The following are the minutes of the Council Meeting that was held on Tuesday, 31st July 2012 in the Clarence Hall, Beaufort Street, Crickhowell, commencing at 7.00pm.
Councillors: V P Games, A M D'Anna, G J Jackson and D Mosley.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr A Jeremiah, R Dykes, I Kovaleva and D Collier.
IN ATTENDANCE: 25 Members of the Public, County Cllr John Morris and Mrs J Pritchard, Clerk.
To Receive Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda:
It was proposed by Cllr D'Anna, seconded by Cllr Mosley and agreed by those who were present at that meeting that the minutes of the 19th June 2012 be signed as a true record of that which took place.
MATTERS ARISING from the previous meeting (for information only).
Cricket Pitch Railings - Cllr Morris has now met with Steve Butcher, Outdoor Recreation Officer at PCC and reported that the railings will be repaired or replaced as will the seating inside the Cricket ground.
Signage - Cllr Morris said that some of the signage problems have been addressed but was informed that the Greenhill Way sign is still missing.
Traffic Regulation Orders - Cllr Morris has written to the PCC Full Council asking that the Traffic Regulations Orders be lifted to allow yellow lines to be removed and repainted and asked if a letter from the Town Council could be written in support of the TRO's being lifted.
Dog Fouling - Blaenau Gwent CC have issued 1066 fines for dog fouling in their area and PCC have issued zero, Cllr Morris said that he is pushing PCC to take this up and be as active as Blaenau Gwent and asked the Town Council if they could write a letter supporting this.
Street Lighting - 65 new LED lights are due to be put back on in the Crickhowell area however there is rumoured to be a delay again and Cllr Morris suggested that the Town Council write a letter urging them to go back on asap.
Affordable Homes - Cllr Morris has received some good news today and reported that Planning Permission has gone through for 6 affordable homes in Llanbedr.
Weeds near Conservative Club - Cllr Mosley asked who was responsible for treating the weeds on the pavement adjacent to the Conservative Club, Cllr Morris said it was probably the Welsh Governments Highways as it is a Trunk Road but he would look into it.
1. Steve Robinson - Introduction to Communities 2.
This was previously circulated to all members prior to the meeting, Cllr D'Anna said that they are offering ICT training to citizens in the area and might be able to help with the digitising of Council records.
2. PCC - ROSPA Inspection Report. Pass to Recreation Committee.
3. Ombudsman Annual Report 2011/12. Circulate.
4. PCC - Vacancy for Lay Member on the Audit Committee. Previously Circulated.
5. Steve Bailey, Application form for Casual Vacancy. Previously Circulated.
6. Powys Domestic Abuse Forum White Ribbon Event 18th Nov. Chair read out.
7. PCC re Code of Conduct Training, Brecon 18th July. Cllr D'Anna attended.
8. Angela Ralph re Positioning of Jubilee Oak Tree at Oakfield Drive, Jubilee Park.
Previously Circulated.
9. Harriet Jones - request to hold Birthday Party with Bouncy Castle in the Castle Grounds. Permission was granted.
10. PCC Proposed Temporary Road Closure - High Street Crickhowell. Noted.
11. One Voice Wales re Invitations for nominations - Birthday Honours 2013.
Previously Circulated.
12. One Voice Wales re Keep Wales Tidy Voucher Grant Scheme. Noted.
13. Llangynidr Community Council, 5 Council Liaison Minutes. Previously Circulated.
14. Bill Chase, Llanbedr Rd copy of letter to Dyfed Powys Police.
Previously Circulated.
15. Jane Reynolds - copy of letter to PCC re speed of vehicles using Church Lane.
Passed to County Cllr Morris.
16. PCC re appointment of Town/Community Councillor to PCC Standards Community Sub-Committee. Previously Circulated.
17. PCC - Home to School Transport Arrangements. Circulate.
18. Bronwen Bermingham - Receipt of Cheque. Noted.
19. Boyer Planning Wales & West re Cwrt Y Gollen Public Exhibition.
Previously Circulated, Several members had attended.
20. Vale of Grwyney CC re Cwrt y Gollen Development. Previously Circulated.
21. Gareth Wyn Thomas re Stone pine Fir Tree at Porthmawr. Read out in Council.
22. Geoff Powell - Application Form for Casual Vacancy. Previously Circulated.
23. Geoff Powell re Complaint to Ombudsman.
Cllr Games informed Council that the Ombudsman have decided not to investigate this further.
24. Crickhowell Youth Club Grant Request. Agenda Item.
25. Chris Boulter response re positioning of Oak Tree at Jubilee Park.
This was previously circulated to all members prior to the meeting and mentioned the setting up of a management committee to ensure that the park is developed for the mutual benefit of all residents, Council welcomed this idea.
26. The Green Valleys Spring & Summer Newsletter 2012. Circulate.
27. Steve Bailey - letter of withdrawal of application to Council. Previously Circulated.
28. Liam Logan - Request for a Skate-Park in Crickhowell. Previously Circulated.
29. Ian Mills, PCC - no road closure now planned at High Street. Noted.
30. BDO Stoy Hayward - re Town Council Audit year ended 31/3/12. Agenda Item.
31. Cllr Dykes - Photos of Damaged Benches in Recreation Ground & Bull Pit Meadow. Agenda Item.
32. Carmen Dietz - application for Casual Vacancy. Previously Circulated.
33. Welsh Government Consultation, Town & Community Payments. Noted. Donation Requests:
1. Brecon Advice Centre
2. Shelter Cymru.
4. Hafan Cymru
1. Clerks and Council Direct.
2. The Clerk Magazine.
3. Play for Wales
On a proposal by Cllr Mosley, seconded by Cllr Jackson, Council approved the finances for July and August.
Members authorised payment of the following:
HM Revenue & Customs, (July) £229.63
Mr M Lewis (July Salary) £816.70
Mrs J Pritchard (July Salary) £829.93
Office £35, Postage £21.70, B.Band £5, (July) £ 61.70
Lynne Allbutt £360.00
CRiC (Photocopying) £ 60.74
One Voice Wales (Councillor Training) £ 60.00
Webbs (Repair to Mower) £ 88.39
Dell Ink £ 52.99
Clarence Hall Management Committee (Public Meeting) £ 13.50
U Hire Ltd (Cherry Picker for Market Hall Clock) £210.00
The Willows Garden Centre £2012.40
Crickhowell Youth Club (Donation Request S137) £500.00
HM Revenue & Customs, (August) £229.63
Mr M Lewis (August Salary) £816.70
Mrs J Pritchard (August Salary) £829.93
Office £35, Telephone £45, Postage £10.00, B.Band £5, (August) £ 95.00
Members noted receipt of the following:
Mr & Mrs Johns (Planter: F7) £ 70.00
T J Brown & Sons (Interment: Amos G46) £ 80.00
Ted Williams & Sons (Interment; Edward H81) £180.00
Miss G M Burles (Interment: D121 £100.00
A letter from BDO Stoy Hayward's the external auditor was previously circulated to all members prior to the meeting and informed Council that there were no issues arising in the audit for the year ended 31st March 2012. On a proposal from Cllr V P Games seconded by Cllr D Mosley Council approved the Annual Return for 2011/12 and Cllr Games signed the certificate of approval.
The report of the Lych Gate Public Meeting which was held on the 27th June 2012, previously circulated, was received, proposed by Cllr D'Anna, seconded by Cllr Mosley and accepted as a true record.
Crickhowell's residents agreed that the Lychgate should be taken down, moved back approximately a metre and rebuilt, to do this Council would have to take legal ownership of the Lych Gate and Cllr D'Anna proposed writing to 3 legal firms asking for quotes and whether they have experience of making any ownership claims such as this, this was seconded by Cllr Games and unanimously agreed. Cllr D'Anna volunteered to draft the letters for approval of members via email before the Clerk sends them out on letter headed paper.
Cllr D'Anna said that he has spoken to Mr Grenfell who said that he has no desire to purchase any additional lighting this year. Cllr D'Anna also said that he believes that the Jubilee Committee have a surplus of funds following the successful events earlier in the year and are minded to use this money towards a Christmas event in what is still the Jubilee year.
Cllr Jackson said that he has spoken to PC Keane about this and has asked what is the best practice for dealing with Vandalism and Anti-Social behaviour and if there is an established practice used throughout Britain. Cllr Mosley said that there is a bigger issue here and if PC Keane cannot put together an answer then Council should write to someone higher up at Dyfed Powys Police. Cllr D'Anna said that the destruction of the picnic tables in the Bull Pit meadow is clearly intentional and this Council has previously agreed to ask PCC not to replace these tables but put benches if necessary as these don’t seem to be vandalised in the same manner. Cllr Mosley said that a number of these offences seem to be made by individuals from out of the area as other Police forces seem to be tightening up on anti-social behaviour and the perpetrators are moving into this area therefore the local police need to be more vigilant and follow up as very little incidents seem to be followed up.
Members looked at photographs sent in by Cllr Dykes, following a brief discussion Cllr Games said that he would have a look at the hole in the picnic table and Cllr D'Anna said that he knew of a company who could provide new planks to repair the benches in the Recreation Ground. Cllr Jackson proposed that Cllr D'Anna contact the company in the hope that the table and benches can be repaired before the next Council meeting, this was seconded by Cllr D'Anna and unanimously agreed.
Cllr D'Anna said that in his role of Chairman of the Finance Committee he has contacted Wes Granger to discuss the Summer Scheme and was told that approximately 70 children will benefit from the trips run by the Youth Club, he was also told that the County have significantly reduced their funding and proposed that Council grant the full £500 requested, this was seconded by Cllr Jackson and unanimously agreed.
The report of the Crickhowell in Bloom Committee Meeting which was held on the 5th July 2012, previously circulated, was received and accepted as a true record.
· One Voice Wales, Area Meeting - V P Games
· PCC Code of Conduct Training, 18th July - Cllr D'Anna
· One Voice Wales Code of Conduct Training - Cllr Mosley.
· Co-option of Councillors
· SALT Sites Public Meeting Report
Fairtrade Crickhowell
Cllr Jackson said that Crickhowell became a Fairtrade Town some years ago and Fairtrade Crickhowell has been very active ever since. The Town Council gave permission to have "We are a Fairtrade Town" and in welsh "Rydym yn dref Fasnach Deg" at the bottom of the Town Council letterheads and as Chairman of Fairtrade Crickhowell Cllr Jackson gave their grateful thanks to Council for doing this.
The Mayor closed the meeting at 8.05pm.
Following the meeting Cllr Games allowed the members of the public present to address Council with their concerns.
Signature of Mayor …………………..……………. Date………….…….……2012
Cllr D Collier