Institute 2012

Creating Success Using Technology

Homework Packet

If you have questions about this packet, please contact:

Steve Schmidt, Assistant Director

(828) 262-2262


Dianne Barber, Director


Institute 2012 Homework Packet Page 1 of 17

Institute 2012: Creating Success Using Technology

Grade Contract & Institute Responsibilities

Pre-Institute Homework

Assignment 1: Goals and Leadership

Assignment 2: Research Articles

Assignment 3:

Assignment 4:

Assignment 5: Lesson Plan

Assignment 6: Technology Needs

Assignment 7:Part 1: Professional Development Contract (Fax or Scan and Email)

Assignment 8:Thursday Evening Entertainment

Email written homework to and print copy to turn in on Sunday

During Institute

 Turn in written homework on Sunday afternoon in the classroom

 Attend all Institute 2012 sessions on time

 Participate in Institute 2012 large groups, small groups, and work sessions

 Complete yourtraining plan and turn it in on Thursday during Institute

 Complete all evaluation forms

Post-Institute Homework

 Finalize the training plan begun at Institute 2012

 Conduct at least one (1) training using information from Institute 2012

 Send ABSPD Assignment 7: Part 2: Professional Development Workshop Verification form with supporting documentation

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I am completing all of the above requirements for academic credit, a grade of “A” for outstanding work, and certification as a Certified Resource Specialist after completing 3 institutes and delivering at least two trainings for my home program.

I am completing all the above requirements for workshop participation and certification as a Certified Resource Specialist after completion of 3 institutes and delivering at least two trainings for my home program.



Please include a signed copy of this contract with your homework. Be sure to keep a copy for future reference.

Homework Instructions - Read Carefully

  1. This homework packet includes eight (8)homework assignments. Some assignments will require several hours while others can be completed quickly. It is suggested that you read the complete homework packet before beginning the assignments.
  2. If you are enrolled for academic credit, you must complete all written assignments prior to arriving on campus for Institute 2011. Your work will account for 15% of your final grade. If you are enrolled as a workshop participant and plan to become a Certified Resource Specialist, then you must complete all the reading assignments and some of the written assignments. It is highly recommended that you complete all the assignments so that during Institute you are familiar with the material and can participate in discussions.
  3. Written assignments should be word-processed using a 12-point font, with 1-inch margins, and double-spacing. Your last name should appear in the upper right corner of every page of the written assignment. Limit written assignment length to the number of pages indicated, i.e., be concise in what you write.
  4. Assignments are DUE first day of Institute when you arrive at the classroom. After you have completed all of your assignments here is what you need to do.
  5. Put all assignments into one word document and name the document with your “lastname, first name, week.” For example, I would name my homework document barberdianne2. Email your complete homework document to . Note: Please do not send multiple attachments.
  6. Print two copies of your completed homework assignments, one to turn in on Sunday when you arrive at class and the other to use as a reference during Institute.
  7. If you do not have all assignments completed by the due date, please email a written plan of action for completion to by the due date. An instructor will review your plan and discuss it with you during the week.
  8. If you have questions about any of the assignments, please do not hesitate to contact ABSPD.

Assignment 1: Goals

Goals help to guide our teaching and training. The focus of Institute 2012 is enhancing instruction and training in adult basic skills and college and career readiness programs through the use of technology. Think about your goals, your program’s goals, and the goals of your students.

Write a 1-2 page, double-spaced paper that answers the following questions:

  1. Briefly describe how technology is currently used as a tool for teaching, learning, and training in your program.
  2. What are your program goals for enhancing teaching, learning, and training though using technology?
  3. What is your goal for using technology to enhance instruction and training? What will success look like?
  4. What do you hope to accomplish as a result of attending Institute? How will you measure success?

Assignment 2: Research Articles – Read and Respond

This assignment has two articles and two sets of questions that require written responses.

Article 1: Read the article below and answer the questions.

Hayes E. (N.D.) Reconceptualizing Adult Basic Education and the Digital Divide.

University of Wisconsin-Madison. A copy of the article can be downloaded from:

  1. In the article the author talks about low skills for those adults in low socioeconomic status. How do you think the computer skill level of your students impacts the use of technology in your instruction?
  1. The authors talked about the video games that might benefit adult learners. What kind of video games might be most beneficial to students in your courses?
  1. The author writes about applications with adult learners. What could your school/program do to inspire and facilitate more expansive goals of technology instruction?

Article 2: Read the article below and answer the questions.

Allen, D. (March 17, 2012). When Office Technology Overwhelms, Get Organized. The New York Times. Access this article at:

  1. Identify the most “overwhelming” aspects of your current position when it comes to using technology. What did you learn from this article that could help make your technology use more manageable?
  1. What can an instructor do to help students to become better organized, i.e., manage their time and assignments and feel more productive?
  1. List 3 tasks related to the role of an instructor and describe how recent technological developments make each of those tasks easier to accomplish.
  1. List the three most important technology skills you believe would help adult educators become better and more efficient in their work. Why?

Assignment 3: Video – Watch and Respond

This assignment has two videos and two sets of questions that require written responses.

Video 1: Ken Robinson says Schools Kill Creativity – What do you think?

Today's generation naturally and inherently values using technology to create (videos, blogs, web pages, etc.). Click on the link below to watch the video. While watching think about the importance of creativity and how imperative it is that educators embrace the idea of allowing students to be creative. Then answer the 4 questions below.

  1. About 5.5 minutes into the video, the speaker talks about how children are not afraid of being wrong, but when they get older, “we are educating people out of their creative capacities.” Can you name an example of how you create (or if you don’t currently, you can initiate) a more nurturing classroom where your students are not afraid of making mistakes? In other words, is there a technique you have or something you do that makes students comfortable with learning and creating in your classroom?
  1. At about 13 minutes, Ken Robinson states “We know 3 things about intelligence”:

a.“It is diverse.” What does this mean to you as an adult educator in regard to learning styles?

b.“It is dynamic.” What does he mean by this?

c.“It is distinct.” In thinking about the story about the 8-year old dancer/student, can you think of an adult learner who could not learn something in the same way that other students could? Explain you answer.

  1. What was your biggest obstacle or cause of frustration during your years of conventional education? Please tell how old you were and describe your experience.
  1. Can you think of an instance where you were encouraged to be creative in an educational setting? Please tell how old you were and describe your experience.

Video 2: PBS film Digital Nation

This video is an overview of technology in society and schools, and it poses many powerful questions. Click on the link below to watch the video. While viewing, follow along with the “Digital Nation Viewing and Reflection Guide” that begins on the following page. After viewing choose one question from each chapter to answer and submit.

Digital Nation Viewing and Reflection Guide begins on the following page.

Digital Nation Viewing and Reflection Guide

Film is on-line at:

Chapter 1: Distracted by Everything
M.I.T. students are among the world's smartest and most wired. They constantly multitask with their tech tools.
Time Code / Questions
0:22 / The program starts off mentioning sponsors: What is the difference between public TV sponsor recognition and a commercial TV ad?
01:10 / “You can be more crazy online because there’s no one watching what you’re doing.” Do you act differently online? Why? How?
01:50 / Will people eventually live most of their lives in a virtual world?
04:26 / Students talk about how they are all connected all the time. Is it helpful or harmful to be connected all the time? Why or why not?
06:00 / Can you think as well when multitasking? Yes, no, why?
05:55-07:30 / Student says he emails while in class. Do you multitask using tech while in class? Isn’t that rude? Can you truly pay full attention to more than one thing at a time? Explain.
07:30-08:30 / “In general our brains can’t do two things at once.” Agree, disagree, why?
Chapter 2: What's It Doing to Their Brains?
Tests given Stanford multitaskers yield troubling discoveries. Other research into Net use and the brain raises more questions.
10:50-11:20 / Why would people think they are great at multitasking but then really be lousy at it?
11:50-12:51 / Are we distracting ourselves to death?
13:00 / “We are changing what it means to be a human being by using all this stuff.” Agree, disagree, why?
15:25- 15:42 / “Technology keeps outdistancing the research.” Agree, disagree, why?
15:55-16:42 (also 18:30 on addiction) / Is using the Internet as addictive as drinking and gambling? Yes, no, why?
16:00 / 23 times greater risk to get into an accident while texting. Should texting while driving be banned? Yes, no, why?
Chapter 3: South Korea's Gaming Craze
Some cautionary lessons from a country where Internet addiction has become a public health crisis.
18:00 / “People have actually died in PC bombs in South Korea during gaming marathons after playing for 50 hours straight with no food or water.” Agree, disagree, why?
19:55 / Would we all be better off if video games didn’t exist? Yes, no, why?
19:55 / In South Korea, addiction to video games can be diagnosed as a psychiatric disorder: Where is the line between playing for fun and addiction?
19:55 / Does anyone know people like this or have you realized that you yourself started to be addicted to games or other media? Yes, no, explain.
24:35 / “Over the past 20 years the Net has changed from a thing one does to the way one lives.” What are the implications of this? How would you feel about going 24 hours without using technology, i.e., no phone, no computer, no tv…?
25:10-26:58 / Can you teach young students how to use the computer responsibly? What does that mean?
Chapter 4: Teaching with Technology
Teachers are embracing digital media--'it keeps students engaged; new skills are needed for a new age.' But is there a catch?
28:25 – 29:13 / Digital immigrants / Digital natives. Walking into a classroom without media is like walking into a desert. Agree, disagree, why?
28:50 / “Classrooms need to meet kids where they are living…online.” Agree, disagree, why?
29:14 / “My children’s education might have a different purpose than mine did.” What would be the different purpose?
31:00 / Principal –“Technology is like oxygen.” Agree, disagree, why?
32:29-33:00 / Is all of this really just instant gratification education? Yes, no, why?
34:54 / Principal - “The world has sped up in a lot of ways and education hasn’t.” Agree, disagree, why?
Chapter 5 The Dumbest Generation?
The debate has just begun on whether we are losing as much as we're gaining in a 24/7-wired world.
35:52 / “I can’t assign a novel more than 200 pages.” How do you experience this in your life?
37:15-38:18 / Do constant interruptions have an effect on your writing? They write in paragraphs due to constant distractions.
39:38 / “When writing happened there were certainly things we lost. One of them was memory.” Is this good or bad? Explain.
40:30 / How has the Internet impacted your life? How often are you distracted?
41:00 / We have dealt with an information overload before and adapted (example of streets in New York). Will we adapt to this too? Yes, no, why?
Chapter 6: Relationships
Millions of people are inhabiting the Net as if it were a real place, satisfying the urge to connect to others in online games, virtual worlds.
41:46-42:40 / How does technology change relationships?
42:30 / Do you ever censor what you write on blogs/Facebook?
42:43 / Online cooking show with boy and his grandmother. Does she simulate a connection that people have with their grandmothers?
45:40 / Have you ever played massive multiplayer games like World of Warcraft? Yes, no, why?
45:40 / Do you use the computer to satisfy your urge to connect to other people? Yes, no, why?
48:00-49:42 / Is technology separating us or bringing us closer? Explain.
51:00 / How could online dating differ from real life dating?
52:00 / Do these new technologies provide new ways to be intimate? Yes, no, why?
Chapter 7: Virtual Worlds
Second Life offers a totally new reality for humans, says its creator -- and IBM has begun shifting its meetings into this virtual space.
54:18 / What happens when all meetings occur in a virtual world? More social/ connected/dependent in Second Life than email or IM? Could it solve alienation?
56:00-56:51 / Are technologies tools of connection or division? Explain.
59:55 / Weird huge empty IBM office building in New York. What would you personally think about having a job in which Second Life is often used?
Chapter 8: Can Virtual Experiences Change Us?
The U.S. military is using virtual spaces for PTSD therapy and for flying drones in Iraq while based in a room in Nevada.
1:02:15 / “Distinctions between virtual and real are becoming blurred, even interchangeable.” What do you think about making yourself appear better than in real life? In the video they say it could change the way we later see ourselves in real life. What are the implications of this?
1:06:17 / “Military has been a driver for technology.” Agree, disagree, why?
1:06:50-1:08:35 / What is the difference when you are fighting a war where there is no risk?
1:14:12 / Army recruiting center in Philadelphia – play free video games. Is this ethically right to encourage kids to join the army by creating virtual adrenaline rush? Yes, no, why?
Chapter 9: Where Are We Headed?
A school is organized around learning through video games--maybe its students are getting something we aren't yet able to measure or recognize.
1:18:15 / “Kids have ability to move seamlessly between the virtual and the real.” Agree, disagree, why?
1:18:20 / “It’s a radical model. Using gaming as a lens for the entire curriculum.” Could this work? Can you find educational games in your own field?
1:20:00 / “We have got to slow down and stop, children have to be protected against media.” Agree, disagree, why?
1:21:05 / “Technology challenges us to assert our human values.” Agree, disagree, why?

Assignment 4: Internet Research

The Internet is full of websites that can be used as tools for teaching (as well as many that offer little). Do you have any favorites that you feel are especially useful for adult educators and/or adult learners to use? If not, search to see what you can find.

Identify at least two websites that would be particularly useful for adult educators or adult learners. Provide the following information for each site:

Site name:

Site URL:

Subject area(s):

Brief Description:

Why you chose it:

Institute 2012 Homework Packet Page 1 of 17

Institute 2012: Creating Success Using Technology

Assignment 5: Lesson Planning using GPS for Success Toolkit

  1. Review the GPS for Success Toolkit – Parts 1 & 2, focusing on the Technology/Computer Literacy Content Standards. The Toolkit can be viewed and/or downloaded at the ABSPD Website (
  2. Use the template/outline below to write a lesson/unit plan for adult learners that includes using technology. It is important that you provide all the information requested in a clear and complete manner so that another instructor can easily teach the plan without having to search for additional information or create handouts (if handouts are needed, they should be included with your plan).
  3. Selected lesson plans will be published for use by other Adult Basic Skills educators.

Lesson Plan Title: Give your lesson plan a short, meaningful title.

Goal: In 1-2 sentences explain what the students will be able to do as a result of successfully completing this lesson/unit.

Grade Level(s): For what level of students would this lesson be appropriate? Use one of the following: Level 1 (Grade Level 0.0-1.9), Level 2 (Grade Level 2.0-3.9), Level 3 (Grade Level 4-5.9), Level 4 (Grade Level 6-8.9)

Benchmarks Taught: List all the benchmarks for this lesson plan (technology and content area(s)).

Materials: List all the materials an instructor would need to teach this lesson. If a handout or student worksheet is needed, then include a copy with your plan.

Preparation: List what the instructor would need to do to prepare to teach this lesson, i.e. copy handouts, etc.

Procedure: List what the instructors should do to teach the lesson, such as introducing the topic to the student, the rationale for the topic, presenting the actual lesson, and ending the lesson.

Assessment: List a suggested assessment of how the instructor would know the students understood the lesson.