Instructions for Completing the CTAP2 Assessments

Creating a New Account

  1. Go to

2.  In the New Accounts section, click on the button: Create New Account.

  1. You will need to select and save the county, district and school where you work. Make certain that you select Los Angeles Unified - District A on the District selection pop-up menu.
  1. You will need to select and save your staff position. Out-of-the-classroom teachers must select 'Certificated Staff'.

5. Certificated staff will then need to select and save current grades and subjects taught.

6. On the personal information page, you will be asked for several items. For the 4 Digit ID, use the last four digits of your Social Security number. Create a password that you will remember. After you have created an account, the system will show you the information you have entered. This is a good page to print out, record your password and keep for your records.

7. Click on Enter into CTAP2 to continue.

Taking 'My Proficiency Assessment'

  1. After you log in to the CTAP2 Web site, begin by clicking on the My Proficiency Assessment tab.
  1. You will see the Assessment Categories. Begin with the category General Computer Knowledge and Skills.
  1. Click on the sub-category (in blue text) General Knowledge of Basic Hardware and Software Terminology.

4. Follow the instructions on the page and complete the section. In each section, click the box next to the survey item that most accurately describes your skills.

5. After completing the section, click on the button labeled, 'Record & go to Next Sub-Category' to continue working on the assessment in order.

6. In the same manner, continue with each section until you have completed the entire survey. When you have finished, click on the button labeled, 'Record and Return to Menu'. This will end the session.

Taking 'My Technology Use Survey'

1. Click on the My Technology Use Survey tab.

2. You will see the Survey Categories. Begin with the category Personal Use. You may opt to click on the words 'Personal Use' or by clicking the 'Click Here To Start' button.

3. You will need to respond to each and every question on this survey. Follow the instructions on the page and complete the section. Click the statement that most closely describes your current technology usage.

4. After completing the section, click on the button labeled, 'Record & go to Next Sub-Category' to continue working on the assessment in order.

5. In the same manner, continue with each section until you have completed the entire survey. When you have finished, click on the button labeled, 'Record and Return to Menu'. This will end the session.