Criteria / Value
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Ability To Stay On Task / Student always remains on task or allows others to remain on task. / Student remains on task or allows others to remain on task most of the time. / Student rarely remains on task or allows others to remain on task. / Student never remains on task or allows others to remain on task. / ____
Appropriateness / Response was appropriate and delivered in a flawless manner. / Response was appropriate and delivered with clarity. / Response was appropriate. / Response was inappropriate. / ____
Communication / Uses a vivid description and clearly communicates message or findings effectively. / Consistently communicates findings effectively and accurately with little ambiguity. / Communicates logical facts and findings, but presented in an ambiguous manner. / Communicates the message or results of findings ineffectively. / ____
Creativity / The student work demonstrates a unique level of originality. / The student work demonstrates originality. / The student's work lacked sincere originality. / The piece shows little or no evidence of original thought. / ____
Effort (Project) / The students gave an effort far beyond the requirements of the project. / The student completed the project in an above average manner, yet more could have been done. / The student finished the project, but it lacks finishing touches or can be improved upon with little effort. / The student did not finish the work in a satisfactory manner. / ____
Following Directions / Responds to teacher’s instruction without hesitation all the time. / Responds to teacher’s instruction without hesitation most of the time. / Responds to teacher’s instruction after non verbal cues are used. / Rarely responds to teacher’s instruction. / ____
Helping: The teacher observed the students offering assistance to each other. / All of the Time. / Most of the Time. / Some of the Time. / None of the Time. / ____
Total:----- / ____
Created by Mary Jo Swiger, Marion County Schools