration Warning / - / -
200082 / - / Protected XR system settings / - / -
200246 / - / XR Setup Improvements / - / -
200196 / - / Add workgroup to sites table / - / -
200258 / - / Bank Holidays in Diary Setup / - / -
200458 / - / PCT Setup Table / - / -
200158 / - / Filtering SiteCodesSetup by trust / - / -
200163 / - / ExamsPerHosp default start tab / - / -
200080 / - / Disable User Security No Option / - / Yes
200153 / - / Check Case Sensitivity in Stats Datafields / - / -

2.1.15Software Installation

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
200120 / - / New installation wizard hospital selection / - / -
200121 / - / New Printer setup available in installation Wizard / Yes / Yes
200118 / - / New installation wizard navigation improvements / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
200229 / - / Need the ability to separate out certain log entries for reporting purposes / - / -
200228 / - / Need a method for asynchronous message responses to be displayed to the user / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
200105 / - / Previous Stats Screen Improvements / - / -
200100 / - / Stats Secure FTP Files / - / Yes
200185 / - / Stats Scheduler / Yes / Yes
200188 / - / Stop a running stat / - / Yes
200199 / - / Stat Selection Criteria in Output / - / Yes
200099 / - / Enable Stat Scheduler XR Setting / Yes / -
200186 / - / Stats Range Type Field on Selections / Yes / -
200101 / - / New XR Setting - STATS.FTP.ServerFromScheduler / Yes / Yes
200147 / - / Save and Load statistical reporting template / - / Yes
200096 / - / Stat Temporary Groups tab removed / - / Yes
200103 / - / Stats Memory improvements / - / Yes
200031 / - / Removing Total line selected field / - / Yes
200102 / - / New XR Setting - STATS.ResultSetSize / - / -
200399 / - / Patient viewlog auditing included in statistical reporting. / Yes / -
200042 / - / Grouped total line page wrap and display. / - / -
200026 / - / Date Format in stats reports / - / Yes
200200 / - / Checkboxes on the Output Formats tab in stats / - / -

2.1.18Voice Recognition

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
200571 / - / Integrating Dragon Voice Recognition API into CRIS gui / - / Yes


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
200221 / CfH 115.5.3 / Unreported report info list urgency order. / - / -
200074 / Derby RFC 5 / Order vetting improvements / - / Yes
203988 / - / BMI require a unique security item for the day list / - / -
200318 / - / Waiting list urgency display and selection / - / Yes
200276 / CfH SCPACS 006 / Intended Radiologist selection on Appointments Worklist / - / Yes
200509 / - / Reporting Post Processed Exams / - / -
200323 / - / Porters List Date Selection / - / -
200061 / CSC G150058798 / Porters List Hover Help / - / -
200453 / - / Intended radiologist selection on more worklists / - / -

2.2 Enhancements

2.2.1Event Details

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
215083 / - / Status comment populated with order information / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
213749 / - / XR setting to delay verified report message / - / -
210767 / - / Open Images in reporting mode for Insignia PACS / - / -
208491 / - / Desktop integration for Hologic SecureView / - / -
209487 / - / Siemens MV300 desktop integration changes / - / -
210283 / - / PukkaJ desktop integration passes accession number in a non standard manner / - / -

2.2.3Menu Options

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
207041 / - / Add a comment to the Not Performed button / - / Yes


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
210466 / - / Tilda ~ character in reports / - / Yes

2.2.5Stats Scheduler

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
205904 / - / Hard coded port in Stats Scheduler forces the use of port 1521 / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
213725 / - / Auto refresh of worklist option / - / -

2.3 Issues Resolved


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
200125 / - / Create less unnecessary database logs / - / -
200262 / - / View Log - Unable to adjust column width for column name Type / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
211133 / - / Saving billing information / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
211406 / - / Invalid report keys in inttodo / - / -
211369 / - / ExamSummary not identifying verified summary reports. / - / -
207401 / - / Interfaces (JMS) table reads are sub-optimal / - / -
207368 / - / Error in 0612_data_manipulation.sql script / - / -
207381 / - / ULTDAT.POSITION requires extending / - / -
201459 / - / Temporary table creation in stats / - / -
201867 / - / Field size increases in Dataflds table / - / -
200292 / - / dictation marking on dictations with zero length / - / -
200179 / - / Log table creation and patch procedures replicate a columns nullable constraint values / - / -
200078 / - / Unable to create more than two log admin users. / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
207707 / - / Slow First Diary load / - / Yes
207394 / - / Refreshing exams in diary does not work for attended appointments. / - / Yes
205871 / - / Exam cancelled message when moving cancelled appointment / - / -
205761 / - / Right Click diary cancel doesn't display on Appointments List / - / -
200656 / - / Allocated slots in diary when changing modified appointments / - / -
200035 / - / Copy diary with appointments / - / -
200481 / - / Deleting exam on appointment freeing slots / - / -
200455 / - / Description of close bank holiday facility / - / Yes
200419 / G150067307 / Deleted exams still showing in the appointments list / Yes / -
200486 / - / Impossible to move an exam in the diary when the duration of the exam is 0 mins / - / -
204529 / - / Deleted Exam remains displayed after accepting 'Exam has been Deleted' message / - / -
204528 / - / Null pointers after search forward in diary / - / -
201637 / - / Appointment Ignored exam status time / - / -
201025 / - / Diary Loading SQL Optimisation / - / -
200126 / - / CRIS Diary Refresh Problems / - / -
200327 / - / Rename Pending to Planned / - / -
200435 / - / Move an attended event in the diary / - / -
200139 / - / Making appointment in diary page with no slots causes errors. / - / -
200487 / - / Letter field needs to be wider in diary / - / -
200055 / - / Error occurs when room and time manually filled in when using search forward on the diary / - / -
200053 / - / Changing selection in the diary scratchpad causes 5 identical selects / - / -
200489 / - / Change event status popup dialog in diary / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
206229 / CSC Ref - 194345 / Order Comments on Dictation screen / - / -
208186 / - / Dictation icon created in error / - / -
205637 / - / Attempting to dictate a locked event produces a lock even if the user cancels / - / -
200822 / - / Cannot clear dictation page when User ID and Login ID differ / - / -
200016 / - / Crash on dictation - still stopping / - / -
200290 / - / Dictation page Clinical History and Notes disappear with large amounts of text / - / -
200044 / - / Reset status on dictation list / - / -
200006 / - / Disable ext dict button when dict >0s / - / -
200067 / - / Deleting external dictations / - / -
200090 / - / No warning about losing an unsaved dictation / - / -
200321 / - / New Philips Speech Mike F12 button / - / -
200295 / - / Inactivity timer not reset if dictating / - / -
200454 / - / Exam information not showing when creating and dictating an exam. / - / -
200218 / - / Dictation problems when two copies of CRIS running on same machine / - / -
200293 / - / An error occurs when the 'Change' or 'Report' option is selected from Event Details for a dictation with no audio. / - / -
200161 / - / Event comments on dictation page / - / -

2.3.6Event Details

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
201510 / - / Users can create events that contain no exams / - / -
202952 / - / Lack of validation on Practitioner field / - / -
212577 / - / Order comments inconsistent / - / -
212408 / - / Order details display problems / - / -
211241 / - / Event comment and clinical history saving and display problems. / - / -
206366 / - / Event changed but not saved when selecting from worklist. / - / -
208278 / - / Search forward causes deleted exams to still appear in the appointment list. / - / -
202097 / - / Referral source search with blank SHA / - / -
205462 / - / Current Exam Status not correct when attended request is DNA'd / - / Yes
201977 / - / Error when loading patient with invalid referral source / - / -
200440 / 050I0117225 / Right Click cancel doesn't display on Appointments List / - / -
200838 / - / On Call status field is not correctly set / - / -
200215 / CfH NWWM 63 / Request finished page status description text / - / -
200201 / - / Parsing exam summary in event details / - / -
200296 / - / Users getting duplicate request numbers from the sites table / - / -
200312 / - / hss.cris3.ValidationException: Invalid concentration value - exception thrown in the Java Console window / - / -
200145 / - / View Event Interface Message Status / - / -
200572 / - / Event detail changes on button click / - / -
200478 / - / Changing event details and processing / - / -
200337 / - / In exams prompt keywords stick in filter / - / -
200361 / - / Time validation / - / -
200129 / - / Request Unjustified comments ignored / - / -
200480 / - / Referrer name displayed in event details changes / - / -
200340 / - / Progressive typing of examcode in Event Details / - / -
200190 / - / Match patient screen reappears / - / -
200092 / - / Incorrect field descriptions in Event Details / - / -
200089 / - / Flags in event details / - / -
200409 / - / Events created without a first computer number / - / -

2.3.7Film Tracking

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
200423 / - / Filing system preventing volumes from being created / - / -
200040 / - / Icons overlap text in Film Tracking / - / -
200243 / - / No word wrap in Notes field and vertical scroll bar displayed when there are no notes in Film Tracking / - / -
200313 / - / Too long film location description error message / - / Yes


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
215100 / - / Inbound comment from OCS is only 30 characters / - / -
212296 / - / DTI loading images and clearing them straight away from unreported list / - / -
207499 / - / Exams inbound interface & PAS interface create duplicate records at BMI / - / -
207775 / - / STATUS messages sometimes fail on order comms system / - / -
207216 / - / CRIS status messages fail when enabled on the PAS outbound interface / - / -
205188 / - / new syngo desktop integration / Yes / -
205670 / Fujitsu 043J0146882 / Verified by required on result messages / - / -
205679 / - / order comms interface does not populate the ORC:16 correctly when generating ORG^O20 messages / - / -
205690 / - / Connection tracking causes too much logging output / - / -
205632 / - / Merging CRIS patients does not update PAS mirror patient. / - / -
205080 / - / Checking if the NHS Number is traced for Outbound HL7 messages should be configurable / - / -
200242 / - / Outbound messages do not have exam start/end time populated / - / -
200135 / - / Obstetrics report on interfaces / - / -
200110 / - / Database connections not being closed when loading exam codes / - / -
200127 / - / Todays Messages Null Pointer Exception / - / -
200113 / - / interface error messages are longer than necessary / - / -
200591 / - / Reports with only summary components are shown as verified regardless of their actual status / - / -
200567 / 050I0136979 / Badly formed interface messages, ORC:16 Segment / - / -
200461 / - / Order comms interface creates unnecessary order records / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
200077 / - / Network Tester using different Oracle URL Strings / - / -
200157 / - / Add SQL Debugging checkbox / - / -
200056 / - / Sonographer Mode not retained when user logs off / - / -
200170 / - / Login SQL - Referrers / - / -
200233 / - / Auto logout / shutdown timers / - / -
200511 / - / Inactivity shutdown problem / - / -
200556 / - / Log on when assigned to an end dated site / - / -

2.3.10Menu Options

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
205883 / - / Change of CRIS help URL / - / -
200154 / - / Sonographer mode menu item / - / -
201405 / - / User ID is not available in the View Log table. / - / -
200898 / - / Single Quotes in terminal ID / - / -
200289 / - / Format tool import of departments / - / -
200325 / - / Network Tester - does not recognise when network is available after being unavailable. / - / -
200149 / - / Getting the hostname for the network test tool / - / -
200380 / - / Backlog mode does not cancel / - / -

2.3.11Nuclear Medicine

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
207586 / - / Patient demographics do not display when adding a nuclear med injection via daylist / - / -
200193 / - / Daylight saving in Nuclear Medicine / - / -
200020 / - / Nuclear Medicine saving multiple injections / - / -
200416 / - / NM Injection - The same warning message is displayed for each injection added. / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
210707 / - / Insignia DTI Multiple Display Calls / - / -
200513 / - / Freetext table contents contained within main records / - / -
200230 / - / Error messages include useless information / - / -
200375 / - / CRIS spelled incorrectly in status bar / - / -
200052 / - / Calendar selector for the current day / - / -
200362 / - / Calendar Selector - Month drop down list only works in the Diary module. / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
211422 / - / Patient changed message appears when no changes have been made / - / -
207456 / - / Patient Num of Events Counter not updating / - / Yes
207785 / - / XR setting RECEPT.RestrictChangePatPas does not work for CRIS patients linked to multiple PAS records / - / Yes
200334 / - / Navigation from DOD cursor disappears / - / -
204983 / - / Preventing events being added to patients not linked to PAS / - / -
205633 / - / Merging CRIS patients does not update PAS mirror patient. / - / -
200710 / - / String trimming in header CRIS fields / - / -
200041 / - / Restrict searching by request number to trust / - / Yes
200146 / - / Error loading patients when XR setting OCMS.FilterOrdersBySite is turned on / - / -
200023 / - / Number format exception on leaving Request Number field / - / -
200430 / - / Invalid query error when selecting a patient / - / -
200203 / - / HIS_ID in PATIENT table is no longer used / - / -
200492 / - / Hospital Number editor problems / - / -
200302 / - / Incorrect message when linking patients / - / -
200475 / - / Memory leak in Patient searching / - / -
200316 / - / Name transposing when searching PAS / - / -
200159 / - / Patient details focus order / - / -
200464 / - / Selecting deleted patients / - / -
200085 / - / PAS patient and HIS details / - / -

2.3.14Post Processing