Craven District Council Annual Council Agenda



in the Belle Vue Suite, Belle Vue Square, Skipton

at 7pm on Tuesday 14th May 2013

[Note: Any Member who wishes to ask a question is asked to give notice by no later than Noon on the day before the Council Meeting. This will give those answering questions time to produce responses. Otherwise written answers may be given after the meeting.]


All Members of the Council are summoned to consider the following business:

1.  Apologies for absence.

2.  Election of Chairman for the 2013/14 Municipal Year – Nominations for, and election of, the Chairman for 2013/14.

3.  Declaration of Acceptance of Office by Chairman for 2013/14

4.  Vice-Chairman for the 2013/14 Municipal Year

(a)  Election of Vice-Chairman for 2012/13.

(b)  Investiture of Vice-Chairman with Insignia of Office.

(c)  Declaration of Acceptance of Office by new Vice-Chairman.

(d)  Vice-Chairman’s thanks to the Council.

5.  Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 23rd April 2013 attached.

6.  Public Participation – In the event that any questions are received, the public participation session will proceed for a period of up to fifteen minutes. Anyone participating will be allowed one related supplementary question.

7.  Chairman’s Announcements

8.  Declarations of Interest – All Members are invited to declare at this point any interests they have in items appearing on this agenda, including the nature of those interests and whether they wish to apply the exception below.

(Note: Declarations should be in the form of:

·  a “disclosable pecuniary interest” under Appendix A to the (new) Code of Conduct, in which case the Member must leave the meeting room; or

·  an “other interest” under Appendix B of the (new) Code. For these interests, the Member may stay in the meeting room, although they must leave if membership of the organisation results in a conflict of interest.

[Exception: Where a member of the public has a right to speak at a meeting, a Member of Council who has a disclosable pecuniary interest has the same rights and may make representations, answer questions or give evidence, but at the conclusion of that, must then leave the room and not take part in the discussion or vote.)

9.  Recommendations of Committees – There are four Minutes containing recommendations for debate and confirmation by Council. Report of the Strategic Manager for Legal and Democratic Services to follow.

Policy Committee of 23rd April 2013 – The Chairman of the Policy Committee will present the recommendations in the report in respect of the following minute:-

Minute POL.509 – Capital Programme 2013/14.

Selection Committee of 8th May 2013 – The Chairman of Council will present the recommendations in the report in respect of each of the following minutes

Note : Copies of the relevant papers for the Selection Committee were circulated to all Members of the Council.

Minute SEL.70 – Committees Etc. Allocation of Places.

Minute SEL.71 – Office Holders and Member Champions – Appointment

Minute SEL.72 – Representatives on Outside Bodies

10. Statement by the Leader of the Council – As this meeting represents the start of a new municipal year for 2013/14, the Leader will make a statement.

Members will be able to ask the Leader questions in accordance with the Note at the head of this agenda.

11.  General Question / Statement Time – This is an opportunity for Members to raise awareness of issues that may be affecting their Ward, and are of general interest or importance, by making a statement or asking a question.

[Note: Council Procedure Rule 11.4 covers this item. A Member must give notice by noon on the day before the meeting to the Democratic Services Unit of any issue to be raised. The time limit for dealing with matters under this Rule is up to 15 minutes in total, with no individual item taking more than 5 minutes. Timings may be varied at the Chairman’s discretion.]

Agenda Contact Officer: Colin Iveson, Democratic Services Manager,

Granville Street, Skipton

3rd May 2013.

Emergency Evacuation Procedure

In the event of an emergency or if the alarm sounds, leave the meeting room and go outside through one of the doors to the rear or front of the building. The best doors to use are the ceremonial entrance to the front of the building or the emergency exit to the rear of the building.

Please go straight to the assembly point, which is in the main square at the front of the building near the pedestrian access from Broughton Road. An officer will take a roll call at that point.

Please do not leave without telling the Chairman of he meeting or one of the Democratic Services’ representatives that you are leaving.

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