Crib Sheet for NHS Lanarkshire Pharmacy First Champion Visits

January 2018

The purpose of the pharmacy champion visits is to provide information and experience about the service to date and, very importantly, to hear the thoughts of pharmacists involved in providing the service with a view to continuous improvement.

  1. How many pharmacists in the pharmacy have signed up for the Pharmacy First service?
  1. Are all signed up for the treatment of uncomplicated UTI and Impetigo?
  1. Are all relief staff and locums signed up so that the service is available at all times the pharmacy is open?
  1. Is there a system in place to enable relief staff and locums to readily access hard or e-copies of the paperwork and support documents?

  1. Do you have any comments on the training?

  1. How many patients have you seen for possible treatments of UTI?

  1. How many patients have you seen for possible treatments of Impetigo?

  1. For those pharmacies who have treated relatively high number of patients. What factors have led to this fairly big usage?
Intrapharmacy factors?
Liason with GP factors? We suspect that good liasion with local GP practices is a key? Would you agree? What did you find works best?
Have you had any referrals from NHS 24? Has that worked well or are there any issues?
Publicity factors?
Other factors?
  1. For those pharmacies who have treated relatively low numbers of patients. What factors have led to this?
Intrapharmacy factors?
Liason with GP factors?
Have you had any referrals from NHS 24? Has that worked well or are there any issues?
Publicity factors?
Other factors?
Is there anything that you could suggest may increase numbers?
Things which you could do yourself?
Things which the Health Board could do?
  1. How do you find the paperwork?
Notification of consultation forms
Claim Forms
Are there any modifications you would like to see?
  1. One of the contexts for the service is to reduce workload on GP practices and the OOH service. Can you share any anecdotes or anonymous case studies which illustrate this? What about the practicalities for your own work load?

  1. This is a new clinical service and we still have much to learn. Can you share any anonymised case studies which were straightforward or which were challenging? E.g any examples of delaying a prescription and reseeding the patient?

Myth Busters
  1. It’s important to know that the PGDs are Health Board specific. I.e. to provide the service in NHS Lanarkshire you must sign the Lanarkshire PGDs. Do you think this is well understood?

  1. NHS Lanarkshire has not approved a PGD for nitrofurantoin hence it is not part of the current service. Do you think this is well understood?

  1. The UTI service does not require urine samples. This is in line with SIGN 88. Do you think this is well understood?

  1. A Cochrane review critiqued by SIGN 88 has confirmed that 3 days of trimethoprim is an effective treatment course. Do you think this is well understood?

  1. The service extends to patients normally resident in any part of the UK. The attached information explains the rational and details the way to provide the services for patients normally resident outwith Scotland.

  1. It is important to complete the claim form each month – even if there is no activity. The claim form is also an important aspect of communication your statistics and thoughts about the service which is an important aspect of the evaluation.

  1. Are there any other comments you want to make about the service and how it may be improved?

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