Reporting Forms are due one year from the date your organization received funding. No further grant requests will be considered until this report has been completed and returned. (See Grant Guidelines for more details).
This form is to be completed for Program/Project or General Operating grant awards.
Name of organization: ______
Dates covered by this grant: from to
Executive Director:
Phone and email:
Contact person/title/phone/email: (If different from Executive Director)
Mailing Address:
Project/Program Name: (If applicable)
Amount of Grant:
Purpose of Grant:
Have there been any changes to your organization’s IRS 501(c) (3) not-for-profit status since you were
awarded this grant? If yes, explain: ______
I hereby certify that the above and attached statements are true and accurate.
Signature of staff person directly implementing project/program Date
Signature of Executive Director or Authorized Board Officer Date
I. NARRATIVE (maximum of 3 pages, exclusive of attachments)
A. Impact.
1. Target Population
a. Provide total numbers and demographics served.
b. Specify numbers and percentages of Routt County youth with multiple risk factors, youth with special needs
and/or youth who experience socio-economic marginalization that were served.
c. Did the program serve the intended population? If not, explain.
d. How do you assess the direct needs of youth and families? Explain your methods.
2. Issues and Goals
a. Restate the goals as set forth in the organization’s grant application.
b. Describe the progress made toward the stated goals that address these issues.
3. Activities
a. Were the program activities executed as planned? If not, explain.
4. Evaluation
a. Report on the success of achieving each outcome or the progress made towards each outcome. Describe the evaluation process and use, as much as possible, evidence inferred information to support progress made towards reaching outcomes.
b. Attach any and all relevant evaluation reports.
c. Provide meaningful anecdotal information of success such as testimonials or unsolicited letters of support.
B. Collaborations
1. Describe any significant collaborative efforts that occurred during the grant implementation.
C. Sustainability
1. What are the plans for sustaining or expanding the program? Also, discuss any general lessons learned and
how changes will be made based upon these realizations.
2. In addition to providing YAP funding, what are some other concrete ways the CSFF could help your
organization achieve success?
D. Attachments
1. Evaluation reports for funded program, if available. Include any internal and/or external evaluation analysis
reports that pertain to the program, if available.
2. Include a logic model if it was utilized. This is not mandatory.
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