Attendees: Ivan Colten, Allie Whittingham, Carla Thompson, Darren Krotz, Brant Watson, Mike Reid, Bernie Kennedy, Pete Stefano, Chris Geddes, Bobby-Jo Hekob, Jeff Fancy

Call to order at 7:04pm

No additions or amendments to the agenda.

Approve minutes from October 3rd 2016

1st- Allie


Approve minutes from November 28th 2016

1st- Ivan


Old Business

Regional Program-

Mike Reid will help draft a letter to all associations and their board with key notes about program.

Mike feels our competitive program is in trouble for playing high level hockey next season and would like to get the word out to other associations that we are being considered for a pilot regional program for Bantam and Midget.

Mike also asked if his team could be excused from the Playoff tournament in March. His reasons were that they are not competitive and would upset the balance of fair play in the tourney and it would serve his team no purpose to play in it. Allie will ask the SCAHL president if this is an option but feels it will affect our good standing next year with the SCAHL.

Mike has a handout of what he has projected for competitive players next year and has been in talks with Barry Petrechenko at BC Hockey and will update us on what he finds out. Regarding the Midget Pilot program.

  • Novice Cross Ice Update

-Kinsmen is good to use as it is modified size. Memorial and WFP require ¾ ice usage and one official. There is a way to move Novice players up to atom. There is a process and it requires board approval. Tourney in March will be in Kinsmen and WFP or Mem.

  • Bernie- House Meeting, Bernie and Bobby-Jo will draft/send an email to the membership inviting everyone out
  • Bruce Clark has continued Social Media abuse.

Motion to remove Bruce Clark and Susan Pel from the association via legal correspondence from a lawyer.

1st – Allie

2nd- Brant


  • Dragons: Can we play atom house teams YES



Carla Thompson: As of AGM Carla will no longer be the treasurer. Thank you Carla for all of your efforts and the time you put in to keep us on track!


Kootenay Savings would like to sponsor when an opportunity comes up.

Meeting adjourned 8:44

1st Jeff

2nd Brant