NCSAPPA Policy Committee Notes
April 21, 2010
Present:Shawn Arledge, Aidil Cortez, DaMar Hoge, Deeanna Hale-Holland, Anne Hardison, Katie Lantigua, Dylan Mulrooney-Jones,Tanya Roberts, Shevanique Winston
Leader:Shawn Arledge, Co-Chair
Next meeting:April 22, 2010, 8:00am
I.Call to Order
Shawn Arledge called the meeting to order at 3:03pm.
II.New Business
Dylan and Shawn
Roll Call
Youth introduced
Vision of Committee, Shawn Arledge
Committee evolved to assist people in learning about policy issues, what position to take, and how to organized around them.
Goal – research and look at topics that are affecting us at a state level (possibly at Federal level) and provide recommendations to the PPA for action to be done (people to go to the GA in Raleigh, writing campaign…). Board may make recommendations to the Committee as well.
Prevention has one voice and we become that voice.
Use our numbers as power as a group of strong people to affect policy change in NC.
Dylan – determine what our mission and vision will be with feedback from members
This will guide us and can get feedback from PPA.
Current/Potential Focus Areas
Control v Privatization
Another open comment opportunity tomorrow re ABC Committee
Likely committee may recommend more oversight, not overturn system
Legislators were clear that citizen advocates had facts to present!
This committee will make a recommendation to the Coalition Committee to make contact with partners at the ABC Legislative Meetings.
This committee needs to make policy recommendations for change and stay focused.
Be cognizant of who we are talking to as others (lobbyists) represent different entities.
Stay action oriented! Policy discussions are necessary, but don’t need to be all consuming!
Beer Tax (off IOM report)
Prescription Drug Use/ misuse
Legalization of Marijuana
IOM and Micro Breweries – possible additional issues, per Deeanna
Micro Breweries
Jane Harrison requested talking points re this topic
Community Coalition needs to be able to talk with them
They are fearful of impact of our work re higher taxes
Research does not show tax will have negative impact on them
Rep. Insko and Senator Nesbitt requested of Phil Mooring information re one thing that we would prioritize and want funding for next year from the IOM Report.
Recommendation – Statewide Prevention Plan and Beer Tax increase.
Anne Hardison will prepare a report re prescription drug abuse.
Shawn encouraged everyone to read the IOM report and then have discussions regarding the one we would recommend as a committee, and the pros and cons.
We will refine the talking points Dylan develops re the Beer Tax.
Legalization of Marijuana – have a real research need.
What are pro arguments for the legalization?
What can be our counter arguments?
What is being said about it in/for NC and nationally?
Anne Hardison suggested our ECU Intern do this for the Committee (Tanya Paul).
Putting together a White Paper for the prescription drug policy.
Address the medical marijuana issue later – legalization is the issue right now.
Familiarize IOM Report, especially Executive Summary
Tanya Paul will put together brief on legalization of marijuana
Governor’s Institute re prescription drugs
Dylan – refining Beer Tax talking points, specifically micro breweries
Open Discussion
IOM and HC – Healthy Carolina 2020 Objectives for Substance Abuse
- reduce % of 30 day use ******
- reduce alcohol related crashes per capita
- reduce rate of any drug use for 12+
*****Underage drinking will be priority objective to come out of this.
Going out for public comment in May.
Anne Hardison will send information on to Shawn Arledge.
Youth see beer tax and control of ABC system as great needs, priorities.
Using talking points.
Dylan - Be thinking about talking points.
Aidil – Wants to know a number we are shooting for with beer tax ($.05/can)
People need a real life conversion number.
Legislators and citizens need a number that makes sense.
We must have consistency with the numbers we are sharing and using.
As soon as a legislator asks us, it is no longer lobbying.
We want them to come to us as the experts.
Our goal is a tax increase of $.10/can.
V.Next Meeting
Meetings will be held via the web/phone, but also in person around policy meetings.
Aidil’s group is always available on Wednesday afternoons.
3rd Wednesdays of the month at 3:00pm
May 18th and 19th – Underage Drinking Conference in Durham
Will coordinate next meeting around this date.
The next meeting will be held on May 19, 2010 at 3:00pm in Durham.
Kalen Perry’s article will be shared as a Letter to the Editor. She is a 9th grade student at Croatan High School in Carteret County and attended Aidil’s YES training last summer.
Shawn Arledge adjourned the meeting at 4:04pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tanya P. Roberts