Software Used for this Assignment:
- JamStudio (
- Microsoft Word
- Audacity
Step One: “Create Commercial Audio”
- Create a new song in JamStudio to be used with your commercial
- Send yourself an “MP3 Mix” to your email account by clicking on “MP3 Mix” in the top menu bar of JamStudio.
- Open your email to download the MP3 Mix of your song. Be sure to SAVE your MP3 file in your “Audacity” sub-folder that you set up inside your “Music Tech” folder. SAVE the MP3 file as “CommercialAudio”.
Step Two: “Writing Voice Script”
- Determine the topic for your commercial-this is your choice as long as it is “school appropriate”
- Create a rough draft script for your commercial in Microsoft Word. (Save in your “Audacity” sub-folder that you set up inside your “Music Tech” folder)
- Have Mr. Owens proofread your rough draft script
- Make any final edits to your commercial script. SAVE your work.
- Print out your final script to the lab printer (\\terminator\BHS-A119-HP2420)
Step Three: “Recording Voice Script”
- Using your headphone microphone, first test the sound level of the microphone by clicking on the “microphone input meter” (top right corner above microphone icon). When you start talking into the microphone you should see the red meter moving to the right. When speaking at a normal volume the red indicator should move to between -12 and -6. Adjust the level with the volume slider in the Mixer Toolbar next to the microphone icon. It will need to be set to at least 0.7.
- Now that your levels are set, try recording a sample voice track. Click the red record button (red circle) in the control panel and begin talking. Click the stop button when finished. Listen back to your recording to make sure everything sounds good.
- Now it’s time to record your voice script. Have your printout in front of you and follow the above step to record. If you make a mistake or just want to try again, simply click the “Record” button again and a new voice track will automatically be created.
Step Four: “Importing MP3 Audio”
- Open the software program “Audacity”
- Save file in your “Audacity” sub-folder that you set up inside your “Music Tech” folder as “Commercial”
- Import Commercial Audio: Under “Project” click on “Import Audio”
- You will see your MP3 file imported as a new “Stereo” Track and should be able to see the “Waveform” of the track.
- Test that the commercial audio imported correctly by pressing the green “Play” button in the top menu bar. You should be able to hear the song you created in JamStudio.