Myths, Folktales, or Legends
Content Area & Arts Discipline: Language Arts and Drama
Overview of the lesson: TSW write and perform dramatization of traditional myth ,folktale or legend
Grade Level: Third
Proposed Time Frame: 2 one hour class periods
Date Lesson Created: March 15, 2014
Lesson Author: Samantha Cox
Room Requirements & Arrangement: students grouped for writing, area for performances
Materials/Equipment: collection of supplies for creating puppets, props, costumes
Resources: students will need copies of the texts to work closely with
Vocabulary: myth, legend, folktale, dialogue, dramatization / BIG IDEA & LEARNING OBJECTIVES
The students will work in teams to transform legends into reader’s theater by writing dialogue. The dialogue must retell the legend and share character traits, motivations and feelings. After writing the dialogue, groups will plan a dramatization to present the legend to the class using props, puppets or costumes.
The teacher/teaching artist will engage students (“the hook”) by sharing a legend with the class by read aloud or watching a dramatization on You Tube.
The teacher/teaching artist will build knowledge by discussing the elements of the traditional tale, how character traits help tell the story, and what elements are essential to retell the story.
The teacher/teaching artist will model the experience by modeling the writing of character dialogue, narration, and staging instructions.
The students will apply understanding by creating a dialogue by rewriting a traditional legend.
The teacher/teaching artist will create opportunities for reflection (Closing) by having students reflect on group interaction and success.
The teacher/teaching artist will assess the students’ learning by using a rubric
3 / 2 / 1
dialogue retold the legend
Students followed appropriate listening and speaking rules
Please list the standards/competencies from the following:
State Content Standards:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3.3 Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events
Arts Standards Drama
1.Plan and record improvisations based on personal experience, heritage, imagination, literature, and history. (CP, HC, C)
a. Create real and imaginary scenes with a beginning, middle, and end from life experience, diverse cultures, times, and places in guided dramatic play.
b. Dramatize stories from the folklore of other cultures, times, and places.
Principles of Universal Design for Learning
Guideline 1: Provide options for perception
Checkpoint 5.3 Build fluencies with graduated levels of support for practice and performance.
Checkpoint 8.3 Foster collaboration and communication.
Extended Learning Activities:
References: (i.e. Works cited, etc.)
Created by the Whole Schools Initiative at the Mississippi Arts Commission