Creating a new Project in CCS for use with Tiva Launchpad
Author: Alex Hilshey
Date: 7/2/2015
This document will provide instruction on launching Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio (CCS) and starting a new project from scratch. Code Composer Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (this type of software is often called an “IDE”) which combines all of the required components necessary to create, compile, execute, and debug a program. A project will contain your program’s “main.c” file as well as all of the supporting files necessary to compile and execute your program.
First create a folder which will be used to save all of your CMPET 211 programs. You may place this folder on your pass-space, a jump drive, or on your personal computer’s hard drive. If you already have this folder, skip this step.
Now, Open Code Composer Studio by double clicking the shortcut on the desktop (it looks like a gray cube). You will be prompted to select a workspace. Set the workspace to the folder described in the above paragraph.
When CCS opens, use the File dropdown menu to select FileNewCCS Project.
When the “Create a new CCS Project” window opens (see Figure 1), change the settings to the following:
Target: Tiva C Series, Tiva TM4C123GH6PM
Connection: Stellaris In-Circuit Debug Interface
Project Name: CMPET211_New_File (or choose something more descriptive)
Compiler Version TI v5.1.5
Select “Empty Project (with main.c)”
You can use Figure 1 to verify your settings. Click finish.
Figure 1: Initial settings in creating a new CCS project.
At this point it would be possible to create very simple programs that do not require the use of the Tiva Launchpad peripherals. To fully utilize our microcontroller, we must now include the Tivaware libraries.
Right click on the project folder (in this example, it is called “CMPET211_New_file”) and select “properties” from the shortcut menu. The project folder is found in the project explorer on the left side of the CCS window.
In the directory on the left side of the properties window, navigate to BuildArm CompilerInclude Options. Click on the “add” icon (it looks like a sheet of paper with a plus sign). Click “File System…” and navigate to the folder at C:\ti\TivaWare_C_Series- (NOTE: your version of Tivaware may have been updated to a higher number; choose the appropriate folder). Click OK. See Figure 2 for assistance. DO NOT exit the properties window yet.
Figure 2: Including the Tivaware libraries.
In the directory on the left side of the properties window, navigate to BuildArm LinkerFile Search Path. Click on the “add” icon (it looks like a sheet of paper with a plus sign). Click “File System…” and navigate to the file at C:\ti\TivaWare_C_Series-\driverlib\ccs\Debug\driverlib.lib (NOTE: your version of Tivaware may have been updated to a higher number; choose the appropriate folder). Click OK. See Figure 3 for assistance. NOTE: I think we need to add TivaWare to librarby search path under “add ,dir. To library search path?
Figure 3: Adding the Tivaware debugging driver library.
You have just created a new project from scratch. You are ready to code.
HOT TIP: In the future, many of these steps may be avoided by copying an existing project from within the CCS Project Explorer. Simply rename the project and erase any unnecessary code in the new main.c file. You would then be ready to code again.
MAY NOT BE DONE? See this wiki for the TM4C1294.
I.e. enable ROM functions.
Debugging with stellaris, etc (it’s under General)