Lowndes CountyEmergency Planning Committee

Minutes from the meeting held January 14, 2009.

The meeting was held at the WillcuttBlockTrainingCenter located at 88 Willcutt Block Road in Columbus.

Members Present:

Ken DyerWeyerhaeuser

Susie AndrewsWeyerhaeuser

Michael PrattColumbus Public Works

Carole SummerallColumbus Fire Department

Candace SheltonHolcim

Charlie WilliamGeocycle

Samuel JacksonSeverstal

D. Scott MillsEKA Chemicals

Gary TurnerEKA Chemicals

James CunninghamColumbus Fire Department

Roschell LeeLowndes Co Health Dept

Ralph AntonelliUS Army Corps of Engineer

Larry TaylorAtmos Energy

Jerry KennemurMS One Call

Mike WhiteWeyerhaeuser

Christy WrightColumbus Light & Water

Ron PurvisMS Dept of Homeland Security

Mark WardColumbus Fire Department

Joey BrackinLowndes Co Sheriff’s Office

Tracy PharrMEMA

Norma LomenickMEMA

Sherry HonsingerMUW PD

Lt Selvain McQueenColumbus Police Department

Neal WagnerCommercial Dispatch

Cindy LawrenceEmergency Management

Demetrious CouncilEmergency Management

Shelley SwailsEmergency Management

7/10 of the mandatory areas were represented – quorum met.

Meeting in Review

  • Meeting was opened by Vice-Chair Ken Dyer of Weyerhaeuser.
  • Reviewed minutes for last meeting held September 10, 2008.
  • Minutes approved/accepted as written for last meeting September 10, 2008.
  • Floor was open for nominations for the new year’s officers.
  • Ken Dyer nominated for Chair, Sylvain McQueen nominated for Vice-Chair, Shelley Swails nominated for Secretary, and Sherry Honsinger nominated for Assistant Secretary.
  • All positions were elected as nominated. The new 2009 Officers for LEPC are:

Chair Ken DyerWeyerhaeuser

Vice-Chair Lt Sylvain McQueenColumbus Police Department

Secretary Shelley SwailsColumbus – Lowndes EMA

Asst Secretary Sherry HonsingerMUW Security

  • Floor was open for old business.

1)Awarded $4,500.00 through LEPC Grant.

Reference books for Hazmat$1.500.00

Laptop for Hazmat Team$1,500.00

LEPC Website (maintain site) $100.00

Educational Supplies

  • Floor was open for new business.

1)Please update ‘contact information form’ if needed.

2)LEPC magnets are still available.

  • Guest speaker was Mr. Ron Purvis of the MS State Department of Homeland Security. Mr. Purvis spoke to the group regarding NIMS (National Incident Management System) and being NIMS compliant. Being compliant is a continuing process so therefore 100% compliancy for any jurisdiction is not required. Compliancy requirements are as follows:

200835% compliancy

200950% compliancy

201075% compliancy

As of January 2009 the state of Mississippi has 82 counties, 34 cities, and 28 state agencies reporting. NIMS Cast is an interactive tool for agenciesto report their NIMS training. The NIMS training in not required. However, in order to receive federal grant monies, any federal, state, local, tribal, private sector, and non-governmental personnel with a direct role in emergency management and response must be NIMS and ICS trained and must report training. Mr. Purvis passed out an information page which contains the following information; training target dates, NIMS compliance guidance information, different consortium website information, project links, and MISC links to federal and state governmental agencies. (Please call Shelley Swails at 329-5110 if you would like a copy of the information page)

Ronald B. (Ron) Purvis, MS NIMS Compliance Officer

MS office of Homeland Security; Training and Exercise

Division of MS Dept of Public Safety

1230 Raymond Road Box 1300

Jackson, MS 39204

PO Box 958, Jackson, MS 39205

601-346-1511 or 601-346-1499

Fax 601-346-1521

(Mr. Purvis’ contact information is also listed on the information page.)

  • Next LEPC meeting is scheduled for March 11, 2009.
  • Meeting was adjourned by new Chair Ken Dyer of Weyerhaeuser.
