Please complete this form in full and return it to – Company Docs, Contracts Department, .
Please note that there is a 48 hour SLA for the loading of company documents
This will ensure that your payment is processed as quickly as possible and paid via the BACS system.
We must receive your Limited Company bank details as we are unable to make payment to personal bank accounts.
We can only accept this form signed by the director and proof of directorship has been received.
On behalf of my Company
(Insert full legal Company Name)
Company Registration Number: / VAT Registration Number
(If applicable at time of completion):
If your limited company is registered in the UK then you must supply your UK business bank account details. I authorise you to pay the monies owing to it direct into the Company’s bank account, the details of which are as follows:
Bank Name
Business Account Name
Sort Code / - - / Account Number
IBAN (Required for International Payments only)
SWIFT Code (Required for International Payments only)
We require the below information due to HMRC Intermediaries regulation. Failure to provide this information will result in your company details not being loaded.
Will you carry out the work in the UK? / o Yes o No / Have you lived in the UK for the past 12 months? / o Yes o No
National Insurance Number (if you have one)
Date of Birth / / / / Gender / o Female o Male
Limited Company Address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
City / Post Code
You must be the Sole Director and Shareholder of your Limited Company
If you are not the sole director and shareholder, please include further details where indicated below
Position within Limited Company
Print Name
Details of other directors and shareholders and their relationship to you or N/A / o N/A
Please note we MUST reject the form if all applicable fields are not completed
For Office Use Only
PS Vendor ID / Date Entered / / /