Prepared Report on Learning Outcomes and the Curriculum
Todd S. Frobish, PhD, Area Coordinator, Speech/Theatre and Communication
Current Programs Under Review:
1. BA in Speech/Theatre with three concentrations: Theatre, Speech, and Telecommunications
2. BA in Communication with two tracks: Speech Communication and Mass Communication
Notes concerning our programs and the below list of outcomes:
1. The creation of the BA in Communication in many ways replaces and improves upon the Speech and Telecommunications concentrations that are still active within the BA in Speech/Theatre.
2. The future direction of the programs may include, then, the dissolution of the Speech/Theatre major, and the replacement of the theatre concentration with the BA in Theatre degree, which is currently being proposed.
3. As there is constant crossover of the two existing programs and their courses, what is seen below is a list of outcome goals for the three possible concentrations/tracks that exist within the two existing degree programs.
4. What follows are the outcomes for students who are interested in (1) theatre, (2) speech, and (3) mass communication, with corresponding connections to current course offerings.
Student Learning Outcome Goals for Theatre
O1. Demonstrate competency in performing, producing and critically analyzing a theatrical production.
O2. Practice as theatre artists/performers, theatre technicians and theatrical support within the community.
O3. Demonstrate competency in research methods as they apply to the critical understanding of theatre and the design of theatrical productions
O4. Demonstrate an ability to identify literary and linguistic devices in a script and demonstrate an understanding of how they contribute to a performance.
O5. Demonstrate an understanding of how visual and audio design elements such as costumes, lights, scenery, and sound are integral to a script in performance.
O6. Demonstrate an understanding of how performance techniques such as acting, directing and oral interpretation are integral to the realization of a text.
O7. Demonstrate familiarity with significant dramatic works from various periods and cultures.
O8. Demonstrate understanding of significant periods and genres in world theatre history
O9. Demonstrate an ability to identify historical, multi cultural and social influences on a theatrical text.
O10. Demonstrate an ability to understand the roles and responsibilities of members of a theatrical production team and to collaborate effectively as a production team member.
THEA Course Definitions:
203 Introduction to Theatre221 History of Theatre I
222 History of Theatre II
230 Script Analysis
306 Fundamentals of Acting
310 Acting for the Media
316 Introduction to Costume and Make-up
320 Playwriting
333 Play Directing
334 Theatre Management
336 Stagecraft / 337 Scene Technology
360 Performance Laboratory
402 Advanced Acting
403 Scene Design
411 Children’s Theatre for School and Community
413 Drama Theory and Criticism I
414 Drama Theory and Criticism II
420 African American Theatre
421 Play Production
430 Theatre Internship
Mapping of Theatre Outcomes to Theatre Curriculum (Part I)
Student Learning Outcomes, Learned by Graduation / THE203 / THE
221 / THE
222 / THE
230 / THE
306 / THE
310 / THE
316 / THE
320 / THE
333 / THE
334 / THE
336 / THE
O1.Demonstrate competency in performing producing and critically analyzing a theatrical production. / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
O2.Practice as theatre artists/performers, theatre technicians and theatrical support within the community. / X / X
O3.Demonstrate competency in research methods as they apply to the critical understanding of theatre and the design of theatrical productions / X / X / X / X / X
O4.Demonstrate an ability to identify literary and linguistic devices in a script and demonstrate an understanding of how they contribute to a performance / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
O5.Demonstrate an understanding of how visual and audio design elements such as costumes, lights, scenery, and sound are integral to a script in performance / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
O6.Demonstrate an understanding of how performance techniques such as acting, directing and oral interpretation are integral to the realization of a text / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
O7.Demonstrate familiarity with significant dramatic works from various periods and cultures / X / X / X / X / X / X
O8.Demonstrate understanding of significant periods and genres in world theatre history / X / X / X
09.Demonstrate an ability to identify historical, multi cultural and social influences on a theatrical text / X / X / X / X / X
010. Demonstrate an ability to understand the roles and responsibilities of members of a theatrical production team and to collaborate effectively within the team. / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Mapping of Theatre Outcomes to Theatre Curriculum (Part II)
Student Learning Outcomes, Learned by Graduation / THE360 / THE
402 / THE
403 / THE
411 / THE
413 / THE
414 / THE
420 / THE
421 / THE
O1. Demonstrate competency in performing producing and critically analyzing a theatrical production. / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
O2.Practice as theatre artists/performers, theatre technicians and theatrical support within the community. / X / X
O3.Demonstrate competency in research methods as they apply to the critical understanding of theatre and the design of theatrical productions / X / X / X
O4.Demonstrate an ability to identify literary and linguistic devices in a script and demonstrate an understanding of how they contribute to a performance / X / X / X / X
O5.Demonstrate an understanding of how visual and audio design elements such as costumes, lights, scenery, and sound are integral to a script in performance / X
O6. Demonstrate an understanding of how performance techniques such as acting, directing and oral interpretation are integral to the realization of a text / X / X
O7. Demonstrate familiarity with significant dramatic works from various periods and cultures / X / X / X
O8. Demonstrate understanding of significant periods and genres in world theatre history / X / X / X
O9. Demonstrate an ability to identify historical, multi cultural and social influences on a theatrical text / X / X / X
010. Demonstrate an ability to understand the roles and responsibilities of members of a theatrical production team and to collaborate effectively within the team. / X / X / X / X
Student Learning Outcome Goals for Speech/Speech Communication
O1. Demonstrate intermediate comprehension of basic theories, principles, and concepts in communication.
O2. Demonstrate advanced comprehension of basic theories, principles, and concepts in communication.
O3. Demonstrate knowledge of the breadth of the communication field
O4. Demonstrate individual public speaking ability, including an increased level of confidence.
O5. Demonstrate group communication ability, including the demonstration of leadership effectiveness.
O6. Demonstrate the skills to critically analyze interpersonal, group, organizational, intercultural, and public communication events.
O7. Demonstrate the ability to complete and present orally a communication research project
O8. Demonstrate an awareness of the problems and consequences of media in society
O9. Demonstrate the ability to plan, design, and utilize presentation technologies for professional purposes
O10. Apply the knowledge and skills gained during coursework in outside internship opportunities
O11. Demonstrate the ability to write effectively in academic settings
O12. Demonstrate an understanding of the significance of public speaking in a Democratic society
O13. Demonstrate improvement in oral linguistic abilities
O14. Demonstrate the ability the plan arguments through extensive research
O15. Demonstrate the ability to use arguments to effectively build case responses to problems and questions of significance
SPEE Course Definitions
SPEE200 Introduction to SpeechSPEE201 Speech/Theatre Activities
SPEE210 Interpersonal Comm
SPEE211 Phonetics
SPEE212 Voice and Diction
SPEE225 Presentation Technologies
SPEE240 Introduction to Comm Disorders
SPEE310 Public Speaking
SPEE311 Oral Interpretation
SPEE315 Computer-Mediated Comm
SPEE321 Group Discussion
SPEE332 Problems in Media Comm / SPEE340 Language Development
SPEE350 Speechwriting
SPEE390 Comm Theory
SPEE401 Argumentation and Debate
SPEE413 Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism
SPEE420 Senior Seminar
SPEE430 Intercultural Comm
SPEE435 Comm, Technology and Society
SPEE490 Comm Research
Mapping of Communication Outcomes to SPEE courses (Part I)
The program enables students to achieve, by the time of graduation: / SPE200 / SPE
201 / SPE
210 / SPE
211 / SPE
212 / SPE
225 / SPE
240 / SPE
310 / SPE
311 / SPE
315 / SPE
321 / SPE
O1. Demonstrate intermediate comprehension of basic theories, principles, and concepts in comm / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
O2. Demonstrate advanced comprehension of basic theories, principles, and concepts in comm / X
O3. Demonstrate knowledge of the breadth of the comm field / X / X / X / X / X
O4. Demonstrate individual public speaking ability, including an increased level of confidence / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
O5. Demonstrate group comm ability, including the demonstration of leadership effectiveness / X
O6. Demonstrate the skills to critically analyze interpersonal, group, organizational, intercultural, and public comm events / X / X / X / X / X / X
O7. Demonstrate the ability to complete and present orally a comm research project / X / X / X
O8. Demonstrate an awareness of the problems and consequences of media in society / X / X
O9. Demonstrate the ability to plan, design, and utilize presentation technologies for professional purposes / X / X / X / X
O10. Apply the knowledge and skills gained during coursework in outside internship opportunities / X
O11. Demonstrate the ability to write effectively in academic settings / X / X / X / X
O12. Demonstrate an understanding of the significance of public speaking in a Democratic society / X / X
O13. Demonstrate improvement in oral linguistic abilities / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
O14. Demonstrate the ability the plan arguments through extensive research / X / X / X / X
O15. Demonstrate the ability to use arguments to effectively build case responses to problems and questions of significance
Mapping of Communication Outcomes to SPEE courses (Part II)
The program enables students to achieve, by the time of graduation: / SPE340 / SPE
350 / SPE
390 / SPE
401 / SPE
413 / SPE
420 / SPE
430 / SPE
435 / SPE
O1. Demonstrate intermediate comprehension of basic theories, principles, and concepts in comm / X / X / X
O2. Demonstrate advanced comprehension of basic theories, principles, and concepts in comm / X / X / X / X / X / X
O3. Demonstrate knowledge of the breadth of the comm field / X / X / X / X / X / X
O4. Demonstrate individual public speaking ability, including an increased level of confidence / X / X
O5. Demonstrate group comm ability, including the demonstration of leadership effectiveness / X
O6. Demonstrate the skills to critically analyze interpersonal, group, organizational, intercultural, and public comm events / X / X / X / X / X / X
O7. Demonstrate the ability to complete and present orally a comm research project / X / X / X / X / X
O8. Demonstrate an awareness of the problems and consequences of media in society / X / X
O9. Demonstrate the ability to plan, design, and utilize presentation technologies for professional purposes
O10. Apply the knowledge and skills gained during coursework in outside internship opportunities
O11. Demonstrate the ability to write effectively in academic settings / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
O12. Demonstrate an understanding of the significance of public speaking in a Democratic society / X / X
O13. Demonstrate improvement in oral linguistic abilities / X / X / X
O14. Demonstrate the ability the plan arguments through extensive research / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
O15. Demonstrate the ability to use arguments to effectively build case responses to problems and questions of significance / X / X
Student Learning Outcome Goals for Telecommunications/Mass Communication
O1. Demonstrate intermediate comprehension of basic theories, principles, and concepts in communication.
O2. Demonstrate advanced comprehension of basic theories, principles, and concepts in communication.
O3. Demonstrate knowledge of the breadth of the communication field
O4. Demonstrate the ability to complete a communication research project
O5. Demonstrate an awareness of the problems and consequences of media in society
O6. Demonstrate the ability to plan, design, and utilize presentation technologies for professional purposes
O7. Apply the knowledge and skills gained during coursework in outside internship employment opportunities
O8. Demonstrate knowledge of the media industry through presentations and written reports
O9. Demonstrate knowledge of media law and regulations
O10. Demonstrate learned technical and media skills by developing and presenting technical products
O11. Demonstrate the ability to write effectively in academic settings
O12. Demonstrate the ability to write effectively for the media
COMM Course Definitions
COMM205 Introduction to CommCOMM210 Introduction to Mass Comm
COMM235 Introduction to PR and Advertising
COMM320 Audio Production I
COMM330 Writing for Mass Media
COMM350 Telecomm Management
COMM360 Video Production I
COMM370 Comm Practicum
COMM375 Organizational Comm
COMM380 Non-Broadcast Telecomm Systems / COMM385 International Comm
COMM390 Cable Communications COMM410 Mass Media Internship I
COMM420 Mass Media Internship II
COMM430 News and Public Affairs
COMM440 Audio Production II
COMM450 Telecomm Law
COMM460 Video Production II
COMM490 Mass Comm Theory and Research
Mapping of Communication Outcomes to COMM courses (Part I)