Crews Middle School
Physical Education

Welcome! We are extremely excited that you are here! Our goal for Crews Middle School’s Physical Education program is to help students develop a positive attitude towards their physical, social, mental, and emotional well-being through activities incorporating fitness, knowledge and team building.


Frank Hedrick Soraya Ratchford

Students will participate in a semester long PE course. This course is designed to give students the opportunity to develop healthier bodies and attitudes through fitness activities and team sports. Students will acquire knowledge of physical fitness concepts, understand the influence of life-style on health and fitness, and begin to develop an optimal level of fitness. They will also gain knowledge and application of skills, techniques, strategies, rules, and safety practices necessary to participate in selected team sports. The course will follow similar guidelines as Lifetime Fitness (a requirement for graduation) in order to prepare them for the expectations of the course they must take in high school.


Grading Scale:

Daily Activities 50%

Summative Assessments 50%

Students can earn 100 points each week during the semester in the category of “daily activities” for dressing out and participation. Each day will accountfor 20 points. The Summative grades will consist of written tests, quizzes, and performance evaluations. Students are required to dress out daily. If a student chooses not to dress out, 10 points will be deducted from his/her daily grade. If a student decides not to participate in the daily activities they will lose all 20 points for that day. The rest of the student’s grade will come from assignments and assessments.


Students are expected to wear a t-shirt, shorts or athletic pants, socks, and tennis shoes. The shorts must be fingertip or mid-thigh in length. Students may not wear cut-off shirts or tank tops. Inappropriate for P.E. and school are yoga pants, cheerleading shorts, or any other type of tight fitting clothing. Also, we do not want student’s shorts to have writing across their bottom. Shorts must be worn at the waist. Sweat pants and jackets are permitted during cold weather. Each student is expected to dress out dailyunless otherwise specified. Students must change each day.


Students’ effort is evaluated during class activities. Enthusiasm, participation and assisting other students and the teacher are just a few of the areas that display effort in class. Lack of effort in any part of the Physical Education program could result in loss of participation points.

LOCKER ROOM SECURITY: Locker rooms can be used to secure items during the class period; however, students are encouraged to leave ALL valuable items in their homeroom locker. Students should be proactive and diligent in their efforts to keep personal items secure


If a student is unable to participate for medical reasons, they will need to bring a note from home. After 3 consecutive days of not participating in P.E., a medical excuse from a doctor is required (County Policy). A student will be given a modified assignment through their Physical Education instructor. If your student has any major medical conditions please let our staff know as soon as possible via email or sending in a personal note.