AQR5i APL Form

Claims for achievement of specified units where the evidence has not been developed during the run of the programme.

  1. Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning (APCL) - to achieve specified units within an Access Diploma, based on the achievement of existing certificated qualifications,
  2. Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) – to achieve specified units within an Access Diploma, based on the achievement of experiential learning prior to the start of the course.

All relevant sections of this form should be completed by the Access Coordinator and agreed with the Access Diploma’s External Moderator at a relevant point in the learner’s achievement record.

It must be signed by the Access Coordinator and the External Moderator to confirm that they agree to the claims made.

Claims for the Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning must be accompanied by photocopies of certificates or credit transcripts. The Access Coordinator should have had sight of the originals and copies should be available for the external moderator. Claims for exemption of units through exception certified medical circumstances should use form AQR5iii. (Claims for credit transfer should be on AQR5ii)

The signed form must be available at the Final Moderation meeting and must be forwarded with the Final Awards Board minutes and any other pertinent documentation to the AVA.

Level Three units achieved via APCL are NOT eligible for grading and will be counted as being achieved at a Pass

Centre name and ID
Access to HE Diploma title
Learner name
Laser registration number
Units claimed (state codes)
External Moderator
Access Coordinator
Date of claim / Date of Final Award Board


Up to 15 credits at Level 2 can be claimed within a single Access Diploma. A maximum of 50% of overall credits (30) can be claimed using APL/APCL on an Access Diploma
LASER Tariff for credits to be claimed for credit exemption / Max Credit Value that can be claimed
GCSE English at pass grade C or above / 12 credits at Level 2
GCSE Maths at pass grade C or above / 12 credits at level 2

Please complete the relevant sections below:

  1. Unit achievement via APCL (Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning)
Append photocopies of certificates or other supporting documents as necessary.
External Qualification Title / Grade/Level Achieved / Awarding Organisation and qualification (GCSE, O Level etc) and date / Unit title and code in Access Diploma claimed via APCL / Level / Credits
Example: GCSE English Language / B / AQA GCSE English; June 2009 / GA13SE023
Speaking & Listening / 2 / 3
Total Credits claimed via APCL
  1. Unit achievement via APEL (Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning)Cut and paste the unit content from the Access Diploma unit into the table below. Detail the evidence for each learning outcome and related assessment criteria in the ‘APL Evidence column’. If necessary refer to learning in other courses, qualifications, syllabi etc as relevant.

Learning Outcomes / Assessment criteria / APL Evidence
The learner will: / The learner can:
General Commentary on APL Evidence Presented (make any holistic comments about the APL claim here)
Supporting Evidence Submitted / Approved by – (name/role & date)
Approved by External Moderator & Awards Board (moderator name & signature) / Date approved

I confirm the claims for credit exemption/APCL outlined above.

External Moderator Signature: …………………………………………………………………………………... Date: …………………………….

Access Quality Manager or Access Development Manager ………………………………………………. Date………………………………


AQR5i APL– send with Award Board minutes plus RAC and any other pertinent documentation to LASER Access Office