Intermunicipal System of Qualification in Local Participative Planning and Management

General Coordinator/Network 9 - Clóvis Magalhães - Secretary of Management and Strategic Follow-up

Technical Coordinator/Network 9 - Cézar Busatto - Secretary of Political Coordination and Local Government

Executive and Financial Coordinator/ Network 9 – Ilmo José Wilges - Secretary of Budget Programming

Project Coordination

Plínio Alexandre Zalewski Vargas

Luciane Gottfried Adami

Virgílio Costa


Maria Inês Lottermann Braga

Maria Angela Aguiar

Julio Pujol

Ana Paula Dixon


Yves Cabannes


BrazilMunicipality of Porto Alegre (Coordinator)

Municipality of Belo Horizonte

EcuadorMunicipality of Cuenca

Metropolitan District of Quito

ArgentinaMunicipality of Rosario

El SalvadorMunicipality of San Salvador.

SpainBoard of the council and Municipality of Barcelona

Board of the council and Municipality of Cordoba

France Mairie d’Isse lês Moulieneaux

ItalyTuscany Region

External Members

Brazil Federal University of the State of Rio Grande do Sul

EcuadorInternationalCenter of Urban Management


II. CHART / 13


/ 15
V. BUDGET / 35





Porto Alegre, November 21, 22 and 23, 2007



URB-AL is a decentralized cooperation program of the European Commission that has as its objective bringing closer cities, entities and local collectivities of Latin America and the European Union, through the exchange of experiences in urban policies among its members. During the period from 2003 until the present date, the Municipality of Porto Alegre was responsible for the coordination of Network 9, whose central topic was the “Local Financing and Participative Budget.” This Network was conceived to develop a permanent process of experience exchange among the Latin-Americans and European local governments for the socialization, systemization and implementation of the best experiences within the sphere of the local financing and the practices of participative budget.

The B Project: “Intermunicipal System of Qualification in Local Planning and Management”, coordinated by the Municipality of Porto Alegre, makes direct reference to Network 9, Local Financing and Participative Budget. Through the annual seminars, base document and case studies that support it, many are the main conclusions that support the present B project:

-A first conclusion is that the participative budgets, and more generally speaking the participative practices, have difficulties in sustaining themselves over time and, in addition, they are processes that can become “volatile."

-A second conclusion, thoroughly validated within the sphere of Network 9, is that the sustainability of the local participative processes is closely linked to the “training and reinforcement of the local administrations' capacities.” During the works of several A projects coordinated by some of the member cities of this proposal (Belo Horizonte, Cordoba), the necessity to expand the training towards the civil society, and specially towards the urban actors that are in the interface between the local government and the civil society, organized or not, was noticed. They are the ones who establish the ties of continuity and sustainability. Their training, qualification and empowerment appear as a guarantee to give a perennial dimension to the experiences.

-The third conclusion is that the Participative Budgets are hardly sustained in case they work separately. On one hand, to optimize their impacts (especially social and political ones), the Participative Budgets must be part of a participation system. Such system, characterized by the multiplicity of its participation channels, the existence of participation laws or a “right to participate”, enriches the participative budgets and is enriched by them.

-A fourth conclusion was that the participative budgets are, and must be, part of a wider planning system so that they can fully accomplish their potential (specially institutional and territorial ones) and be sustainable. The necessary connections with the Master Plans, Strategic Plans, the Local Development Plans or the Territorial Ordering Plans were one of the debate topics of the network.

-A last conclusion is that the participative budgets are multidimensional processes that comprise several dimensions, namely: a) Financial and Fiscal; b) Participative; c) Institutional; d) Territorial. The political and governance dimension was introduced from the proposals of Network 9 as a traverse variable, which links the other ones. This conclusion about the multi-dimensionality of the participative budgets led to the proposition of a project organized by topics that precisely correspond to the dimensions to be considered in participative processes such as the Participative Budgets.

In that context and faced with the need to increase its knowledge about local strategies of qualification in participative local planning and management, the Municipality of Porto Alegre coordinated the elaboration of a B-Type common project together with the external partners and local collectivities that nowadays are members of the project.

That B project is a concrete action to qualify and optimize the contents of the exchanges among the cities and give those exchanges a more lasting and wider reaching structure. The production of pedagogical materials from the experience accumulated by the cities and the presentation of the experiences within a qualification sphere allows, on its turn, a critical reflection about the very “what to do” of each of the participating cities.

In the theme of the project, Participative Local Planning and Management, each member city of the project developed and tried several innovative programs and policies. Their activities within the URB-AL Program, as coordinators of networks (4 cities), as coordinators of common projects (4), or participants in common projects (all), allowed them to accumulate a volume of unique knowledge. Both their own experience, and the identified cases within the URB-AL program contribute with extremely valuable answers to each of the identified or key dimensions for the participative budgets in special, and to the participative planning and management in a more general way.

Based on the knowledge acquired and on the interest of each city, and a search for comparative advantages and complementarities, the 1stSeminar for the Design of the Qualification System will be held in the City of Porto Alegre, with the support of the external partners. The meeting is a privileged forum for the collective project of the methodology to be used in the Qualification System, and its implementation, in a collective way, with the member cities of the Common Project and the external partners.


  1. Presentation, by each city, of their supplys and demands of local qualification in planning and participative management (summary of the local studies).
  2. Establishment of an agreement about the operation in network, the specific works of each city and the common activities.
  3. Presentation and discussion of a preliminary proposal of a intermunicipal qualification system.
  4. Establishment of an agreement about the evaluation system of the project and training modules.


The following results are expected to be reached at the end of the workshop:

  1. Common understanding and shared vision of the project,
  2. Defined theme of eah city´s qualification module,
  3. Defined request of qualification module from each city,
  4. Agreed work plan for the next months.


1.Power Point Presentations:

  • Project Guide.
  • 8 presentations about each partner’s “Supply and demands for qualification in local participative planning and management”.

2.Final version of the 8 local studies on supply and demand for qualification.

3.Synthesis of the local studies.

4.Work plan for the second stage of the B Project.

5.Meeting proceedings containing contributions to the: a. Intermunicipal qualification system; b. Qualification modules; c. Internal evaluation system; and d. Procedures for the evaluation of the modules.


The first Seminar of the project will be developed in two parts:

a.First Part: Open Event

The first part, or the Open Event, will be developed during the first day and will allow the socialization at local, national and international levels of the reach of the project, giving visibility to their contributions to the Local Participative Planning and Management and aiming at establishing strategic alliances with those actors.

Equally, the diffusion of the strategies/interventions of training and qualification developed by local governments from Latin America and Europe among those actors is sought, giving visibility and rescuing the contribution of the case studies of the A type common projects.

b.Second Part: Internal Seminar

This second part, which is called Internal Seminar, will be developed during the second and third days and will allow the local teams of the project’s member cities and the external partners to plan the implementation of the activities.

The topics to be discussed are:

  • Projects conceptual framework,
  • Supply and demand for municipal qualification in Latin America and in Europe,
  • Qualification modules,
  • Elaboration of a plan for the development of the activities of the project, which includes time frames, responsible parties, etc.
  • Definition of the tools for monitoring, evaluation, and reports of the project.

The work will be developed based on PowerPoint Presentations, according to the enclosed model and based on the “Guide of Supply and Demand for Qualification in Local Participative Planning and Management”, which has been sent previously.


The Seminar will be held from the 21st to the 23rd of November of this year and two main moments have been considered for its development.

Day 1Open Event/Big Group

11h30 / Opening
Speech of the Mayor of Porto Alegre
Speech of URB-AL’s Representative
Presentation of representatives of the member cities of the project and of the external partners.
“Intermunicipal System of Qualification in Local Participative Planning and Management”: Relevance for a democratic administration in the cities.
Experience: Valencia – Venezuela
Report of the World Conference of the Development of the Cities
12h30 / Lunch
4h00 / Presentation of some conclusions of Network 9 – Local Financing and Participative Budgets and exchange with cities from other URBAL networks.
Each city exposes its conclusions about their experiences.

Day 2Internal Seminar/Small Group

09h00 / Commented presentation of the Program of the Seminar, and definition of the roles and responsibilities of the member cities and of the external partner.
Presentation, on the part of the cities, of their supplies and demands for qualification and their proposals of modules.
  1. Municipality of Porto Alegre, Brazil
  2. Municipality of Belo Horizonte, Brazil
  3. Metropolitan District of Cuenca, Ecuador
  4. Metropolitan District of Quito, Ecuador
  5. Municipality of Rosario, Argentina

12h30 / Lunch
Afternoon2h30 / Municipality of San Salvador, El Salvador; Municipality of Barcelona, Spain; Municipality of Cordoba, Spain; Tuscany Region, Italy.
External partners' presentation, roles and responsibilities. FederalUniversity of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil International Center of Urban Management (CIGU), Ecuador

Day 3Internal Seminar/Small Group

09h00 / Proceedings of the previous day
Discussion about the intermunicipal system of qualification and the role of each member. Methodology of the systems
Conclusion of the list of modules and their contents
Agreements among cities and with the coordinating city (formalization of agreements)
12h30 / Lunch
Afternoon2h30 / Financial Report/ Work Plan for the next stage.
Objective and reach of the Work Plan.
Identification of elements that must be considered – officialization of the modules. Debate about the capacities of internal evaluation of the project and training modules.


The event organizing committee is composed by people from each of the three following Secretariats: SMGAE, SMCPGL and GPO.


a.Open event


  • Representative of the European Commission – Belgium,
  • Representatives of the international member cities,
  • Representative of the international external partner,
  • Entities and international institutions that work with the topic of municipal training.


  • Representative of the European Commission – Brazil,
  • Representatives of the Brazilian member cities,
  • Universities,
  • NGO's.


At the local level there will be the participation of leaders and managers of the social organizations and of the representatives of the local institutions during the first day, called open event.

  1. Seminar for the design of the intermunicipal system of qualification

Two representatives of each member city and of the external partners, ideally one being responsible for the project at the municipal level and one in charge of the project and implementation of the training module.

Municipality of Porto Alegre;

Municipality of Belo Horizonte;

Metropolitan District of Quito, Ecuador

Metropolitan District of Cuenca, Ecuador

Municipality of Rosario, Argentina;

Municipality of San Salvador, El Salvador.

Municipality of Barcelona, Spain

Municipality of Cordoba, Spain

TuscanyRegion, Italy

FederalUniversity of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil

InternationalCenter of Urban Management (CIGU), Ecuador


All communications and coordination will be made through the Project Coordination:

Luciane Adami


Phone: +55 51 3289 1303

Plínio Zalewski


Phone: +55 51 3289 1637


Guide for the PowerPoint presentations


To share, with the member cities of the project, information about: (a) the characteristics of the cities, (b) the existing supply and demand for qualification in the member cities, (c) the presentation of the case study, pointing out its objective, methodology and the indicators used, the critical analysis of the experience, its results and impacts, (d) the preliminary proposal of the Training Module under its responsibility in the theme set in the project.

2. Presentations and time

Each member city of the project will have twenty minutes for its Power Point presentation. We suggest the use of pictures and graphs to summarize and illustrate the presentations. To facilitate the understanding, we suggest that the presentations are made in Spanish or in Portuguese.

  1. Contents of the Power Point presentation

It is suggested approximately 25 slides, with the following information:

  1. General information and context (3 slides)

Information about the context and city location, including population, indicators, and main challenges faced, specific information about the (most) excluded, and additional data that are considered useful for the understanding of the city's specificity.

  1. Existing training supplies (4 slides)

Identification of the existing qualification supplies and the organizations / institutions / universities associated with them, using Chapter I of the Guide Supply and Demand for Qualification.

  1. Training demand in one of the themes established[1] by the project (3 slides)

Description of the diagnosis process of the existing demand carried out among the potential participants of the training: a) civil servants, b) segments of the civil society, c) citizen councils and committees, d) other local actors. That corresponds to Chapter III of the Guide.

  1. Recovery of the successful case studies (3 slides)

Presentation of successful case study (ies) carried out within the framework of its participation in the URBAL project and of the recommended use in the Training System. It corresponds to Chapter II of the Guide.

  1. Preliminary proposal of the Training Module in the theme of its specialty[2] (4 slides)

To resume the training objective explaining why it was the theme selected and briefly detailing its methodological proposal. To present the LocalUniversity associated to this training and its future plans. To guide your presentation, consider Chapter IV of the Guide.

  1. Conclusion Slide (1 slide)

The contributions of qualification in the participative local planning and management.

  1. Recommendations and/or proposals for the future (1 slide)

Contributions and expectations for the future stages of the project.




1. Project

Intermunicipal System of Training in Local Participative Planning and Management

2. Local

Porto Alegre, Brazil

3. Members

Latin America (6)

Brazil, Municipality of Porto Alegre, Coordinating City

Brazil, Municipality of Belo Horizonte

Ecuador, Alcaldía de Cuenca (Municipality of Cuenca)

Ecuador, Distrito Metropolitano de Quito (Municipality of Quito)

Argentina, Intendencia Municipal de Rosario (Municipality of Rosario)

El Salvador, Alcaldía Municipal de San Salvador (Municipality of San Salvador)

Europe (4)

Spain, Ayuntamiento de Barcelona (Municipality of Barcelona)

Spain, Ayuntamiento de Córdoba (Municipality of Córdoba)

France, Mairie d’ Issy les Moulineaux (Municipality of Issy les Moulineaux)

Italy, Regione Toscana (Tuscan Region Administration)

External Partners (2)

FederalUniversity of the State of Rio Grande do Sul(UFRGS), Brazil

Centro Internacional de Gestión Urbana (CIGU) (International Center of Urban Management), Ecuador

4. Financial Resources

Total Cost / European Commission Resources
URBAL / Counterpart/
Porto Alegre / Counter part/
1 201 085.00 EUR / 800 000.00 EUR / 200 543.00 EUR / 200 543.00 EUR

5. Project Summary

The main objective of the Intermunicipal System of Qualification in Local Participative Planning and Management is to develop the members' structuring abilities through the qualification of their human resources in Local Participative Planning and Management – LPPM, and more specifically:

a) To design in a collective way, experiment and implement an intermunicipal training system;

b) To establish and equip a multi-actor training space with international perspective in Porto Alegre;

c) To produce a training module offer, both in Europe and in Latin America, using electronic devices and video-conferencing;

d) To establish permanent institutional relations with universities, with members from Network 9, international organizations and with municipal associations.