PCMH question /Description of order / work required
/Order made
(details overleaf)1 / Trial date [fixed for ] [warned for week commencing ]
1 / Custody time limit extended to
9 / (a) Fitness to plead - the defence to serve expert evidence by
9 / (b) Fitness to plead - the prosecution to serve expert evidence in response by
10.1 / The prosecution to make further disclosure by
10.2 / (a) The defence to serve any defence statement by
10.2 and 10.3 / (b) Was a warning given that inferences may be drawn from failure to comply?
10.5 / The defence to make any application under section 8 CPIA for disclosure by
10.6 / The defence to serve notification of defence witnesses by
11 / The prosecution to serve further evidence by
12.1 / (a) The prosecution to serve expert evidence on which they rely by
12.1 / (b) The defence to serve any expert evidence on which they rely by
13.1 / Defence to serve a list of witnesses required at trial by
13.2-5 / Record of any rulings that the judge has made about witness attendance
14 / Record any rulings about the trial timetable
15.2 / Indictment amended in terms **
16 / Prosecution to serve schedule of facts for agreement by
17 / Prosecution to serve case summary or note of opening by
18A / Measures to assist a witness in giving evidence -
(a) Record any order made **
(b) Prosecution to apply for special measures directions by
18B / Defendant’s evidence direction –
(a) Record any order made **
(b) Defence to apply for defendant’s evidence direction by
18C / A separate record should be made of any witness anonymity order
19 / Record details of any directions made about ‘other arrangements’ **
20 / Reporting restrictions made in terms recorded over page / attached
21 / (a) Prosecution to seek disclosure of third party material by
21 / (b) Defence to seek disclosure of third party material by
21 / (c)Person adversely affected [being ] to be notified by
22.2 / Defence to notify editing required of defendant’s interview by
22.2 / Prosecution to respond to same by
22.2 / Prosecution to prepare summaries for agreement by
23.1 / Prosecution to serve video tape of vulnerable witness by
23.2 / Prosecution to serve [*transcript][*summary] of evidence by
23.3 / Defence to notify editing required of defendant’s interview by
23.3 / Prosecution to respond to same by
24.1 / Prosecution to serve tapes of witness interviews by
24.2 / Prosecution to transcribe tapes of witness interviews by
25.1 / Prosecution to serve or disclose CCTV footage by
25.2 / Prosecution to serve edited version of CCTV footage by
26.2 / Prosecution to confirm that material they want to play is compatible with court equipment (or own equipment will be provided) by
27 / Defence to serve application to cross-examine on sexual history by
28 / (a) Prosecution to serve further bad character application by
28 / (b) Defence to serve further bad character application by
29 / (a) Prosecution to serve further hearsay application by
29 / (b) Defence to serve further hearsay application by
30 / (a) Defence to serve skeleton argument on legal points to be taken by
30 / (b) Prosecution to respond by
Further details of orders made at PCMH
Terms of any reporting restrictions (see PCMH question 20), drafted or approved by the judge :** Detail of any other orders/directions :
Judge’s signature ………………………………..Date…………………………
PCMH judicial orders template July 2011