Crinnis Wood Management Company Limited
AGM 13th September 2012
Directors: Dr Roland Fox (Chairman), Jane West, Peter Fitzgerald, Dominic Skerry, Larry Woodland.
Smiths Gore: Mr John Richomme, Mr Ross Collins.
Minutes Secretary: Alicia Fox
Members: Debbie Gay, Tony Plummer, Neil Hutchinson, JL & Mrs TM Gay, Mrs Roberta Jane Nash, Keith Nicholls, Mr & Mrs J Mc Kay, Mr & Mrs Peter Harrison, Annette & David Hoddinot, Gordon West, Mr Belcher & Ms J Scott, Andy Cooke, Phil Broughton, Basil Martin, Gary Pedder, Dr John Williams, Malcolm & Lyn Carter,
Apologies for Absence: Apologies for absence were received from Mr & Mrs Tennant (Basil Martin to be their proxy), Ms Nash, Pat Stansbie, Mike Karnon.
The Chairman, Dr Roland Fox opened the meeting by introducing himself, the directors and Mr John Richomme and Mr Ross Collins from Smiths Gore. He read out the list of apologies for absence received by Smiths Gore. There was a vote of thanks for the outgoing directors, Dominic Skerry and Larry Woodland, Phil Broughton for setting up the website, Alicia Fox for taking the meeting minutes, and Andy Cooke for surveying boundaries.
John Richomme reminded members that, according to the Articles, only those fully paid up at the time of the AGMare eligible to vote. This leads to an anomaly in that those paying by standing order are technically in arrears. This needed to be addressed. Resolution: That all members should be allowed to vote Proposed by Ms Jackie Scott (28), Seconded by Alicia Fox (17). Carried unanimously.
Accounts for year end 31st December 2011
Approved and adopted.
Election of Directors
There were no new volunteers to become directors. Dr Roland Fox, Mrs Jane West & Mr Peter Fitzgerald were re-appointed as directors.
Re-appointment of Accountants and Auditors and to fix their remuneration
The Accountants and Auditors were re-appointed. The proposed cost was £350 for preparing the accounts and £100 for the statutory financial accounts. Including VAT, this totals £520. Resolution: To re-appoint the Accountants and Auditors and to agree their remuneration. Proposed by Phil Broughton (32), seconded by Jane West (15). Carried unanimously.
Budget and 2013 Annual Service Charge
The proposed Annual Service Charge for next year is £300. For those paying by instalment or after 1st Feb, the charge will be £330. Resolution: The Annual Service Charge for 2013 will be £300 per household and £330 for those paying by instalment or after 1st Feb. Proposed by Mr Belcher (28), seconded by Malcolm Carter (39). Carried unanimously.
There was a discussion on arrears. Possibly some arrears due to standing orders with the previous managing agents that have not been updated – members were reminded to check that their standing orders are now going to Smiths Gore instead of Countrywide. Persistent arrears will be dealt with by Smiths Gore via the Small Claims Court. This can be done online. The debtor will pay the court fees. Otherwise, any under- or over-payment will be adjusted on sale of the house.
Because we are a non-profit-making organisation, we do not pay tax and we cannot reclaim VAT. There maybe a situation where we may have some mismatch between the timing of grant funding and needing to pay for work – we need to maintain a surplus to avoid cash flow issues.
Update on website
Phil Broughton showed us the proposed website ( . Comprehensive information will be provided onthe website, including covenants, community matters and questions and answers (FAQ). Therewill also be contact information. The website will be in the public domain so there will be noblogs or online discussions. A vote of thanks was proposed by Jane West.
Funding for production of the Woodland Management Plan
Paul Wallace is well advanced in clearing the rhododendron bushes on behalf of CWMCL, funded by the Forestry Commission. He estimates that there are 20-30 days work remaining. Nicholla Ingram from FERA is advising on this. The follow-up work will involve spraying with glyphosate. The Forestry Commission is happy with progress. An application for the Woodland Planning Grant has been submitted to the Forestry Commission. If approved then the Forestry Commission will contribute £1000 of funding towards the cost of preparing a Management Plan setting out how the woodland will be managed over the next 20 years. The Management Plan is required before further Forestry Commission funding for any future works to restore and manage the woodland can be sought. If the £1000 funding to prepare the Management Plan is pre-approved then a suitable plan will be produced and submitted to the Forestry Commission before the payment is made. If submitted by Christmas then the funding may be available this Financial Year, otherwise it will be paid after April 2013.
Nicholla Ingram and Garin Linnington have identified a Turkey Oak with suspected Phytophthora infection. They are returning to take samples in order to confirm the infection. If it is confirmed, the tree will have to come down. It is unlikely to spread further but the cost will be brought forward to address this. Other infected trees will come down when the management plan is in place.
Members were reminded that the woods are classed by FERA as a Phytophthora Eradication Site. It is not yet a Containment Site so nobody will be prosecuted for entering the woods. However, it is strongly discouraged. Nobody should take anything out or bring anything into the woods.
With regard to regeneration it is expected that the Forestry Commission will agree to grant fund the preparation of a 20-year management plan for the woodland in the sum of £1,000. Once the plan is in place we will then be able to apply to the Forestry Commission for funding towards the costs of regeneration, restoration and ongoing maintenance of the woodland via English Woodland Grant Scheme Agreements which would run for five years at a time. The key part of the regeneration would be in the first 2 years. We cannot plant susceptible species such as holly. We are classified as Natural Vegetation Class W8. Some oaks will be more resistant. Dominic Skerry (23) asked whether horse chestnut is susceptible – it is not but it is susceptible to many other things. Sycamore needs to be kept below 20%. For the understory, hawthorn and blackthorn are recommended. They can act as a buffer around the edge.
A question was raised by Jane Nash (10) regarding the lack of screening from the railway line when the rhododendrons are removed. This affects Nos. 9 – 11. Jane Nash indicated she would be willing to plant this strip up herself. Ross Collins suggested that it may be possible to take the narrow strip by the railway line out of the management plan and bring the planting forward. He will advise on suitable plants. Resolution: To bring forward the re-planting of the strip behind Nos. 9 – 11 in order to provide screening from the railway line. Proposed by Peter Harrison (12), seconded by Gary Pedder (37). Vote taken to put aside a sum (no actual figure given) to facilitate screening in this area and agreed that these householders were welcome to make a contribution to the cost.
Carried unanimously. After the vote, Mr. Plummer (5) wished to add his house to list for consideration and asked for No 6 and 6A to be included although the members from 6 and 6Awere not in attendance.Mr. Pedder offered to get a quote from his suppliers for the plants required and submit to Ross Collinsto be sure that we were getting the best value for money. Nigel Scrace may be prepared to plant them. It was generally agreed that autumn is the best time for planting.
Malcolm Carter expressed concern that there was not a fence between the council land and the woodland. Smiths Gore to look into this.
Any other business
It has been noted that Nigel Scrace has not been around to cut the grass for some time. John Richomme said that he had discussed the new arrangements with him. He will be required to become an Approved Contractor by Smiths Gore. He has been sent the paperwork but it appears to have been mislaid. Smiths Gore have sent a replacement pack and await his response.
Peter Harrison (12) proposed a vote of thanks to the Directors for all the work they have put in and suggested that some younger members might like to put themselves forward for election. I quote: ‘Isn’t it time we got behind our Chairman and Directors, and I don’t mean just a vote of thanks at the end of the meeting, but to give them the support they so richly deserve for doing what is a very thankless task.’
With that, the meeting ended at 20:39.