Fr. Duncan invites you to read “Crazy Christians – A Call to Follow Jesus” by the Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. Fr. Duncan still has a few books in inventory to sell to first comers. Each book is $10. See him for book purchase. More information will follow.
For the sick: Ginny Weick, Bill Hinton, Barbara Aasheim, Lenore Hansen, Bonny, Milton Dove, Bill, Amy, Kate, Fred, Bill Wesp, Karin, Irene, Jim, Joyce, Art, Roger Giacomini, Jean Giacomini, Sue, Bruce, Daniel, Debra, Carlton Weildman, Luke Denson, Marie Cagna, Giovanni Danza, Mark Bellissimo, RJ Sumner, Angelo Menna, Elizabeth Brennen, Erika, Tom, Richard, Linda Pizzolato, Pat Schultze, Anne Wesp, Roelie Cronje, Kylie McGrail Rocks, Rich Spicer, Phillip Wulfken, Joe Vaccaro, Sonia Petrocchi, Patricia Burke, Muriel DiGiorgio, Jeffrey, Shona Bromley, Sofia Analise, Rafy, Ladd.
For today’s Baptism of: Edward Joseph Toscano, III and Aduradara Kosisochi Ogunro.
The Altar Flowers are given this week In Loving Memory of Ann Oshmiansky, the gift of Joanne & Walter Lott.
The Perpetual Light is given this week In Loving Memory of Ann Oshmiansky, the gift of Joanne & Walter Lott.
We pray for all our men and women serving in the armed services and all first responders. May God keep them safe and return them home to their loved ones.
We pray for all those who currently unemployed and seeking a job.
To have someone entered onto our Prayer List for, pleasee-mail the church office with the person’s name as well as the requester’s name. The e-mail address is: .
Last Sunday’s attendance: 105
Sunday Service 10am
September 4
MCEarl Matchett
LEMNoelle DeLorenzo
AcolytesPete Minichello
Anna Wickey
Stephanie Wickey
Jennifer Low
Lector 1MaryKate Brennan
Lector 2Jennifer Low
The weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church
August 28, 2016
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age”
(Matt. 28:19-20).
Today, we celebrate two baptisms. “Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ's Body the Church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble” (BCP 297). We are the living community of faith that receives the gift of the Holy Spirit at baptism for ministry. It is through our baptism that we are called to go forth, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, teach and baptize. Part of that responsibility is to bring our next generation to Christ.
Sunday school registration will be on September 11th and Sunday school classes will begin on September 18th. We are still looking for one teacher to work with Laurie Wickey. We could also use two volunteers to assist Samantha Burns and Sue McInnes. If you are available, please let Christine Dore or Samantha Burns (Christian Education Co-Directors) or Cindy Ellenbogen (Special Events Coordinator).
The Youth Group will begin on Sunday nights in September. Ford Spilsbury will be our youth leader again this year and has a wonderful schedule planned for our youth. Please send him your email, so he can keep your youth informed on all the events ().
Confirmation and First Communion classes are given in the spring, but we ask all those interested to attend fall Sunday school classes. First Communion will be April 23, 2017. Confirmation will be held in the Cathedral in May 2017. Registration forms for Sunday school are available in the office or on the information table in the church.
I know that it is incredibly difficult for young families to commit to Sunday school every week or for our youth to come to Youth Group every week. I know that it is incredibly difficult to find Sunday school teachers. But I believe that bringing this generation to Christ is of the utmost importance and I believe that if we commit to Christian Education for our children and youth at St. John’s that we can continue to have a fabulous program and continue to send really fine young adults out into the world.
Bringing the next generation to Christ may seem like an insurmountable task. Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry said “As Christians, we must live against the back-drop of that which is greater than ourselves. Otherwise we’ll spend our lives mired down in the constant micromanagement of a mess. But when we live our lives in the greater context of God and God’s constant presence, things not only become manageable, they become transformed. Mountains you thought so incredibly high are not quite so high, and valleys you thought so low are not quite so low…Our God is able to make a way out of no way. From our caring and life-giving God, we know this truth: We are part of something greater than ourselves. And in fact, as Jesus calls us to follow him as our Savior and Lord, we may find we can do what Christians have done for centuries before us—the impossible” (Crazy Christians).
In Christ’s love,
Fr. Duncan
We welcome you to St. John’s Episcopal Church. Established in 1745, this historic church opens its doors to all who seek to deepen their faith and provides warm hospitality to all. We are blessed by your presence and invite you to fill out a Visitor’s Card on the back table of church. Visit the Greeters’ Kiosk in the rear of church, where Greeters are available to answer questions and provide you with a packet of additional information about church services and activities.
Today we welcome back Walter McCarthy as our substitute organist at the 10am service. Thank you Wally for sharing your musical gifts with us
The Capital Campaign will soon start project # 2. Nicholson & Galloway will repair the tower wall. They did a marvelous job last summer repairing the front stone wall of the church. Pictures are located on the bulletin board. We thank everyone who has already given to the Capital Campaign. If you have not yet given, you will find pink envelopes in the pews. Your donations will be recorded and all donors will be recognized at the end of the project. Special thanks to our Buildings and Grounds committee, which has made significant progress on fixing structural issues that have caused additional problems in the past.
Mark your calendars for the Parish Picnic on Sunday, September 18th at Centerport Beach from to 12 Noon – 3pm. Hot Dogs, Hamburgers and Soft Drinks will be provided by the Breakfast Team and the ECW. There will be games and prizes for our children and youth. Please bring your food donations as follows: Last names beginning A thru M, please bring a salad, last names beginning N thru Z, please bring a dessert. Everyone is encouraged to bring a beach chair and umbrella.
St. John’s will have an outdoor service on Sunday, September 18th at 10:00 am. Please dress casual, and attend the Parish Picnic after this service.
Please find Registration Forms for the 2016-2017 Sunday School year on the back table of church, and on our website.If you have a child, please be sure to register them for Sunday School soon!
St. John’s Annual Harvest Fair will take place on Saturday, October 29th from 10 am to 4 pm.
The Harvest Fair is seeking the following volunteers: bakers, people to help with the food/kitchen/grill, solicitors to collect gifts for raffle baskets from local businesses, people to sell raffle tickets, someone to work the Vermont cheese table, helpers to set-up the Thrift Store at the Fair, helpersto arrange the White Elephant room and work it the day of the Fair, decorators to help set up the Harvest Fair the night prior. We are looking for team leaders for each area, who will be in charge of a team of volunteers.
We are also collecting: donations of White Elephant, antiques, and Silent Auction items, clean plastic food containers (i.e. old Chinese food containers, soup containers) for the baking table to send food purchases home in, and donations of items that can be used in a raffle basket (please give these basket items directly to Nicole or Chris).
We also welcome corporate and business sponsorships. If you are aware of any organizations that can contribute financially as a Fair Patron, there is a list of our charitable giving and a corporate sponsorship request form in the Great Hall and Church office for you to pick up. The Harvest Fair supports the charities that we donate to, as well as the financial well-being of St. John’s Church.Please help us to help others.
If you can help in any of the ways listed, please contact: Fran 631-754-2772, Chris 631-754-7773, or Nicole 631-757-6923.
Join the St. John’s Spirituality Group on Sunday, September 25th at 12 Noon in the Church for a special dramatic interpretation,with accompanying music, of the Parable of the Ten Brides by Debra Valentin. Ms. Valetin is a Julliard graduate, and a Sight & Sound Theater actress.There will be a Free-will offering at the door. Please see flyer on the website and on the back table. For reservations, please contact Patti Aliperti at: 631-385-1410.
Big Sales are going on in the Thrift Shop – 50% OFF. Come in and see our great buys on Saturdays 10am – 3pm or Tuesdays 12 Noon – 3 pm. As Fall approaches, we are getting ready our Fall clothes. Help is needed to mark these clothes on the following nights7pm – 9pm: August 29 & 31, September 13, 15, 19, 21, 26 and 29. If you can help, please contact Nancy Feustel at 631-721-6073, or
The next St. John’s Spirituality meeting is on Wednesday, August 31st at 7pm. We will be meeting at the Golden Dolphin Diner to discuss upcoming SJSG calendar - including our Advent Retreat. Please join us.