August 2007Issue No. 231
SATURDAY 25th AUGUST at 3.30 pm
Everyone welcome to Anne & Bernard’s place at
Woodlands Cottage, Wapseys Lane, Hedgerley.
Food provided, just bring drinks.
Run starts at 3.30 pm
To secure your place at the above please phone 01753 888839
B.B.Q. Adults £5.00
Children £1.50 under 11
You don’t have to run, just come along to either marshal or
for the B.B.Q. and swim.
All Metros and friends are welcome to join us in this all day ride, both off road and on quiet lanes.
Meet: Entrance to Ruislip Woods, Kings College Road, Ruislip
(Where the Sunday & Thursday runs start)
At 9:45 for a 10:00am start
We stay together as a group - so lots of banter
Stops for coffee, lunch, afternoon refreshment and end of ride drink
Henry and Marilyn Tel: 01895 233778
Metros Diary
Sat4Measured Mile, RoxbournePark9.20 am
Sun19Burnham Half Marathon
Farnham Common (Trophy Race)10am
Mon20Mary’s last Monday night run8.15pm
Sun19Summer League, Hyde Park10am
Sat25Summer BBQ at the Leighs’3.30pm
Mon27Metros Cycle Ride
Sat15 mile handicap, RoxbournePark9am
Sun9Middx 10k Road Running
Championships, Victoria Park
Sat15Wot no Watch, RoxbournePark9.30 am
Sat 22Brian Jackson Fun Run Roxbourne8.45 am
Sun30Harrow Hill Race (Trophy Race)*
Sat610k Challenge, Roxbourne Park9am
(Later start is possible if you can finish by 10am)
Sat13 5 Mile Walk, RoxbournePark9am
(Later start is possible if you can finish by 10am)
Sun14Cabbage Patch 10 (Trophy Race)
Sun14Ridgeway Run(TARGET RACE)11am
Sat 20Wot no Watch, RoxbournePark9.30 am
Sat 27Beachy Head Marathon9am
Sun28Ricky 9 (Trophy Race)10.30am
* Volunteers are needed for marshalling and other duties at the Harrow Hill Race on Sunday 30 September. If you can help, please contact Ian Bocock on 020 8428 8365. or email him at
Membership Subscriptions
A reminder that subscriptions are due at the end of August.As agreed at the A.G.M., subscriptions for individual adult membership will be £15.00, family membership £30.00, which includes children under 18 years and individual junior membership (under 18 years) still £1.00.
If you have a standing order please remember to change the amount. If you don't have a standing order and would like to set one up,you can get a form from the Saturday morning or Tuesday evening session, or send me an e-mail and I can forward one to you.
Please pay promptly. Thank you.
01923 823001
Monday 20 August
Monday 20 August is the last evening that Mary Swindles will organise the run at 8.15pm from the width restriction in Headstone Lane, NorthHarrow.
Mary has led this run for 24 years, catering for all abilities. Many would not have taken up running at all if it hadn’t been for her session and her dedication in helping beginners find their running feet; improvers improve and good runners to enjoy an excellent run.
All present and past attendees are invited to come to this last session, together with any other runners who would also like to participate.
If this run is to continue on a weekly (or monthly? basis), a co-ordinator(s) is/are needed to volunteer. A reminder that it’s not necessary for a co-ordinator to attend every time but to ensure that there is a deputy when he/she/they cannot be there.
Any offers to help continue this excellent session to Ian Bocock please, tel: 020 8428 8365.
Pat Jackson
Saturday 22nd September, RoxbournePark from 8.45am
This is the longest established Metros event and the club evolved from this event. It was originally designed as a warm-up for the National Fun Run, but it soon became an event in its own right. It is named in honour of Brian Jackson, the founder of the event and, for many years the organiser.
Although this is a fun run, the course has been reasonably accurately measured and times will be recorded. The event will follow the same format as previous years and, as usual, it will incorporate the BJ Challenge, which is to run all three main races – a total distance of 10km.
Plaques, to be held for one year, will be awarded to the leading men and women in various age groups in the 4km event and in the BJ Challenge (aggregate time over all three races). There are also trophies (again to be held for a year) for the fastest man and woman and fastest 60+ man and woman over the 2km course. Indeed, anyone can run the 2km if they prefer that to the 4km. For those who prefer to walk the course, there is the “BJ Bus Pass Challenge” (2 km), which anyone can enter, to walk or to run and for which there are plaques for the leading 60+ man and woman for both those who walk and those who run.
Medals will be awarded to the first three boys and girls aged 8-10 and 11-14 yrs.
The Distances7 years & under = 500m. Under 11 = 2km. Over 11 = 4lkm
The SurfaceParkland (almost all grass)
The PlaceRoxbournePark, Cannon Lane South, Pinner
The Time8.45am Registration. Age as on race day
The Programme
9.15am 4kmLadies age groups 15-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55+ Girls, Boys 11-14
9.45am 4kmMens age groups 15-39, 40-49, 50+, 60+
10.15am2kmGirls, Boys 8-10 (over 10s are welcome to run as well as, or
instead of the 4km whether or not doing the BJ Challenge)
Followed by
500m 7 and under
2kmBusPass Challenge Walk
RefreshmentsIn the Scout Hall after the above events
PresentationsIn the Scout Hall as soon as possible after the events
Fee£1 – for one or two races, aged 18 or over on the day
£2 – BJ Challenge, aged 18 or over on the day
Free – Under 18s and BusPass Challenge
If you would like to know more, or would like to help, please contact
Pat Jackson on 020 8868 5683.
Measured Mile 5 May 2007Richard Francis / 5.23 / Ann Marsden / 8.37
Dave Young / 5.45 / Sashi Sivaku / 8.40
Andy Fox / 6.13 / Judith Essery / 8.42
James Francis / 6.23 / Michelle Whaler / 8.43
Mervyn Stuckey / 6.29 / Danielle Whaler / 8.45
Caroline Murray / 6.30 / Liz Newman / 8.59
Steve Poole / 6.39 / Elaenor Murray / 0.02
John Stratford / 6.52 / Marcella Chambers / 9.04
Mike Ransome / 6.53 / Ian Bocock / 9.20
Dave Brown / 6.58 / Kath Donaldson / 9.22
Jackie Cope / 7.09 / Penny Hudson / 9.30
Errol Clarke / 7.21 / Mark Sarrat / 9.32
Jane Hudson / 7.22 / Lauren Whaler / 10.55
Mike Billington / 7.30 / Ellen Speed / 10.58
Lesley Boatman / 7.35 / Bill Gardner + Linda Gaitskell / 11.49
Ceri Jacob / 8.01 / Jake Sarrat / 12.00
A very good turnout today for the Measured Mile with some impressive times. Congratulations to the winner, Richard Francis and also to James only 1 minute behind his Dad. Welcome to the mile to some new faces, we hope to see you at the next one in August with swifter times following the training you will get round to doing over the next three months! Angela and Teresa
Saturday 7th July
10K Challenge
Nigel Rackham36.0680.06% Gold
Dave Young43.3570.64%Gold
Jo Causer55.49Too young!!
Jackie Cope55.4962.72% Silver
Jane Hudson55.5859.7% Bronze
Whilst the 5 runners were speeding around the 10K route on foot I cycled half way around to see if would be feasible to organise a 5K challenge at the same time. Unfortunately it is 4.4Km from the scout hut gate to the gate by the railway track so it is not possible running the first stage on the same route as the 10K challenge. Another Saturday morning I will measure the distance going along Malvern Avenue instead, which runs parallel to Eastcote Lane. If that is no good it might be possible leaving the park by the Cannon Lane exit and running through Eastcote in the direction used for the 5 mile handicap. Watch this space!
Teresa Young
Chiltern Chase Multi Terrain 10K
Sunday 03/06/2007
Did I mention I don’t like 10Ks; in fact I would go so far as to say I hate them! “But” I hear you say dear reader, all we have read about these last few months is all the 10Ks you have run! In fact the only happy person in this whole sorry tale is John Stratford, who of course absolutely loves them! So why then, oh why did I decide to enter the Chiltern Chase? Well on paper it looked promising, out in the countryside, scenic views and best of all it wasn’t part of the Metro’s Trophy Challenge. Take my foot off the pedal, kick back and enjoy. Well of course it didn’t quite work out that way.
To go back to the beginning, the website ( is an excellent site and well worth a visit. The course map even has the facility to view pictures of various points on the route. I decided to enter online; this seemed after working through the process not to be the best idea. One typed in all of one’s personal details and then one was given an identifying number. This was then sent by snail mail with the payment?
Weeks passed by, Jackie Cope, Al Scoffham and John Stratford received their numbers; no sign of mine. I contacted the race organiser by email and some days later got a reply explaining that there had being a mix up with my details. Would I please send back my date of birth and running club. This I did. Still no sign of my number, unbeknown to myself my ISP (Tiscali) had gone down and was not delivering emails. Cut a long story short, it was all sorted out and arrived in good time, along with plenty of information on how to get to the venue. Pity I failed to take notice of this fact!
Come the day, we were blessed with glorious sunshine, a far cry from the week previous. So armed with a pair of sunglasses, Jan and the Mazda in topless mode (I tried the other way round but Jan wasn’t having any of it!) we headed down the M40. Being a bloke of course, I had checked the route the night before, and confident in its simplicity had neglected to take the Sat Nav and map. “It was Junction five we exit at?” was the question to my beloved. “I’m sure that’s what you said last night” was the reply. Good enough for me I thought, as we then embarked on a tour of the back roads of beyond. I don’t know what they drive around at night-time, but by the look of the dead badgers and deer, it’s not a place to be wandering around on foot. 20 Minutes later I was back at the motorway, trying to phone John to get some sort of directions. No reply from John, so things were looking bleak. It was then on Jan’s suggestion that I got the paperwork out from the boot of the car and there on the second page was a concise list of instructions on how to get to the event! Another 20 minutes of hard driving and we were being directed round a field to park the car, all in good time of course!
The race is situated in the charming village of Ewelme, with the local cricket green being put to good use as a start and finish point. John was spotted along with a gaggle of Metros. As time was short I quickly asked Jan to take a group photo.
I had hoped to get some water as by now it was very warm and I was feeling quite thirsty. No luck, we were called up onto the road by the race organizer, a spitting image of BBC’s Tim Wonnacott, resplendent with bow tie. However he did need a larger loud speaker as it was almost impossible to hear what he had to say. Everyone was in good form with the usual pre race banter.
John, David Girling, Al Scoffham and I set off together as the race started. The first few 100 yards were spent trying not to be tripped up; we followed the country lane which ascended in a gentle climb. Al soon made his move. Despite claiming illness and that he would be taking things steady, we could only watch in disbelief as he raced away into the distance. It was at this point I reminded anyone who would listen that we were here for the “fun” and not racing. The phrase “deaf ears” sprang to mind a couple of kilometres later as David asked me “if it was his imagination or had John speeded up?” John of course denied it, though as this was transmitted by a couple of fingers, I decided David was on to something. Sure enough as the route turned into a wood and the path became more redolent of Jacob’s ladder than a footpath I felt myself falling away from the other two.
At this point I decided to concentrate on the views rather than the need for speed. These were very pleasant and thoughtfully the race organizers had placed the occasional sign urging you to look up and enjoy them. Though I did think the one pointing out Didcot power station was perhaps taking things to the extreme! The area is famed for the Red Kite which was re-introduced by the RSPB in 1989. Though I spied a number of birds hovering on thermals over the fields I couldn’t be sure if they were Red Kites or not. We had already passed one drinks station, and a second was gratefully reached. I took two cups and slowed to a walk to drink them. Re-starting I felt better and settled into a comfortable stride for the remaining few Ks. We dropped down from the dizzy heights and once more entered civilisation. This consisted of a few farm houses and a pig farm! Entering Ewelme I tried to push on for the last few 100 yards. No luck, more like going backwards. The green was thankfully reached and the finish line crossed. We received our medal and a rather fetching mini pot of “ROWSE” blossom honey (race sponsors)
Plenty of water was on hand, which made a nice change from previous events. John was waiting to offer his congratulations, and we made our way over to Jan who was comfortably settled in a quite corner, intent on her latest “Patricia Cornwell”. We were joined by Dave and Jackie, and were soon swapping tales of our experiences. On the whole they were of a positive note, and would recommend the race to anyone who wishes to give it a go next year.
We made our way back to the car, which was up yet another hill! Driving back along the country lanes we had the thrill of seeing a Red Kite, swoop down only yards from the car. Now I know what all those road kill victims’ are good for!
David Swan
Dulwich - 3 June 2007
MEN 10km Time Cat Points Bonus Total
Points Points
4Richard Francis38.123297 10307
18Kevin Smart43.07328310293
29Terry Burke45.49527220292
41John Gorton50.50426015275
43Errol Clarke51.262258 5263
50Dave Brown55.125251 20271
59Ian Bocock66.44524220262
9Caroline Murray46.331292 0292
25Jo Causer50.551276 0276
6James Francis Y6 9510105
Ealing - 1 July 2007
MEN 5 miles Time Cat Points Bonus Total
6Richard Francis29.533295 10305
12Mark Speight32.48 Y2
21Andy Fox34.192281 5286
36Terry Burke36.43526720287
42Dennis Speight40.10326110271
50Jason Bowles42.321253 0253
59Ian Bocock51.18524420264
LADIES5 miles
22Jackie Bowles39.411279 0279
23Gertrud Porter39.46527820298
29Ann Lavers42.182272 5277
34Marion Rogan43.33526720287
2Mark SpeightY2 99 2101
6Dominic SpeightY5 95 8103
7James FrancisY6 9410104
Richard FrancisJames Francis
Errol ClarkeDominic Speight
Jason BowlesTerry Burke
Dennis SpeightAnn Lavers
Mark SpeightJackie Bowles
Andy FoxGertrud Porter
5th out of 5 teams1st out of 3 teams
Regent’s Park - 15 July 2007
MEN 10km Time Cat Points Bonus Total
3Richard Francis37.033295 10305
41Errol Clarke51.24 2 5
51Dave Brown53.11528120286
52Jason Bowles53.131253 0253
63Ian Bocock65.11524420264
10Caroline Murray45.031279 0279
24Jackie Bowles51.051278 0298
37Ann Lavers2272 5277
3James FrancisY6 9410104
6Eleanor MurrayY8 9514109
Jackie Bowles1m 31sRichard Francis1m 24s
Ann Lavers1m 44sErrol Clarke1m 26s
Eleanor Murray1m 57sIan Bocock1m 53s
Caroline Murray1m 31sJason Bowles1m 43s
Dave Brown1m 55sJames Francis1m 29s
4th out of 5 teams6m 43s5th out of 5 teams9m50s
Relays timed by Dave Brown
The fourth and final fixture this season will be at on Sunday 19 August.
at Hyde Park. The 10k run will start at 10.00 am.
Pat Jackson 020 8868 5683
Dulwich Result / Men / Women / Relays / Tendrft / Total1 / DulwichPark / 2,242 / 1,460 / 360 / 648 / 4,710
2 / Serpentine / 2,377 / 1,504 / 343 / 419 / 4,643
3 / Ealing / 2,300 / 1,195 / 392 / 534 / 4,421
4 / Sudbury Court / 2,206 / 550 / 173 / 107 / 3,036
5 / Metros / 1,963 / 568 / 0 / 105 / 2,636
6 / Mornington Chasers / 1,127 / 1,404 / 0 / 0 / 2,531
7 / Victoria Park / 287 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 287
Ealing Result
1 / Ealing / 2,378 / 1,505 / 453 / 531 / 4,867
2 / DulwichPark / 2,212 / 1,450 / 480 / 521 / 4,663
3 / Serpentine / 2,325 / 1,475 / 290 / 0 / 4,090
4 / Sudbury Court / 2,198 / 831 / 324 / 309 / 3,662
5 / Metros / 1,927 / 1,146 / 271 / 308 / 3,652
6 / Mornington Chasers / 271 / 1,401 / 52 / 108 / 1,832
7 / Victoria Park / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
RegentsPark Result
1 Ealing / 2,340 / 1,517 / 723 / 324 / 4,904
2 Serpentine / 2,373 / 1,472 / 509 / 313 / 4,667
3 DulwichPark / 2,101 / 1,437 / 464 / 655 / 4,657
4 Mornington Chasers / 2,313 / 1,462 / 325 / 112 / 4,212
5 Metros / 1,342 / 837 / 401 / 217 / 2,797
6 Sudbury Court / 1,638 / 541 / 102 / 203 / 2,484
7 Victoria Park / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
1 Ealing / 7,018 / 4,217 / 1,568 / 1,389 / 14,192
2 DulwichPark / 6,555 / 4,347 / 1,304 / 1,824 / 14,030
3 Serpentine / 7,075 / 4,451 / 1,142 / 732 / 13,400
4 Sudbury Court / 6,042 / 1,922 / 599 / 619 / 9,182
5 Metros / 5,232 / 2,546 / 654 / 630 / 9,062
6 Mornington Chasers / 3,711 / 4,267 / 377 / 220 / 8,575
7 / Victoria Park / 287 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 287
Forty Years Ago
For sometime Barbara Robson has been trying to persuade me to write something for ‘Metrolines’. For some reason she thinks that I should have many interesting tales to tell about my experiences of running. I keep on telling her that I am a boring old coger who, unlike one of our running club who has a journalistic background, cannot write decent English. However, I suddenly realized that it was coming up to the 40th anniversary of a particular race I took part in; a sort of Ruby celebration if you like. So here I go and don’t forget to Barbara’s involvement.
The 28th August 1967 dawned and you are wondering why this should be so significant. Was it because it was Bank Holiday Monday or perhaps as it was my 24th birthday? Was it because it was a particularly nice day? In truth it was none of these, although I was pleased to have a day off work and celebrate another anniversary. And I can’t remember what the weather was like except that it didn’t rain and it wasn’t too hot.
So why was this a red-letter day? It was because I was running in the Emsley Carr Mile at the WhiteCity that afternoon. The younger ones among you might ask, what is the Emsley Carr Mile? I don’t know too much of it’s history except I believe it started in the 1950’s, was generally won in under 4 minutes and was the most important mile race in the U.K. at that time, which, of course, was before we went metric. It is still run every year at one of the big televised meetings, but which one, I don’t know!
Anyway back to 1967. As you can imagine I was very proud and excited to have been picked to run against the best British milers of the time and, the star of the show, Kip Keino. You may know that he won the 1500 metres title at the ’68 Olympics, beating the favourite and world record holder, Jim Ryan of the USA. At that time my best time for the mile was 4mins 2.1sec which I had run when finishing 3rd (yes 3rd) in the Midland Championships behind John Boulter who was our number one 880yds runner and Dick Taylor, who was the best British 3 miler. I had also run 4mins 2.6secs on another occasion but can’t remember when that was!
So I thought that this was going to be the day I finally broke 4 minutes for the mile. I knew that I had to do the first lap in about 59secs and try and hold that pace as long as I could. Going much faster and I would blow up and much slower, I wouldn’t have the strength to pull it back. Remember that this was in the days of cinder tracks and inch long spikes and the WhiteCity was not known as a fast track.