O’Donnell Foundation

Create Schools of Excellence in Fine Arts Education

Young Masters Fine Arts Exhibition

Dallas Museum of Art

February 25 – April 16, 2017


Since 1995, the O’Donnell Foundation and the Dallas Museum of Art have generously sponsored the Young Masters Exhibition. The Young Masters Fine Arts Exhibition celebrates the creativity and skill of each grant program: AP Art History, Music Theory and Studio Art. Integrating all three disciplines at this prestigious event reinforces both the interconnectedness of the arts and the mission of the O’Donnell Foundation’s new incentive program, Create Schools of Excellence in Fine Arts Education.

The AP Fine Arts students are invited to submit the following works:

·  AP Art History - an original essay in response to a work in the DMA’s permanent collection

·  AP Music Theory – an original four minute composition in response to a work in the DMA’s permanent collection

·  AP Studio Art – an original two-dimensional or three-dimensional art work

The final works for each program will be selected by a panel of art historians, panel of musicians, and a panel of artists.

The Young Masters Fine Arts Exhibition will be held February 25 – April 16, 2017 in the Concourse Gallery at the Dallas Museum of Art, 1717 N. Harwood, Dallas, Texas, 75201. An evening reception for the students, their parents and teachers will be held on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 in the Atrium Café. Young Masters students and their teachers will be introduced and honored in a ceremony to be held in the Horchow Auditorium during the reception; an invitation will be sent early February to each participating YM student and teacher.

Please remember your Young Master’s original entry represents the esteemed reputation of your school, the Dallas Museum of Art, and the O’Donnell Foundation. Refrain from submitting work that would be regarded as controversial or was not completed and approved under the direction of your AP studio art teacher. We look forward to honoring and celebrating the creative talents of ODF AP fine arts grant students and teachers at the Dallas Museum of Art, a world class venue.

Please note: This cover page is part of a 5-page packet that includes the artwork criterion, timeline, and required student/teacher paperwork due by Tuesday, November 29, 2016 by 5 p.m. to AP Strategies Arts, 8350 N. Central Expressway, Suite M-2200, Dallas, Texas, 75206; or uploaded on APS DropBox site.

Deborah Moore

Director of AP Arts Incentive Programs

AP Strategies, Inc. and the O’Donnell Foundation


Young Masters Fine Arts Exhibition


Requirements for submission eligibility:

·  The applicant must be:

o  currently enrolled in AP Studio Art and registered in the 2016-17 O’Donnell Foundation AP Fine Arts Incentive Program.

o  or registered in 2014 through 2016 O’Donnell Foundation AP Fine Arts Incentive Program, passed the 2014, 2015, or 2016 AP Studio Art exam, and received credit for the AP course.

·  Work must have been completed after January 1, 2016 under the direction of an AP Studio Art teacher participating in the O’Donnell Foundation AP Fine Arts Incentive Program.

·  The size limit for 2-D work is 18” x 24”.

·  The size limit for 3-D work is 18” wide x 18” deep x 24” high.

·  Imagery must be appropriate for public school display…nothing controversial.

·  Each student artwork entry must be accompanied by a completed artist statement and APS release form.

·  A student who has submitted or will submit more than one AP portfolio (2D,3D, and/or Drawing) to College Board, may submit more than one work if each work is from a different AP portfolio. The YM panel of judges will select only one work from the student’s submissions.

Requirements for digital images burned to teacher flash drive or uploaded to DropBox:

·  File format: All images must be submitted in JPEG format (file name extension .jpg).

·  3D works: Include two images/views of 3D work

·  File name: Each student digital image file must be named using the student’s last name and the first letter of their first name followed by an underscore and the last name of teacher. Example: smithl_moore.jpg

3D works will require two images/files; add the number 2 after the teacher’s last name. Example: smithl_moore2.jpg

·  A HIGH QUALITY DIGITAL IMAGE IS REQUIRED. Minimum file size: 10 MB per image.

Artworks created digitally (photograph, digital drawing, eTC.) MUST be at least 10 MB. If the file size is under 10MB, the student’s work will be disqualified.

Please Note: Make sure that images are not cropped or digitally altered other than brightness and/or contrast when saving digital images.

Requirements for student artist statements burned to teacher flash drive or uploaded on DropBox:

·  File Name: Each student artist statement must be named using the student’s last name and the first initial of their first name followed by an underscore and the last name of teacher. Example: smithl_moore.doc

Young Masters Exhibition


DEADLINE: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 by 5:00 p.m.

Student images, artist statements, release forms, teacher inventory list due to APS Arts:

(1)  Uploaded on DropBox and shared with APS Arts or

(2)  Delivered on flash drive to APS Arts:

AP Strategies Arts

c/o National Math and Science Office

8350 N. Central Expressway, Suite M-2200

Dallas, Texas 75206


Deborah Moore, AP Arts Director, AP Strategies & O’Donnell Foundation

File Management for Submissions:

1.  Label your folder Teacher Name YM SA Submissions

2.  Within your folder, create 3 folders titled:

·  Teacher Name_studentimages

o  each student image in .JPEG format

·  Teacher Name_intentforms

o  student intent statements in Microsoft Word .DOC format

·  Teacher Name_releaseforms

o  Student & teacher APS Arts release forms .PDF format

3.  All files MUST be named using the student’s last name and the first initial of their first name followed by an underscore and the last name of teacher. Example: smithl_moore.doc

Thursday, December 1, 2016 –Teachers and students will be notified of the preliminary works selected for consideration in the Young Masters Exhibition based on the College Board AP Scoring Guidelines. A panel of judges will select approximately 85 preliminary works to be considered for the final exhibition.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016 - Preliminary works due to APS Arts by 5:00 p.m. for final selection. Please make sure the work is not mounted, matted, or framed. Art work chosen for the exhibition will be matted and professionally framed by APS.

·  Check-in requirements:

o  2-D Work

§  Student name, school and teacher written in pencil on the back of work

§  Each work must be placed in a protective portfolio with a cardboard support, layered with paper, (especially if the portfolio has brads/staples that could scratch the artwork) and labeled on the outside with: student name, school, teacher, and image of work.

§  Artworks selected for the preliminary round that were created digitally (photograph, digital drawing, etc.) MUST be printed for museum quality at the highest resolution (10 MB minimum).

o  3-D work

§  Each work placed in box with padding, a lid and labeled on the outside with: student name, school, teacher, and image of work.

o  Teacher exhibition inventory list of participating students and art work descriptions

Friday, December 9, 2016 – Teachers and students notified of selected works

Thursday, January 5, 2017 by 5:00 p.m. – Edited artist statements due to APS Arts

By Thursday, May 1, 2017 – Art work will be returned to schools.

2017 Young Masters Exhibition


DUE: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 to AP Teacher’s Folder of Student Statements on DropBox

Please edit for proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Artist (First and Last Name):

Title of Work:

Medium (Media):


Teacher (First and Last Name):

Artist Intent Statement:

NOTE: This well written and concise statement provides the viewer with critical information and insight into the artistic process. The works selected to be in the exhibition are intended to engage with the audience through written thought and visual image. The artist intent statement may play a deciding factor in the selection of the final studio art works.

In 75 words or less, explain your visual concept or informed investigation. Elaborate on the exploration of idea and include comments on the manipulation of design principles, development of technical skills, and/or experimentation with materials.