Cut the cards apart and label each one according to the type of appeal it BEST fits – logical, emotional, or ethical. Group the cards into the three different groups. Below each example, explain why you think it best fits the appeal you chose.
Crest toothpaste is the best. In a recent study, people who brushed with Crest had 20% fewer cavities than those who brushed with the leading brand. / Crest toothpaste is the best. Nine out of ten dentists recommend brushing with Crest to their patients.Crest toothpaste is the best. You’ll have whiter teeth and a brighter smile after just two weeks of brushing with Crest. / Everyone needs to exercise. Research shows that people who exercise 30 minutes a day at least three times a week, live on average five years longer than people who don’t.
Everyone needs to exercise. Don’t you want to look good in that bikini or in your Speedos when you go to the lake? / Billy Jo Murphy’s record speaks for itself. As a teacher, 98% of his students graduated from high school and went on to college. As a state legislator, he helped pass laws that reduce the number of criminals on the streets of Kentucky by 30%. As a humanitarian, he helped raise funding to build five new hospitals in state.
Billy Jo Murphy is family man who loves his dog, Buddy. He volunteers at the local animal shelter and reads stories to elderly people in the nursing home. He cares about the people of Kentucky. / Vote for Billy Jo Murphy for governor! He’s a good guy who grew up in the country and played football for UK. You can trust Billy Jo to work hard for the people of Kentucky.
Research shows that the polar ice-caps are melting due to global warming. Scientists say if we don’t reduce pollution that is damaging the ozone layer, the sea level will rise and flood cities located along coastal areas. / We must protect the environment for future generations. Do you want your children to live in a world where they are more likely to get cancer and respiratory diseases because of pollution? This would be morally wrong!
Studies show that people who own a pet live longer, healthier lives than people who do not own a pet. Pets have been shown to lower blood pressure and stress levels for their owners. / All people need a pet. Pets are fun and friendly and offer companionship to people who live alone.