- Every two weeks, you must do TWO activities: Two from Group A or one from Group A and one from group B
- Write the names of the activity or activities you choose at the upper left hand side of your paper
- You MAY NOT complete the same activities until you have gone through all activities
- Both activities are due the day of the test for extra credit on the test.
Group A:
1. Eight GREAT Sentences: Create sentences that are interesting, descriptive, and that have at least 8 words in each one (as well at least one spelling word per sentence.
2. Buy This! Use at least 8 spelling words and write a creative advertisement for a real or imaginary product.Try to include a picture of your product as well.
3. Dear Mrs. Brothers: Write a friendly letter to your teacher using at least ten spelling words. Underline or highlight thespelling words and be sure to follow the friendly letter format.
4. What's the Story? Write a great short story using at least ten of your spelling words. Underline or highlight the spelling words.
5. Rhyme Time: Write a rhyming or non-rhyming poem about a topic of your choice using at least ten spelling words. Underline or highlight the spelling words.
6. Extra! Extra! Read All About it! Write a creative newspaper article using at least ten of your spelling words. Be sure yourarticle answers who, what, were, when, and why or how. Underline or highlight the spelling words.
7. Crossword Puzzle: Create a crossword puzzle using at least ten of your words. Use the Armored Penguin website linked under the Writing tab on our website. Be sure to write interesting clues! Turn in a blank copy and ananswer key.
8. Comic Strip: Create a comic strip with illustrations using at least 8 of your spelling words.
9. Inspired By: Find a picture in a magazine or newspaper or a photo you took. Write a short story using at least tenof your spelling words that explains what is happening in the picture. Underline or highlight the spelling words. Attachthe picture.
10. That's What YOU Think: Write your opinion about a topic using at least ten of your spelling words. Argue why something is good or bad, right or wrong, or necessary or unnecessary. Underline or highlight the spelling words.
11. It Takes Two: Write a conversation between two people using at least ten of your spelling words. This dialogue should be properly formatted (indent every time a new speaker talks) and should be properly punctuated (use quotation marks). Although the conversation can be humorous, it needs to make sense; it cannot be random. Underline or highlight the spelling words.
12. Let's Hear it! Write a song, cheer, or a rap using at least ten of your spelling words. Underline or highlight thespelling words.
Group B:
1. Perfect Practice Makes Perfect: Neatly write each spelling word three times each.
2. Cursive Handwriting: Neatly write each spelling word in cursive two times each.
3. Synonyms & Antonyms: Pick ten words and write one or two synonyms for each word. Write an antonym for each word if it exists.
4. Word Sort: Sort all of your spelling words by parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, etc.).
5. Syllable Sort: Sort all of your words into number of syllables each and divide them into syllables
6. Alpha Order: Neatly write all your spelling words in alphabetical order (in a column!)
7. What Do You Mean? Choose five words whose meaning is least familiar to you. Look up the definition for each word, write the definition in your own words, and use each word in a sentence with context clues, showing you know what each word means.
8. Colorful Words: Write all your spelling words using one color for vowels and another color for consonants.
9. Get to the Root of it: Select five words that contain a root or base word and list as many other words you know ofwith thesame root or base word. Identify what the root or base word means. (spectacles = spectator, spectacular,inspector, inspection, perspective, etc. SPEC means "look")
10. Target Practice: Write all of your spelling words and underline or highlight the most challenging spelling part ofeach word.
11. Word Cloud: Go to and create a word cloud using all of your spelling words. You must type ineach word yourself. Print it out and turn it in with your name on it.