Minutes of the Crediton Hamlets Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 4th July 2016 at the Council Chambers, Market Street, Crediton

Present: Cllrs Leigh, Cole, Jarvis, Scrivener, Wholey, Heal (MDDC), Coren (MDDC) and Mortimer (from 8.15 pm)

In Attendance: Mrs D Shepherd (Clerk)

7952 To receive and accept apologies

It was resolved to accept the apologies of Cllrs Stevens, Brimacombe, Brook and Way (DCC)

7953 To receive Declarations of Interest: To receive declarations of personal interest and disclosable pecuniary interest in respect of items of this agenda.

Cllr Jarvis declared a personal and pecuniary interest in Planning Application 16/00549/FULL

7954 Public Participation: To receive public comment on items on the agenda. A maximum of ten minutes is allowed for this item.

There were no members of the public present

7955 Crediton Hamlets Parish Council Minutes 6th June 2016: To approve and sign the minutes as a correct record

It was resolved to sign the Minutes as a correct record (Proposed Cllr Leigh)

7956 Mid Devon District Council – Planning Applications: Mid Devon District Council has asked for comments from the Parish Council on the following planning applications:

Reference: 16/00825/MFUL
Proposal: Construction of an anaerobic digestion plant including vehicular access from Down End

Location: Land at Gooseallar Marshes, Lords Meadow

Applicant: Mr G Kerslake

The Chairman reported that a site meeting had been arranged on 7th July to which all Cllrs were invited. The Council’s Planning Committee may have further comments to make about the planning application following this meeting.

Reference: 16/00893/LBC
Proposal: LBC for removal of existing porch and replacement with enclosed porch

Location: Brambles, 25 Hookway

Applicant: Mr D Brandreth

It was resolved that the Council was neutral in respect of this application. (Proposed Cllr Leigh) Cllr Cole said that the correct response was “No comment”

Reference: 16/00549/FULL
Proposal: Erection of Agricultural livestock building 9832 SQ M)

Location: Land and buildings at Shortacombe Farm, Yeoford
Applicant: Mr D Coren

Cllr Jarvis left the room during the discussion of this planning application

It was resolved that Cllr Cole would lead on a site visit and then advise the Planning Committee of an appropriate response to this application (Proposed Cllr Leigh)

Reference: 16/01011/HOUSE

Proposal: Installation of an air source heat pump and erection of timber plant room

Location: Land and Buildings at NGR 277975 96430 (Higher Town Barn) Woodland

Applicant: Mr and Mrs Templeton-Smith

It was resolved that Cllr Cole would lead on a site visit and then advise the Planning Committee of an appropriate response to this application (Proposed Cllr Leigh)

7957 Mid Devon District Council – Planning Applications: It was resolved to note that the following application has been withdrawn:

Reference: 16/00470/80/LBC and FULL

Proposal: Conversion of redundant building to dwelling

Location: East Church Farm

Applicant: Mr Gary Bulley

7958 Mid Devon District Council – Planning Decisions: It was resolved to note that MDDC has approved the following applications with conditions as filed:

Reference: 16/00600
Proposal: Extension to side of house with internal garage and loft room

Location: Western Lea

Applicant: Mr Mills

7959 Play Area – Yeoford View

The Clerk reported that Cllr Stevens said that he would give a report to the Council at the September meeting. Cllr Wholley reported that the Association was prepared to buy equipment but not to take on the maintenance and insurance costs. Cllr Coren said that he would make contact with Andrew Busby (MDDC) who was newly in post to see what the costs would be if MDDC took on this task.

It was resolved that this matter would be placed on the agenda in September (Proposed Cllr Leigh)

7960 Internal Audit

The Clerk reported on the Internal Audit that was now complete. The Clerk reported that she had placed the Notice of Date of Commencement of Period for the Exercise of Public Rights on the website and noticeboard and sent the accounts to the External Auditor for examination. The Clerk reported that the Internal Auditor had not been able to reach a conclusion on the additional matter that the Council had asked him to examine.

It was resolved that no further action should be taken with respect to the additional matter and that the Clerk should write to confirm this and return the cheque (Proposed Cllr Leigh)

7961 Accounts 2016/17

The Clerk had previously distributed a budget report and reported that the balance in the account was £14724.73.

It was resolved to approve the following payments:

D Shepherd (Clerk) Salary (July and August) £274.27 x 2

HMRC (PAYE July and August) £68.60 x 2

D Shepherd (Expenses – travel) £40.50

D Shepherd (stamps for external auditor £0.96

D Shepherd (stamps) £3.30

D Shepherd (USB Stick) £7.14

Quill Associates (audit) £115

Community First (Insurance) £153.08

7962 Banking

Cllr Cole proposed that the Council should not make BACS payments any longer but should return to payment only by cheques backed by invoices. The Chairman reported that payments were only made when invoices had been produced and signed by the Chairman and authorised by two signatories. The Clerk reported that BACS payments were acceptable to the auditors and used by other Councils. Cllr Cole disputed this and suggested that BACS payments could lead to fraud as had proved the case with another organisation. The Clerk reported that two further Cllrs had been added to the list of signatories to the account at the request of the Chairman and Vice Chairman. Cllr Cole disputed that this action should have been taken without full Council approval.

It was resolved to place this on the agenda for discussion at the September meeting when more Councillors were present (Proposed Cllr Leigh)

7963 Annualised Hours and Overtime

The Clerk reported that her hours since 1st April were as follows:

1st April – 30th April = 37 hours (9 hours over)

1st May – 28th May = 22.75 hours (5.25 under)

29th May- 25th June = 26 hours (2 hours under)

Total hours worked over contractural hours = 1.75 hours (£18.55 owed to Clerk))

The Clerk advised that she had, as agreed with the Council, been completing weekly time sheets. The Clerk had taken advice from DALC and SLCC and had been advised it was best practice for the Council to consider the Clerk’s hours monthly or at most quarterly to enable the Council to manage the budget and their member of staff.

It was resolved that the Council would not take any action in response to the Clerk’s report but would review the matter again in September (Proposed Cllr Leigh)

7964 Traffic Recorder at Barnstaple Cross

The Clerk reported that she had identified the location of the Traffic Recorder which is 100 meters west of A377 on the road to Coleford. The Chairman had requested further comment from DCC about this location but the Clerk had not yet received a reply. Cllr Coren reported on his input to the DCC Committee that had been looking at the report into traffic flow at Barnstaple Cross

7965 Section 106 Monies

The Clerk had circulated a further response from C House (MDDC). Cllr Coren reported on a new 106 contribution that would be allocated to Crediton Hamlets who had now prioritised the use of the money for the Yeoford Play Area

7966 Tap Fund 2016/17

The Clerk had advertised the Fund on in the Yeoford Voice and the newspapers but had not received any applications. The Cllrs present had not received any applications.

It was resolved that the Clerk should advertise the Fund again (Proposed Cllr Leigh)

7967 Crediton Hamlets Parish Council – Facebook page

Cllr Wholley had set up a Facebook page for the Council and there had been a very positive response so far from those who had viewed it.

7968 Police Report from PCSO Lisa Crocker

The Clerk read out the police report from May 2016. A report for June 2016 had not been received. Calls in May were 4 (Domestic), I ASB, 1 abandoned vehicle, 1 cow on the road, and one 1 neighbourly dispute. Crimes reported in May were 1 (Domestic), 2 making off without payment, 1 drug related and 1 criminal damage to property

7969 Roads and Footpaths in the Parish

The Chairman reminded Cllrs of the importance of reporting problems on the DCC website. Cllr Mortimer reported on the action taken by the farmers in the local community to sort out the drains at Uton. Cllr Mortimer said that the road was fit to tarmac and the Clerk was asked to request that this now be done. The Chairman referred to the road warden scheme that the Clerk had circulated. Cllrs were concerned about the overgrown hedges which were making driving hazardous in some parts of the parish. Cllr Coren said that hedge cutting was commencing on July 1st.

7970 To receive a report from the Chairman

The Chairman reported that he proposed to raise an issue under Part 2 at the next Council meeting

7971 To receive reports from Councillors

Cllr Wholley reported that he had received a letter from a parishioner about an overgrown oak tree which was not being managed. Cllr Wholley said that he would talk to the landowner to see if this matter could be resolved. Cllr Wholley also reported on the successful Parish Plan launch held by Colebrooke Parish Council. Cllr Wholley suggested that Crediton Hamlets Parish Council could learn from this and develop a closer relationship with their community. Cllr Wholley said that there were some people within Yeoford who were talking of applying for Yeoford to have its own Parish Council. The Chairman said that the Council had tried a similar parish plan exercise many years ago. Cllrs Cole suggested it had been expensive exercise and not productive. Cllr Mortimer suggested it was important to ask realistic questions. Cllr Wholley asked why the Council did not hold their meetings in the parish of Crediton Hamlets to make it easier for the public to attend.

It was resolved to place Yeoford Representation on the agenda for the September meeting (Proposed Cllr Leigh)

Cllr Mortimer said that he had read in the Courier that Steve Tucker (DCC) was holding local surgeries and the Clerk was asked if Crediton Hamlets could be included.

7972 To receive a report from Cllr Coren (MDDC)

Cllr Coren reported that a new planning enforcement officer, Keith Palmer, had been appointed to MDDC to replace Reg Willing and that he was being very active. Cllr Coren reported on the successful recycling figures which were over 50% for the first time. He said landfill had dropped dramatically. The new one purpose recycyling site was being officially opened on 8th July. Cllr Coren also reported on the new burial procedure in place for those who had no-one to bury them. The cost was approximately £1500. Cllr Coren also reported that Middlemoor Farm had now received planning approval.

7973 To receive a report from Cllr Heal (MDDC)

Cllr Heal reported that a study was being undertaken to consider the appointment of Conditions Officers whose job it would be to ensure that conditions were applied as required when planning approval was granted. Cllr Heal also reminded Cllrs about the site visit on July 7th in relation to 16/00825/MFUL

7974 Correspondence

The Clerk had previously circulated a list of the correspondence received since the last Council meeting

7975 Date of Next Meeting: September 5th 2016

Signed: ……………………………………………………………………. (Chairman) Date:………………………………………